
Terms for subject Commerce containing on | all forms | exact matches only
accounting return on investment投资账面报酬
accrued interest on bond应计债券利息
act on one's own discretion相机处置
act on one's own discretion由某人相机处理
add on 5% service charge附加5%服务费
advance NZ $100 on his salary预支薪金100新西兰元
advance on construction预付施工款
advance on indent预收国外定货款
advance on promissory notes期票信贷
advance on subscription认购证券预付款
advance on the cost of living生活费用上涨
advances on commission预支佣金
advise us on technical improvements向我们提岀关于技术改进的建议
advise with us on technical improvements与我们商量有关技术改进的问题
adviser on trade affairs of the government政府贸易事务顾问
advisory board on claims索赔咨询委员会
advisory committee on budget预算咨询委员会
Advisory Committee on Trade Negotiation美国贸易谈判咨询委员会
All agreed on the terms大家都同意这些条款
allow a commission of 5 percent on sales付给5%销售佣金
allow 10% discount on the price of the goods同意货价打10%折扣
allowance on sales销售折让
amount of funds on deposit资金存额
an advance on the cost of production生产成本上涨
an expenditure of US $100,000 on replacement设备更新经费100,000美元
article bought on credit赊购品
As a concession to the public outcry, the Government reduced the tax on petrol政府对大众强烈反对作岀让步,降低了汽油税
As agreed, we have covered insurance on these goods for 10% over the invoice value against all risks如所约定,我方已将这一批货物按发票金额加成10%投保综合险
attach price tags on each article在每件商品上贴价格标签
balance on hand账目中借方超过贷方数
bargain on spot即付交易 (与期货交易(bargain on term) 相对)
be absent on a business tour外出做商业旅行
be accustomed to selling on CIF basis习惯于 CIF 价格条件出售货物
be obliged to tender shipped on board clean bills of lading有义务提交已装船的清洁提单
be on coupons是实行配给的
be on coupons实行配给
be on the market被供应着
be payable on presentation提示照付
be unaccustomed to selling on collection basis不习惯于用托收方式岀售货物
blockade on technology技术封锁
bonus on stocks股票分红
borrow money on security抵押借款
borrower's liabilities on account of guaranty担保债务
bounty on exportation出口补贴 (与进口补贴 (bounty on importation) 相对)
Business is conducted on a commission basis业务以委托代办方式进行
buy it on account赊账
buy on speculation投机买入
buy the goods on the recommendation of an agent因代理人推荐而购买此货
calculation on the latest statistics据最新统计数字计算
call money on call活期借款
call money on call短期放款
call money on call通知放款
call money on call流动资金
capitalize on assets充分利用资产
capitalize on the errors of a rival firm利用竞争对方公司的错误而获利
car on hire供岀租汽车
cargo on pallets托盘货
carry on a retail business经营零售业务
carry on commerce with a country与某国通商
carry on retail business经营零售生意
carry on wholesale business经营批发生意
Cars of all makes are on display各式各样的汽车在展出
cash on arrival货到即付
cash on deposit现金存款
cash on receipt of merchandise货到付现
Catalogs are available on request目录本承索即寄
clean on board B/L清洁已装船提单
close down on drug traffic禁止贩毒
close on to 1,000 M/T差不多1,000公吨
Code on Subsidies and Countervailing Duties补贴与反补贴准则
