
Terms for subject Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal containing on | all forms | exact matches only
a building abutting on the road临街的一座建筑物
a section free of objects on only one side只有一面临空的地段
accelerating year-on-year increase逐年加速增长
action of shock waves on human bodies冲击波对人体的作用
All the family members depend only on the meager salary earned by the father for a living家人仅靠父亲挣来的微薄的工资过活
An ongoing need to reduce costs, and an increasing emphasis on the health and safety of mineworkers,together with the growing influence of technically skilled graduates resulted in increased attention being paid to explosives technologies during the late eighties and early nineties of the previous century由于有降低成本的需要、重视矿工的健康和安全的问题以及随着毕业生技术水平的日渐提高、导致我们在20世纪的80年代末和90年代初越来越关注炸药技术的应用
blast hole on the bias偏斜炮孔
burden line on the toe of a hole炮孔底部抵抗线
burden on the toe of a hole炮孔底部负载
bursting-on impact落地爆炸
China is bounded by the Pacific on the east中国东邻太平洋
Cold blasts on the sea whistle clockwise刺骨的海风昼夜呼啸
computerized control on drilling equipment微机控制钻孔设备
Concerns around the destructive effects on the integrity of excavations progressively increased人们日益担心的是爆破对所采矿物的完整性造成破坏效果
Current blast fragmentation models tend to focus on the coarse end of the fragmentation curve because of the impact of poor fragmentation on excavation performance, and hence excavation costs由于岩石破碎不理想、影响到开采计划的实施、进而影响到开采成本、常用的爆破破碎模型只能对破碎曲线进行粗略分析
damage effect of a blast on the rock mass―次爆破对岩体的破坏效果
dependence of fragmentation on delay interval岩石破碎程度对迟发间隔的依赖性
dependence of launch angles and velocities on blast design发射角和发射速度取决于爆破设计
drilling blasting on floating platforms水上作业平台钻孔爆破采用这种方法进行岩石的钻爆作业,需要有专门的设备。一般使用活动平台,它靠能伸展到水底的立柱支撑在水面上。在平台上进行钻孔和装药作业。在平台上,正常情况下可装配几部冲击型钻机或回转型钻机,它们可以在4个方向上沿轨道移动,机动性能较高
drilling blasting on piled stone堆石钻孔爆破在水不太深的地方,可在爆破体上堆石,然后通过堆石钻孔装药,这在经济上是有利的
drilling on the blast site爆破现场钻孔
dynamic on-screen visualization of the progression of a blast爆破进展情况动态屏幕可视化
effect of powder factor and timing on the impact breakage of rocks火药系数与定时对岩石冲击破碎的影响
effect of rock structure characteristics on blasting results岩石结构特点对爆破效果的影响
effects of cast blasting on dragline operations抛掷爆破对装铲工序的影响
Electricity consumption on large coal mines may be reduced through improved throw blasting, requiring less overburden movement by the draglines改进后抛掷爆破法可减少大煤矿的电力消耗、且不需要索斗铲进行大量的剥离运动
energy on wave crest波峰能
equipment on the blast site爆破现场设备
Even considering the uncertainties in determining a correct equation of state for the reaction products, the expansion work is one of the most realistic measures of explosive power as it approximates the amount of work the gaseous products of the explosion can do on the rock surrounding the charge as they expand from the initial detonation conditions to atmospheric conditions即便考虑到确定爆后产物的正确状态方程时有诸多不定因素、膨胀功却是衡量爆炸威力的最为现实的因素之一、因为在爆炸后的气体物质由初始爆轰状态向大气状态膨胀时、膨胀功接近爆炸后的气体物质对药包周边的岩石所做的功
factors affecting drill operation on the blast site爆破现场影响钻孔施工的因素
five minutes' duration of blast on the siren鸣笛长达五分钟
formal or informal on-the-job training正式或非正式在职培训
formula based on filled water volume注水容积法药量公式装药量Q = CV。式中”为注水容积,m³;C为容积装药系数,对钢筋混凝土容器,即C = 0. 06 formula 0. lkg/m³,对混凝土容器,取C = 0.05 formula0.07kg/m³
