
Terms for subject Aviation containing on | all forms | exact matches only
activity on node节点表示法
add on stabilization附加稳定系统
adjustment temperature system on the ground地面调温系统
advanced on board processor先进机载处理机
advanced on-board signal processor先进机载信号处理器
advanced on-the-job training system高级在职培训系统
advisory committee on administrative and budgetary questions〔联〕行政和预算问题咨询委员会
advisory committee on applications of science and technology科学技术应用咨询委员会
advisory committee on export policy出口政策咨询委员会
advisory committee on science and technology科学技术咨询委员会
advisory council on scientific policy科技政策咨询委员会
advisory council on technology技术咨询委员会
Advisory Group on Reliability of Electronic Equipment电子设备可靠性顾问团
advisory group on reliability of electronic equipment电子设备可靠性咨询组
air force on line data system空军联机数据系统
Airbus on-line services〔客〕空中客车公司在线服务
aircraft on ground停飞待用飞机
aircraft on ground地面停放飞机
aircraft on ground飞机停飞
aircraft on ground停在地面的飞机
aircraft airplane on ground support飞机地面支援
airplane aircraft on ground飞机停场飞机待件停飞
airplane on ground地面停放飞机
airplane on ground飞机停飞
airplane aircraft on ground support飞机地面支援
all ordnance on target全部弹药击中目标
American Council on Education美国教育委员会
American-British-Canadian conference on unification of engineering standards美国一英国一加拿大工程标准统一会议
angle on target目标角度
application development system/on line应用研制系统联机
approach on course在航道上进场进近
approach on course在进近航道
assessment on production process change result生产过程更改结果评估
astronomical and space techniques for research on the atmosphere天文与航天技术应用于大气的研究
audio on demand〔客〕声音需求
audio/video on demand〔客〕按需要提供音频/录像节目
automatic testing on-line system在线自动测试系统
balance on hand现有差额
balance on hand现有结余
before proceeding on course在进人航线之前
blinds on the sidewall panel侧壁板上遮光帘
Boeing on line data波音联机数据
Boeing on line delivery波音在线提交
breathe on recirculation ignition system循环进气点火系统
business advisory committee on procurement采办事务咨询委员会
button-on weapons临时配备的武器
Canadian on-line enquiry加拿大联机査询系统
carrier-on-board delivery向海上的航空母舰空运
carrier on off话音激活
carrier on off载波通断
carry-on equipment机载设备
carry-on equipment机上设备
cash on delivery, collect on delivery货到付款
cash on receipt收货时付款
clamp-on ammeter夹合式电流表
clamp-on ammeter电流互感器
clamp-on flowmeter夹装式超声波流量计
climb on course沿航线爬高
coherent on receive Doppler system接收相干多普勒系统
collect on arrival到达付费
commission on government procurement政府采购委员会
commission on maritime meteorology海洋气象学委员会
Commission on Maritime Meteorology〔世〕海洋气象学委员会
committee on aeronautical and space sciences航空和航天科学委员会
committee on aircraft noise航空器噪声委员会
Committee on Atmosphere and Oceans大气与海洋委员会
Committee on Challenges of Modern Science现代科学技术委员会 (北大西洋公约组织)
committee on challenges of modern science现代科学技术委员会北大西洋公约组织
committee on data management and computation数据管理与计算委员会
Committee on Marine Technology〔英〕海洋技术委员会
committee on meteorological aspects of aerospace system航空航天系统气象学委员会
committee on science and astronautics科学和航天委员会
committee on science and public policy科学和公共政策委员会
committee on scientific and technical information科学和技术情报委员会
committee on scientific and technological aspects of material processing in space空间材料加工科学技术问题委员会
committee on scientific information科学'情报委员会
Committee on Solar Terrestrial Research日地研究委员会
committee on the application of aerospace technology to society美国国家航空航天局航空航天技术协会应用委员会
computer output on microfilm计算机输出到缩微胶片
computer output on microfilm计算机输出到缩微胶卷
computer power on self-test计算机动力自测试
computerized on-line system for the management of spares计算机化备件管理联机系统
computerized on-line testing计算机化联机试验
condition on admission允许进人的条件
Conference on Coordination of Air Transport in Europe欧洲航空运输协调会议
conference on economics of route air navigation facilities and airport航线领航设施与机场经济性会议
Conference on Economics of Route Air Navigation Facilities and Airports航线领航设施与机场经济性会议
consultative committee on administrative questions行政管理协商委员会
Consultative Committee on International Telephone and Telegraph国际电话和电报咨询委员会
continue on drawing接续图
convert on demand要求转换
coordination based on type design data按型号设计资料协调