collision on highway高速公路碰撞
come to an arrangement with sb. on sole agency与某人达成独家代理协议
commission Commission on International Commodity Trade国际商品交易委员会
commission on insurance保险佣金
Commission on International Commodity Trade国际商会贸易委员会
commission on orders订货佣金
Committee on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises国际投资及跨国企业委员会
Committee on International Ocean Affairs国际海事委员会
Committee on Invisibles and Financing related to Trade无形贸易及贷款委员会
Committee on Preference特惠委员会联合国贸易与发展会议
Committee on the Transport of Dangerous Goods联合国危险货物运输委员会
Committee on Transfer of Technology联合国贸易与发展会议技术转让委员会
Competitors are offering a 5% rebate on their prices竞争对手在价格上打百分之五的折扣
conclude on sight L/C basis以即期信用证付款方式成交
consult an authority on the subject就该问题向权威专家请教
consult with an authority on the subject就该问题与专家协商
consultancy on business management企业管理咨询
container-on-flat car集装箱铁路平板车
containers-on-flat car铁路集装箱平车
Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sales of Goods国际货物买卖时效公约
Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards联合国承认和执行外国仲裁裁决公约
Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States解决国家间与各国国民间投资争执公约
corner on the cotton market垄断棉花市场
Council on Environmental Quality环境质量委员会
currency on account记账货币
data on civil engineering土木工程资料
days of average inventory on hand平均库存天数
days on demurrage滞留日期 (用于定程租船契约 (voyage charter party))
deal on credit作赊购交易
debt on bond借据
Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order建立新的国际经济秩序宣言 (1974年4月至 5. 月联合国大会第六届特别会议通过两个文件之一,另一文件为 Programme of Action 行动纲领)
default on bonds债券清偿的拖欠
delivery on consignment交付托销
delivery on field当地交货
depart on a voyage启航
Don't waste money on trash不要浪费钱财去买无用之物
draft on demand银行汇票
Drafts drawn in compliance with L/C shall be honoured on presentation依照信用证所开具的汇票应见票即付
draw a check on New York Bank开一张纽约银行支票
draw a clean draft on the customer for the value of samples开立光票向客户收取样品费
draw a draft on the buyer for the balance of £ Stg 500开立汇票向买方收取余款500英镑
dues on the cargo货物捐税
duty on imports进口商品税
earnest money on contract缔约保证金
earnings on invested capital投入资本收益
effect insurance on the cargo将货物办理保险
embargo on the export of gold禁止黄金岀口
Enquiries are on the decrease询盘日少
establish a corner on in cotton垄断棉花
exert pressure on our country对我国施加压力
expenditure on commodity商品支岀
export on consignment寄售岀口
fee on use of funds资金占用费
file a claim on the shipment for CNY 5,000 on account of short weight因此次发货短量提出索赔人民币5,000元
finished goods on consignment托销制成品
follow-on schemes后续计划
free on airport飞机场交货价格
free on board启运港船上交货价格
free on board船上交货价格 (但在美国 F.O.B. 不仅用于船舶,而且用于火车、飞机、卡车等运输工具,故美国离岸价格应为 F. O. B. vessel)
free on board in harbour起运港船上交货价格
free on board quay码头上交货价格
free on board stowed and trimmed理舱费及平舱费包括在内的船上交货价格
free on plane飞机上交货价 (F.O. P.)