formula based on needed impulse冲量准则药量公式按冲量破坏标准导出的药量计算经验公式
Global wanning is increasingly becoming a major environmental pressure on the mining industry, in particular the coal sector全球变暖正日益成为对采矿业的重大环境压力、对采煤尤其是如此
Good crops are dependent to a great extent on weather庄稼长势好坏很大程度上取决于天气
Groups of deer bound across this brook every day on their way of southward migration每天成群结队的鹿在向南迁徙的途中跳过这条小溪
He bounded to fame by relying on the invention of an explosive他靠发明一种炸药而一举成名
He dares to think,to speak and to act on behalf of a healthy tendency in society为了社会正气、他敢想、敢说、敢做
He gave the robber a heavy blow on the bead他照强盗头上狠打一下
However, under actual detonation conditions the hot CH₄ is likely to combust on contact with atmospheric oxygen provided it is above the lower flammability limit然而、在实际爆轰条件下、热甲烷只要高于较低的可燃界限、一旦与大气的氧接触就会燃烧
In the presence of multicollinearity,redundancy of the independent variables exists, which can lead to erroneous effects by the independent variables on the dependent variable. The existence of multicollinearity can be checked from a calculation of the variance inflation factor VIF of the independent variables在有多重共线性的情况下、就会出现多余的自变量、这样会使自变量对应变量产生错误影响。多重共线性是否存在、可以通过对自变量的方差膨胀因子的计算来检验
In this regard, recommendations are made to adopt an initial standard approach based on total carbon content, avoiding limitations and artifacts of ideal detonation codes建议采用以总的碳含量为基础的初始标准法、以避免理想爆轰法规的局限性和人为条例
In this regard, recommendations are made to adopt an initial standard approach based on total carbon content, avoiding limitations and artifacts of ideal detonation codes关于此事在这方面
Included here are a number of measures to mitigate the adverse environmental effects of underwater blasting on marine creatures这里包括减轻水下爆破对海洋生物的负面影响所采取的亠些措施
influence of air drag on fragment trajectories空气阻力对碎片抛射轨迹的影响
International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting国际爆破破岩学术会议
Japan bounds on four sides by the sea日本四面临海
knock-on effect撞击效应
lay the issue out on the table把问题摆到桌面上来
Leave the battery on charge all night给电池充一夜电
Let's decide on the data to hold a meeting咱们确定一下开会的日期吧
limitation on delay intervals延时间隔限制
longwall mining on the strike走向长壁采煤法长壁工作面沿走向推进的采煤方法
longwalling on the strike走向长壁采煤法长壁工作面沿走向推进的采煤方法
make a sudden charge on their right wing突击其右翼
More recent focus has been provided on the finer end of the fragmentation curve to explore the potential of blasting to influence the subsequent crushing and nulling performance of metalliferous ores近来、人们把研究的重点大多放在破碎曲线的细端、以探索爆破的潜力、因为爆破的结果会影响到含金属矿石随后的粉碎和加工制造过程
My colleague accepted the benefit subsidy on my behalf when I was absent昨天我不在、有个同事代我领福利津贴
My parents undertook yesterday to give me a present on the Christmas Day父母昨天答应圣诞节送给我一个礼物
negative effects of engineering blasting on the environment and ecology工程爆破对环境与生态的负面影响
New abatement technologies based on various catalyst systems have been developed to drastically reduce overall GHG emissions of explosive manufacturers针对不同催化剂系统的减量新技术已经开发出来,以大规模减少炸药厂家温室气体的总体排放
Nitroglycerin explodes on impact硝化甘油一碰就炸
on a three-shift basis三班轮换
on behalf of作为•••的代表 (on sb's behalf)
on behalf of on sb's behalf为了…的利益