cords coherent on-receive Doppler system相关接收多普勒系统
core engine RPM on percent核心发动机百分比转速
covered with ice and snow on runway跑道上盖满冰雪
customer on-line order processing system客户联机订单处理系统
customer on-line order processing用户在线订货单的处理
customer order on-line processing system客户订单联机处理系统
delayed range on target目标延迟距离
design on approval经批准的设计
development on line planning开发联机计划
direct on-line直接联网
disk on module模组
drawing index on line system联机图纸索引系统
drawing index on line在线图纸目录 (system, 系统)
edge-on object侧向天体
effects of weapons on targets武器对目标的破坏作用
endurance on station最大巡逻时间
engine on hours发动机工作时间
entered on duty开始值勤
entry on active duty服现役
error on the safe side偏于增大安全系数的误差
European Research on Advanced Materials欧洲对先进材料的研究
false target lock-on假目标截获
false target lock on假目标截获
fighter fuel on board战斗机载油量
finger on glass指触屏幕
flat on bottom底平
flat on top顶平
floodlights available on landing着陆时可用泛光灯
follow-on early warning system后继早期预警系统
follow on intercepter后继截击机
follow on interceptor下一代截击机
follow on operational test and evaluation后续作战试验与评估
follow on production后续生产
follow on sea trials后续海上试航
follow on tactical reconnaissance system后续战术侦察系统
follow up action on accident reports根据事故报告采取的善后措施
free on aircraft飞机上交货价格
free on plane飞机上交货价格
freight on board船上或机上货物
fuel on arrival燃油抵达
fuel on board机载燃油
function test on board机上功能试验 (是指飞机设备、电缆及其他附件安装后已构成系统时,对设备、分系统或系统进行功能检査的试验)
general agreement on national trade and tariffs关税及贸易总协议
general agreement on tariff and trade关税和贸易总协定1947 年在日内瓦签订
general on-line diagnostics通用在线诊断
geological committee on remote sensing form space空间遥控地址委员会
global on line全球在线
ground on electromagnetic compatibility电磁兼容性组
hands-on control飞行员自己操纵
hands on simulation trainer握杆仿真训练器
hands on throttle and stick手不离油门驾驶杆
hands on throttle and stick握杆操纵技术 (一种战斗机座舱的设计,使飞行员在战斗中操纵雷达、武器以及飞行控制所需的控制开关、按钮或扳机都置于油门或操纵杆上)
hands-on throttle and stick握杆控制
hands on throttle and stick controls手握油门和侧杆操纵
hands on throttle, collective and cyclic直升机三杆操纵技术 (一种人机学的座舱设计技术,最初是为军用战斗机而发展的,使飞行员能够用控制杆/油门杆驾驶飞机,并操纵所有的导航、武器和其他系统。在这种情况下,直升机上所有的上述系统是靠油门杆、总距杆或周期边距操纵杆来操纵的)
home on自动寻的〔瞄准,导航〕
homing on jamming干扰寻的
homing on offset beacon按偏移信标导航
ice and snow on runway机场跑道有冰雪
ice build-up on the…冰结在
ice on runway跑道上有冰
ice on the runway跑道上有冰
indicated air speed on approach for landing着陆进场进近指示空速
inspection route on fabrication outline制造大纲的检验路线
instantaneous trip and over-current off/on速断及过流断通
intergovernmental panel on climate change政府间气候变化研究组
key lab on aviation physiology航空生理重点实验室
land on猛烈抨击
land on在…登陆〔上岸〕
land on落在…上
landing distance on runway着陆滑跑距离
last acceptable on dock date〔客〕在码头最后接收日
launch on warning告警发射
learning on demand教学点播
left gear weight on wheel左起落架轮承受重量
lock on自动跟踪
lock on捕获
lock on锁住
lock on after launch发射后自动跟踪
lock-on after launch发射后锁定
lock on before launch发射前锁定跟踪
loose snow on runway跑道上有松散积雪
lost on assembly装配成本
low on fuel油量不足
low on fuel燃油量不足
low on fuel燃油不足
major assembly labor performance on line主装配劳力绩效联机系统
make on assembly装配时加工
make on assembly装配件制造
margin on sales销售系数
material on-line shortage tracking缺料联机跟踪
maximum on ground大型场地
maximum on ground军用运输机起降场地总面积
measured mean velocity on a vertical实测垂线平均流速
minimum control speed onground地面最小控制速度 (如果在起飞滑跑期间发动机失效,这是在脚蹬力没有超过1551b (70kg)时保持方向的最小速度。一些具有好的前轮转向机构的飞机,假如它的前机轮与地面接触,则可以在任何速度下处理这种情况。它是高度与温度的函数。其值等于或小于 V ₁ (决断速度))
minimum control speed on ground地面最小控制速度
minimum control speed on landing configuration着陆状态最小控制速度
minimum fuel on board机上最低油量
molecular sieve oxygen generating system on board机载分子筛产氧系统
multilateral agreement on investment多边投资协议
National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics国家航空咨询委员会
national natl advisory committee comm. on oceans and atmosphere国家海洋及大气咨询委员会
national annual symposium on reliability国家年度可靠性专题讨论会
national committee on radiological protection全国防辐射委员会
national conference on aeronautic electronics全国航空电子仪器会议
national conference on airborne electronics全国机载电子仪器会议
National Investigation Committee on Aerial Phenomena全国空中现象调查委员会 (美国)