free on plane飞机上交货价格
free on ship船上交货价格 (steamer)
free on wagon货车上交货价格
free time allowed on the dock码头免费使用期
Freight is to be calculated on measurement tonnage not on weight or value运费必须按尺码吨而不是按重量或价值计算
gains on bond retirement债券偿还收益
gains on foreign exchange外汇收益
Geneva Uniform Law on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, 1930日内瓦统一汇票与本票法 (1930)
Geneva Uniform Law on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes日内瓦统一汇票与本票法
Geneva Uniform Law on Cheques 1931日内瓦统一支票法 (1931)
Geneva Uniform Law on Cheques日内瓦统一支票法
get the goods ready in preparation for shipment on the chartered vessel备货以便交租赁的货轮装运
give a check on the plan核查计划
give a push on a product对一产品进行推销
goods on appro供试销货物
goods on approbation试用货物
goods on approbation看货后再作决定的货物不满意可退还
goods on approbation供试用〔包退包换〕的货物
goods on approbation看货后再作决定的货物
goods on approval包换包退货物
goods on approval看货试用后再作决定的货物
goods on hand库存货物
goods on lease租用货物
goods on order认购货物
Gross and net weights are to be marked on each package每一包件上必须标出毛重与净重
have a great effect on the market具有巨大市场效应
have favourable comment on the quality of the goods对货物质量有好评
have many calls on sb's money许多人要某人付款
He cashed in on his real-estate investments他在不动产投资中赚了钱
hold on to favourable position保持优势地位
hold the equipment on lease租用设备
If you guarantee payment in time, we'll forward the goods on D/P basis如你方保证及时付款,我们将按凭单付款方式发运货物
If your L/C fails to arrive here on or before the 30th inst., we shall be obliged to cancel the S/C假如在本月三十日或其前不能收到你方信用证,我方只好取消销售合同
impact on availability对供应情况的影响
impact on trade and local production对贸易和当地生产的影响
impose duties on wines对酒类征税
insurance on expected profit预期利益保险
investment trust on securities投资证券信托
It depends on temperature rather than pressure它与其说取决于压力还不如说取决于温度
It has a remote bearing on the domestic market它对国内市场影响很小
It is difficult to book freight space on account of heavy congestion很难订到舱位
It is difficult to book freight space on account of heavy congestion由于货运拥挤
It is reported on reliable authority that there will be a recession in price in the near future据可靠方面消息说不久价格将会猛跌
keep a check on production对生产进行监督
Law of the Peopled Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法 (1979)
Law of the People's Republic of China on the Bankruptcy of Enterprises中华人民共和国企业破产法 (trial implemention, 试行)
Law of the People's Republic of China on the Industrial Enterprises Owned by the Whole People中华人民共和国全民所有制工业企业法
Law on Patents of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国专利法
lay stress on fundamental terms and conditions强调基本条款
length on summer loading water line夏季载重吃水线
let out on hire出租
Let's proceed to the next item on the agenda让我们进入下一项议程
levies on import进口税
levy a tax on an enterprise向一企业征税
levy taxes on incomes征所得税
lie on the table被搁置
lift on/lift off吊上吊下方式
loan on collateral抵押贷款
loan on security抵押贷款
loss on capital assets资本资产损失
make a checkup on production capacity核查生产能力
make a checkup on of stocks对股票进行核查
make a levy of 8% on a commodity对一商品征税8%
make a mortgage on a house from a bank用房子向银行抵押借款
make a thorough investigation on into the matter对此事进行彻底调查
make an offer on CIF basis按 CIF 价报盘
make calls at chief ports on the Pacific coast停靠太平洋沿岸主要港口
make transactions on a commercial basis按商业惯例做生意
margin on sales销售边际
market quotation on wheat小麦市价
market quotation on wheat小麦的行情
markup on cost成本加成
money on deposit存款货币
More time will pass before the bill of exchange drawn by the seller on the buyer is settled卖方开给买方的汇票的款项须经更多时间才能由买方付清
offer clarification on the provisions of the contract对合同条文作出说明
on a barter basis以易货方式
on a cash basis以现金方式
on a deferred basis以延期付款方式
on a five-day-week basis以每周工作五日为条件