on chance in a million可能性极小
on chance in a million百万分之一的机会
on-dimensional consolidation单向固结仅发生在一个方向的渗透固结
on-dimensional consolidation一维固结
on-dimensional detonation一维爆轰
on-dimensional numerical calculation一维数值计算
on-dimensional plane symmetry一维平面对称
on-dimensional scalar wave equation一维标量波动方程
on-dimensional wave dynamics一维波动力学
on hundred 100 ms firing current百毫秒发火电流电雷管对应于通电时间为100ms 的最小发火电流
on-man operation单人操作
on num一个
on num
on-pass operation单程操作
on-piece structure整体结构
on-screen display屏幕显示系统也叫屏幕视控系统,用来调整屏幕
on-shaft orientation一井定向通过一个立井进行的平面联系测量
on-shot exploder单发起爆器
on-shot modeling一次爆破成型
on-side welding单面焊
on-site mixing and charging现场炸药混配与装药
on-site mixing explosive现场混配的炸药
on the board在计划中
on the board在商议中
on-the-job research现场研究
on-variable-at-a-time experiment approach ―次一个变量的实验方法
Paying taxes is a charge on all citizens纳税是所有国民应付款项
percentage strength markings on explosives炸药威力百分比标号
potential impacts of underwater blasting on marine life水下爆破对海洋生物的潜在影响
prill's affinity of moisture on its surface粒状炸药对其表面水分的亲和性
Proper breakage and control of muckpile shape and flyrock are dependent on accurate blast timing破岩是否得当、是否能控制爆堆形状和飞石,取决于精确爆破定时
Real-time data from a predictive meteorological model and sounding equipment is input to an atmospheric refraction model that enables the effect of meteorology on airblast levels in the area surrounding the blast site to be evaluated从预测大气模型和测声设备中获得的数据输人到大气折射模型、从而能评价气象对爆炸现场周边区域内的冲击波能级的影响
realtime system for the prediction and evaluation of the effect of meteorology on airblast levels预测和评价气象对暴风能级影响的实时系统
resistance on curve转弯阻力
rock mass reaction on the shock wave岩体对冲击波的反应
scientific outlook on development科学发展观
set the Thames on fire有惊人之举
She appears on her wedding ceremony, her eyes explode-ding with delight她岀席自己的婚庆、灰色的两眼流露岀喜悦的光芒
shooting on the free双自由面爆破
spacing determined by experience and trial, and again depends on the drill hole diameter确定炮孔间距一是靠经验和试验、二是由钻孔直径来定
stationary point on a curve曲线的稳定点
stress gradient effects on fracture around cavities应力梯度对空穴周围裂缝的影响
surface add-on delay表面附加延迟
Teachers in mountainous areas have to live on insignificant salaries山区教师只能靠微薄的薪水过活
The accuracy of the assessment depends on both the accuracy of the meteorological data, and the accuracy of the assessment model used评估是否准确、取决于气象资料和所用的评价模型是否精确
The actual make-up of detonation gases emitted on mines cannot be accurately determined and this means that potentially powerful GHGs like CH₄ cannot be quantified with any certainty采矿时喷发的爆炸气体实际成分没法准确定论、这就是说、像甲烷这种有严重潜在危害的温室气体没法准确量化
The blasting effect depends to a great extent on the type and amount of both explosives and stemming爆破效果在很大程度上取决于炸药的类型和数量以及炮泥的类型和数量
The blasting industry has had to rely on empirical approaches in the absence of a proven mechanistic fragmentation model因为缺乏成熟的机械破碎模型、爆破行业只好依赖经验方法
The depth of burial of the charges is not only a primary factor in determining the intensity of the air pressures, but it also has an effect on the frequency and duration of the pulses药包埋深不仅是决定空气压力强度的主要因素、而且对脉冲频率及持续时间也有影响
The gas composition is strongly dependent on many factors such as actual field detonation conditions, rock type,hole diameter,water presence,product homogeneity in the hole气体的形成在很大程度上取决于诸多因素、如现场实际爆轰条件、岩石类型、炮孔直径、有没有水以及炸药在炮孔中是否均匀等
