
Terms for subject Logistics containing on | all forms | exact matches only
agency on long term basis长期代理
agency on short term basis短期代理
agency on trip basis航次代理
aircraft on ground停飞飞机
as on board在船上
bunkers on delivery〔租船合同〕交船时存油
bunkers on redelivery〔租船合同〕还船时存油
cargo on deck甲板舱面
cash on bank代收货款
clean on board Bill of Lading清洁已装船提单
clip on unit集装箱夹子
comm on carrier公共承运人
comm on sense常识
comm on stock普通股
Container on Flat Car集装箱平板车
container on flatcar平底集装箱
courier on board专人派送
days on demurrage延滞日数
days on hand存货天数
do not stow on top勿放顶上
facilities for lift-on吊上吊下设备
free on board在指定的运输码头船上交货价 (named port of shipment)
Free on Board离岸价格包括理舱平舱费用在内
free on board clause providing for additional duties to the sellers由卖方代为租船、订或投保的启运地船上交货价
free on board per a由 × × 船装运的船上交货价
free on board truck卡车交货价
free on carriage paid to运费付至某地
Free On Lorry卡车车板交货
free on rail铁路交货价格
Free On Rail铁路车板交货
Free On Train铁路车板交货
free on truck卡车上交货
Free On Truck卡车车板交货
Garment on Hanger挂衣箱
holds on delivery交船时货舱情况
holds on redelivery还船时货舱情况
inspection certificate on damage cargo货物残损检验证书
inspection certificate on performance tests of packing包装性能检验证书
inspection certificate on performance tests of packing container for export dangerous goods出口危险货物包装容器性能检验证书危包证
lien on cargo对货物的留置权
lift on-lift off freighter吊装船
Lift-on Lift-off吊上吊下
No Risk to Attach Till On Rail直到装上火车时没有风险
on arrival of vessel货物船舶到达租船用语, 指船舶到达的一种条件
on board已登机
on deck bill of lading舱面交货提单
on deck Bill of Lading舱面货甲板货提单
on-line transaction processing在线交易处理
on order stock在订库存
on shipped Bill of Lading已装船提单
on-site on the spot inspection现场检验
on-the-spot record现场记录
Paid On Delivery货到付款
paid on delivery交货时付讫
Payment On Delivery货到付款
pilot on board船上引航员
refuse on delivery拒收货物
Remaining On Board船上剩余的油水
report on exception of cargo discharge卸货事故报告
roll-on roll-off滚上滚下
tier on weight重量等级
trailer on flat car平板车
Vehicle On Wheel可驾驶车辆
Year on Year growth rate年增长率