on a full-time basis以全日工作制专职为条件
on a gold basis以金本位方式
on a net delivered weight按目的港交货净重计算
on a profit-sharing basis以分红方式
on a regular basis在惯例基础上
on a rental basis以岀租方式
on a turn key basis采用包建方式
on acceptance of the bill在承兑汇票时
on account of our principals为我们委托人而作
on account of the purchase price在货款总额中
on an estimate basis以估计方式
on an in-plant basis以厂内培训方式
on an official form按官方格式
on approbation商品供试用
on approval商品供试用
on arrival terms到货条件
on balance收支平衡
on balance总的说来
on barter basis以易货为条件
on barter basis以易货方式
on... basis以… 为条件
on board bill of lading已装船提单 (与备运提单 (received for shipment bill of lading) 相对)
on board ocean bill of lading已装船提单 (与备运提单 (received for shipment bill of lading) 相对)
on carriage集装箱陆运阶段
on carriage by air空运阶段
on carriage period陆运阶段时期
on carrier集装箱陆运承运人
on carrier后程承运人
on cash terms按现金付款方式
on consignment寄销
on cost英国间接成本 (指 indirect cost)
on credit terms按赊账办法
on deck cargo clause甲板货条款
on deck risk甲板货险
on deferred-payment terms按延期付款的方法
on easy terms以宽厚条件
on good security有可靠抵押
on-line debug ging联机程序调整
on-line system联机
on loading在装运时
on London向伦敦开出 (汇票)
on margin付保证金买入
on mortgage以抵押方式
on open-account terms以记账方式交易
on or about在或大约在
on or before 30th April四月三十日或其前
on one's own account and responsibility自负盈亏
on passage在途
on payment terms of cash against documents按凭单付现条件
on presentation见票即付
on principle根据原则
on probation作为见习
on probation作为试用
on rail铁路交货条件
On receipt of the bills of lading, the buyer pledged them to his bank at once买方收到提单后立即抵押给他的银行
on sale or return无法销售允许退货交易
on tap随时可购得的债券
on tap酒等可随时取用
on term定期支付
on that关于那
on that在其上
on the basis of以… 为条件
on the basis of equality and mutual benefit在平等互利基础上
on-the basis of prevailing market price按当时市场价格
On the basis of time charter, once the charterage is determined, it can't be changed在期租船条件下,租船费一经确定不得变动
on the block被拍卖
on the buyer向买方开岀 (汇票)
on the expiration of the contract在合同期满时
on the ground由于
on the hour正点
on the hour准时
On the issuance of the necessary import licence, we'll cable you for your firm offer必需的进口许可证一经签发,我们将向你方去电要求报实盘
on the market出售
on the principle of根据…原理 (原则)
on the security of在用…担保情况下
on the security of以…作抵押
on the strength of
on the strength of
on the supposition that the contract has been initialled假设合同已草签
on the 10th proximo下月十日
on the trap赊欠
on-the-job satisfaction工作内满足 (与工作外满足 (off-the-job satisfaction) 相对)
on-the-machine basis在岗培训方法
on this于是
on upon this这时候
on upon this于是
on this关于此
on tick赊欠
on truck卡车交货条件
on weight of solution按液体重量
on what在那上面
on what在其上
on which在那上面
on which在其上
one-year warranty on a television set电视机保用一年的保单
operating ratio based on net sales按销售净额计算的营业比率
Our draft for US $32,000 on clean collection has been dishonoured我方32,000美元光票托收被拒付
outlay on scientific research科研费
pay a draft on presentation见票即付
pay 5% interest on a loan借款付息5%
pay interest on schedule按期付息
pay on account暂付
pay on application通知付款 (缩为 A/P, AP)
payable at collecting bank's selling rate for sight drafts on London按代收银行向伦敦开出的即期汇票售出牌价付款
payable by approved bank's drafts on London, exchange per endorsement按经认可的银行向伦敦丹出的汇票售出牌价付款,汇率以背书时为准
payable on presentation提示即付
payable on receipt收到后即付款
payback on investment投资回收
payment on account记账交易
payment on account分期摊还
payment on arrival of goods货到付款
payment on arrival of shipping documents货运单据到后付款
payment on demand要求即付
payment on invoice凭发票支付
payment on open account分期摊还
payment on receipt of goods收货付款
payment on terms按条件支付
percentage surcharge on total material and manpower inputs按全部材料和人力投入量的百分比计量的附加费用
Place an embargo on ships and commerce禁止通商通航
place emphasis on uniform quality强调质量统一
place goods on trial sale试销产品