The gunfire on the battleground blew his legs off战场上、炮火炸掉了他的双腿
The loading ratio or amount of explosive required per volume of rock to be broken, depends on the type of rock,the depth of the hole,and the explosive to be used装药比、即单位体积的岩石爆破所需的炸药量、根据岩石的类型、炮孔的深度及所用的炸药而定
The magnitude of each of these emissions is dependent on the specific process at each stage, with large variations possible每一次气体释放的量级取决于每一阶段的具体过程、但可能有大的变化
The major causes of flyrock are inadequate burden, inadequate stemming length, drilling inaccuracy, excessive powder factor,unfavorable geological conditions open joints, weak seams and cavities, inappropriate delay timing and sequence, inaccuracy of delays, back break and loose rock on top of the bench飞石产生的主要原因包括抵抗线不足、炮泥长度不够、钻孔不精确、单位炸药消耗量过多、地质条件不利露天节理、矿层不稳固和空穴、延时定时和序列不当、延时不精确、发生反向爆破、以及台阶上部岩石松散等
The measured atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide show an inexorable and accelerating year-on-year increase arising from greenhouse gases emissions通过测量得知、由于温室气体的排放、大气二氧化碳浓度正在不容置疑地逐年加速增加
The paper on the desk blew away书桌上的纸刮走了
The type and adequacy of the stemming material used and the management of progressive relief during detonation have a strong influence on the amount of material thrown into the air and hence the proportion of dust likely to be emit ted from a blast爆破中所用的炮泥类型和分量以及对阶梯地形的处理、会大大地影响抛向空中的物质的多寡、因此也大大地影响一次爆破中可能喷出的飞尘比例
There is no simple way, however, to take into account the interactions resulting from subtle differences in the characteristics of the explosives the blaster had at his disposal, the physical characteristics of specific rock types or geological formations, or the effect of the changes in timing of the initiation sequence on his blast然而、爆破所用炸药的特性、岩石类型或地质构造的物理特性或爆破定时起爆顺序及由于这些因素的微妙差别所产生的相互影响均要考虑
These dictionaries belong on that shelf这些字典是那个书架上的
They have successfully adopted ultrasonic technology to drive away fish, which effectively avoided the impact of blasting on such valuable fish and other aquatic organisms, thus reflecting the harmony of engineering construction and ecological protection他们成功地采用了超声波技术把鱼赶走、有效避免爆破对珍贵鱼类和其他水生物的不利影响、因而体现了工程建设与生态保护的和谐
This organization has rendered many valuable services on the behalf of the disabled本组织为残疾人做了很多有价值的事情
This study is restricted to the two types of rock so that the variations in rock mass properties are minimized and the influence of blast design parameters stemming, burden and specific charge on fly rock distance could be analyzed本研究针对两种岩石、以便将岩体特性的变化趋于最小、并能分析爆破设计参数如炮泥、抵抗线和单位炸药消耗等的影响
truck for both mixing and charging of the explosive on site炸药现场混装车可以在爆破现场混合和装载炸药的汽车
turning point on a curve曲线转折点
Upstream raw material supply and ammonium nitrate manufacture are considered, together with the end-use of explosives on mine sites上游原材料供应和硝酸铵生产、以及炸药在矿区的最终用途、是考虑的内容
vibration effects on buried pipelines and utilities地下管路和设备的振动效应
vibration effects on concrete对混凝土振动影响
vibration effects on historic structures对古建筑的振动影响
vibration effects on underground mines and tunnels对地下矿山和隧道的振动影响
vibration effects on water wells对水井的振动影响
You have done much on my behalf你为我做了很多事情