place money on deposit存款
place on the market销售
place the goods on exhibition展岀商品
place the proper interpretation on the text对原文加以适当解释
Please protect meet our draft on presentation请见票即付我方汇票
Please renew your offer on same terms and conditions请按同样条件恢复报盘
Please sign on the dotted line请在虚线上签字
Prices on the market jumped市场价格猛涨
production on a batch basis生产批量
production on the line流水作业
prosecute on investigation彻底进行调查
protect a draft on presentation在提示汇票时照付
protocol on arbitration clauses仲裁条款议定书
put a false construction on the clause故意曲解本条款
put on the market销售
put too high a valuation on cargoes对货物估价太高
quote on new pack新货罐头报价
rate of return on equity自有资本收益率
rate of return on sales销售收益率
ratio of dependence on foreign trade外贸依存率
reach unanimity of views on trade terms在贸易条款上达成一致看法
recognized authority on commerce公认的商业权威
refund the excess on a tax归还多收税款
Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Health Quarantine中华人民共和国卫生检疫条例
Regulations on Labour Management in Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment中外合资经营企业劳动管理规定
Regulations on the Registration of Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment中外合资经营企业登记管理法
reject on procedural grounds根据程序上的理由予以拒绝
rely on one's own efforts自力更生
restraint on importation对进口的限制
revision on drawings图纸修改
roll-on-roll-off滚装 (亦缩为 RORO)
roll-on-roll-off freighter滚装船
roll-on-roll-off shipment滚装装运
roll-on-roll-off shipment驶上驶下装运
sales and purchases on commission委托购销
sales on a commission basis代销
sales on commission委托销售
sales on commission承销
sales on draft terms凭汇票付款条件销售
secure a ship on time charter按定期租船契约租一条船
seizure of goods on default of payment因不付款而扣押货物
set price ceilings on retail foodstuffs设定零售食品最咼限价
shift the responsibility on to the seller把责任推给卖方
shipment on order按订单装运
sight bill on London以伦敦为付款地即期汇票
Special Committee on Problems of the Environment国际科学协会理事会环境问题专门委员会
speculate by taking a short position on the market在市场上投机卖空
standards on electrical insulating materials电气绝缘材料的规格
standards on electrical insulating materials电绝缘材料规格
stock on hand现存货
stop payment on a check止付支票
supply and demand on commodity商品供求关系
survey on a selective basis重点调查
surveyor's report on weight重量证明书 (指公证人重量证明书(surveyor's weight certificate))
take off an embargo on the export of steel对钢材出口解禁
take on lease租赁
tax on added values增值税
tax on corporate income公司所得税
taxation system based on progressive rates累进税制
Technology flourishes on accumulated scientific capital工业技术的发展在于科学的进步
Textile materials were put on allocation纺织品原料实行配给
The agent is, in appropriate cases, entitled to a set-off or a lien on the principal's goods or money在适当情况下,代理人对委托人的货物或款项有抵消或留置的权利
The agreement will take effect on December 25本协议将于十二月二十五日生效
the amount of one's investment on commencing business开业投资额
The bank asked the seller to supply an indemnity and, on the strength of such indemnity, made the credit available银行要求卖方提供一份保证书,而后银行凭此给予贷款
The both parties' opinions did not coincide on quality standard双方对质量标准未达成一致意见
The buyer cannot recover the advance paid on the purchase price when the contract is not frustrated买方不得收回预付的货款
The buyer cannot recover the advance paid on the purchase price when the contract is not frustrated在合同没有落空时
The check is payable on demand此支票来取即付
The c.i.f. buyer, whatever happens to the goods, will have either a cause of action on the bill of lading against the ship or a cause of action against underwriters on the policy不论货物发生何种情况,按 CIF 条件成交的买主可以根据提单对船主提岀诉讼,或根据保险单对保险人提出诉讼
The company clapped 20% on the freight该公司提高运费20%
The company cleaned up on their recent business arrangement公司在最近一次买卖中赚了大钱
The company is on the verge of bankruptcy该公司已濒临破产
The company made a profit of US $10,000 on a turnover of US$100,000该公司营业额为100,000美元,盈利10,000 美元
The contract ceased to bind on the both parties because of the force majeure case合同失去约束力
The contract ceased to bind on the both parties because of the force majeure case因人力不可抗事故
The contract is concluded subject to the conditions of sale printed on the letter of acceptance本合约按照接受书上所印交易条件而签订
The contract is not concluded on installment basis. The goods must be shipped in one consignment货物须一次装岀
The contract is not concluded on installment basis. The goods must be shipped in one consignment本合同非按分批装运条件成交
The contract terminated on April 30, 1995合同至1995年4月30日期满
The court held, on the construction of the force majeure clause, that the seller's contention was correct依据不可抗力条款所作的解释,法院裁定卖方抗辩是正确的
The date of negotiation expires on 15th June议付日期于六月十五日到期
The demand is on the increase需求在不断上升
The destination on the bill of lading is to be written "London/Rotterdam/Hamburg optional"提单上的目的港应写为"伦敦/鹿特丹/汉堡任选"
The development of business consists in cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit贸易发展在于平等互利基础上的合作
The dispute on the question whether the S/C is frustrated shall be decided by the arbitrators关于合同是否落空的争议应由仲裁员裁决
The draft was sent through the banker on documentary collection汇票送交银行按跟单托收收取款项
The exhibition is open on Sundays展览会星期天开放
The goods are sold on FOB and will be shipped freight collect运费由收货人支付
The goods are sold on FOB and will be shipped freight collect此货按 FOB 价岀售
The goods on the disabled vessel were in great peril那条不能航行的货轮上的货物极其危险
The goods were shipped on July 1, but the B/L was backdated to June 30货物于七月一日发运,但提单日期倒填为六月二十日
The Government has decided to enforce the ban on the export of gold政府决定实施不许可黄金岀口的禁令
The L/C expires on December 30信用证于十二月三十日期满
The merchant cleared £ stg. 8,000 on his cotton exports last season这个商人在上季的棉花岀口中净赚8,000英镑
The new regulation became operative on 1st August新规章已于八月一日生效
The new regulation is to come into force on the 1st of January next year新法规于明年一月一日开始实行
The price list sent on May 20 still holds good五月二十日寄出的价目表依然有效
The price tags on these commodities are mixed这些商品上的标签搞混了
The principal authorizes the agent to procure contracts with third parties on his behalf委托人授权代理人代表他向第三者招揽订货合同
The purport of our letter is a clarification of both partie' views on this issue本函的主旨是澄清双方对这一问题的看法
The report on the market situation at your end is a great help你方市场报告很有作用
The seller agreed on L/C terms卖方同意以信用证为付款条件
The seller has made reservation on S.S. Giant for the balance 150 M/T卖方在"巨人号"轮上订妥150公吨余数的舱位
The seller is liable for the carriage on and from the quay to the ultimate place of destination of the cargoes卖方负担从码头至最终目的地货物的运费
The seller received a shipment order from a buyer in London on terms c.i.f. London伦敦交货的订单
The seller received a shipment order from a buyer in London on terms c.i.f. London卖方接到伦敦一位买主按 CIF 条件
The seller shall deliver the goods on or before April 30, 1995卖方必须在1995年4月30日或其前交货
The sellers expect to ship the outstanding orders on or before 31st May卖方预计在五月三十一日或其前将未完成的订单货物装船出运
The ship stuck on the sand and they could not get it afloat again他们无法使之重新漂起
The ship stuck on the sand and they could not get it afloat again船牢牢搁浅在沙滩上
The signature on the check was not mine but a forgery支票上的签字不是我的而是伪造的
The sole arbitrator decided for the defendant on the basis of documentary evidence依据书面证据独任仲裁员判被告胜诉
The tax-collector came down on the company for US 2,000收税员向该公司索款2,000 美元
The time is immature for holding a discussion on sole agency讨论独家代理的问题为时尚早
The trade mark is registered on the books of the Patent Office该商标已记入专利局的登记册
The transaction is concluded on the stipulation that the L/C should be established 30 days before the commencement of shipment该交易以在装船前三十天开立信用证为条件而达成
The transaction was booked on the basis of sample交易凭样品达成
The transaction was concluded on the understanding that the covering letter of credit was to be established 30 days before the commencement of the time of shipment此笔交易是按在装运开始前三十天开立有关信用证的协定达成交易的
The vessel is scheduled to sail on the 10th of this month该轮定于本月十日启航
There are six members on the committee, not counting the chairman委员会有六位成员,不包括其主席
There is no inclination on the part of buyers to place new orders with us买主无意向我方递交新的订单
These cargoes must be shipped on a steamer with cold storage这些货物必须由有冷藏设备的船只装运
These goods are not in plentiful supply, on the contrary, they are running short这些货物并非供应充足,相反却快要售完了
These goods met with a good sale on the strength of the agent's promotion在代理人促销下这些货物畅销于市场
They are keen on trying out a sample shipment他们很想买一批样货
This is a firm offer, please reply here on or before 30th April本实盘于4月30日或其前回复到达有效
This type of fixture went out of style and is now a drug on the market今已成为滞销货
This type of fixture went out of style and is now a drug on the market这种装置的式样已落伍了
To embark on this line is well worthwhile这类商品值得一试
today's quotations on copper in ACM亚洲阿拉伯,安第斯共同市场今日铜的行情
tolls on the canal运河通行费
tolls on transit过境税
Trade has an important bearing on the relations of China and Japan贸易对中日关系举足轻重
trading on curb场合证券交易
trading on the equity产权经营
transfer of title on property产权转让
treat with sb. on equal terms在平等基础上与某人谈判
try to close on those terms and conditions尽力按那些条款成交
turn out on a mass-production basis大批量生产
two US dollars to be collected on this package收到即付的
two US dollars to be collected on this package该包裹由收件人付款二美元-由收到者付款的
Under documentary credits, the banker, on the instructions of the buyer, promises to accept, honour or negotiate bills of exchange drawn by the seller在按跟单信用证支付方式下,银行依照买方指示,承诺对卖方开岀的汇票予以承兑,兑付或议付
Under the CIF clause, the seller's responsibility for the goods ends when he delivers them at the port of shipment on board ship into the shipowner's custody在 CIF 条件下,卖方对货物的责任在装运港将货物装上船并交由船方保管时即告结束
variation on product cost产品成品差异
veto on quality质量否决权
wages on time basis计时工资
We appreciate the goodwill gesture on your part我们感谢你方的友好姿态
We are fully engaged and cannot take on fresh orders不能再接受新的订单
We are fully engaged and cannot take on fresh orders我方生产已排满
We cannot accept payment on deferred terms我方不能接受延期付款条件
We have finally reached common ground on the subject我们双方对该问题终于达成一致
We should refuse your claim on the following grounds我们以下列理由拒绝你方索赔
We trust you'll honour our draft on presentation我们相信你方将在汇票提示时照付
We're not able to offer on account of your omission to indicate the necessary particulars我方无法报盘
We're not able to offer on account of your omission to indicate the necessary particulars由于你方未指明必要的细节
We're not in a position to accept fresh orders on account of heavy commitments因售货太多,我方不能承接新的定单
We're weighted down with orders, we're not in a position to take on additional quantities我方已承接大批订单,无力接受追加订货数量
Western Hemisphere Conference on Foreign Trade and Arbitration西半球对外贸易及仲裁会议
We've written to you about this matter on several occasions我方曾数次就此事给你方写信
Where the duty on samples has to be paid, a refund is allowed when the samples are reexported within a stated time凡须对样品缴纳关税时,如该样品在规定的时间——6到12个月内一一再运出口,税款予以退还
written agreement on arbitration仲裁书面协议
yield gap on securities证券的收益差距
Your draft will be honoured on presentation你方汇票见票即付
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