natl conf on aeronautical electronics国家航空电子学会议
natl conf on airborne electronics国家机载电子学会议
nav on course航线导航
No cycle process is possible whose sole result is the flow of heat from a single heat reservoir and the performance of an equivalent amount of work on a work reservoir不可能建造这样一个循环工作的机器,这机器除了从单一热源吸热和举起重物作功之外,而不引起其他的变化
no part on order无零件订货
no time on station来不及作好攻击准备
no time on station来不及到达指定截击位置
North American research group on management北美管理研究小组
nose gear weight on wheel轮上的前起落架重量
not on board不在飞机上
not weight on wheels飞机顶起
not weight on wheels重量不在机轮上
on account of…由于…
on-aircraft check原位检查
on-aircraft maintenance planning report机上维护计划报告
on-aircraft maintenance testability analysis summary机上维护可测试性分析摘要
on-aircraft maintenance testability requirements analysis机上维护可测试性要求分析
on aircraft test procedure机上功能测验程序 (根据美国联邦航空条例 FAR25部 F 分部“设备”一章中“功能与安装”要求,飞机上所安装的设备必须按对该设备规定的限制进行安装,并且在安装后进行测试功能正常。检查系统和设备安装后功能是否正常则由机上功能测验程序 (OATP)和生产性试飞程序手册 (PFPM)来完成,因此 PFPM 也是 OATP 的一部分)
on aircraft test procedure飞机测试程序
on and off instrument仪表与非仪表飞行
on and off of working electric source工作电源分合闸
on board在机上
on-board airport navigation system机载机场导航系统
on-board asynchronous messaging service机载异步信息服务
on-board balance system机上平衡系统
on board cargo operations机载货物作业
on-board cargo operations机载货物作业 (system, 系统)
on-board checkout机上检查
on-board checkout机上检査
on-board checkout and data management system机载检查和数据管理系统
on board check-out and data management system机上检测和数据管理系统
on board checkout and monitoring system机载检测与监控系统
on board checkout and monitoring system机载检查与监视系统
on-board check-out and monitoring system机上检查与监控系统
on board check-out equipment机上检査设备
on board checkout system test language机上检测系统试验语言
on-board checkout systems机上检查系统
on board control机载控制器
on-board control equipment〔客〕机上控制设备
on-board control equipment机载控制设备
on-board control equipment worldwide〔客〕全世界机上控制备
on board data handling机载数据处理
on-board data load function机载数据装载功能
on-board data system机载数据系统
on-board data-monitoring systems机载数据监控系统
on board digital computer control机载数字计算机控制
on board electronic warfare simulation机上电子战模拟
on-board electronic warfare simulation机上电子战模拟 (模拟从尾后警戒雷达或其他探测器见到的外部威胁)
on-board engine balancing system机上发动机平衡系统
on-board EW system机载电子对抗电子战系统
on-board EW systems机载电子对抗电子战系统
on board in flight checkout机上飞行中检查
on-board inert gas generator system机上惰性气体产生系统
on-board inflight checkout机上飞行中检査
on-board information system机载信息系统
on-board local area network机上局域网
on-board maintenance空中维护
on-board maintenance机上维护
on-board maintenance document机上维修文件
on-board maintenance documentation机上维修文件
on-board maintenance system机上维修系统
on board maintenance system机上维修系统
on-board maintenance system机上机载维修系统
on-board maintenance terminal机载维护终端
on-board mobile telephony system〔客〕机上移动电话系统
on-board oxygen equipment机上供氧装备
on-board oxygen generating system机上制氧系统
on-board oxygen generation氧气系统
on board oxygen generation system机上氧气发生系统
on-board oxygen generation system机载制氧系统
on-board oxygen nitrogen generation system机上制氧制氮系统
on-board processor机载处理机
on board replaceable module机上可更换模块
on board simulation机载模拟器
on-board tracking and safety control system箭上跟踪与安全控制
on board weight and balance system机上重量和平衡系统
on board weighting system机上称重系统
on center在中心线上
on center位于中心
on change正在更改中
on chest oxygen regulator胸配式氧气调节器
on-chip monitor芯片上监测器
on completion完成时
on condition视情而定
on condition根据情况
on condition以......... 为条件
on condition maintenance视情维修
on-condition maintenance按需维修
on condition replacement视情更换
on-condition replacement视情更换 (零件)
on course巡航
on course在航道上
on deck降落
on deck着陆
on deck甲板着陆
on-deck delivery到岸交付
on demand按要求
on dock date〔客〕到货日期
on-flight origin and destination在飞机起点和终点
on-gimbals electronics陀螺电子设备
on ground在地面
on ground initiated test地面初始试验
on hand现有
on hand baggage trace手提行李跟踪
on instrument仪表飞行
on -the- job training在职培训
on -the- job training岗位培训
on -the- job training在工作中培训
on job training在职培训
on line circuit design在线电路设计
on-line code在线码
on-line code联机码
on-line communication adapter联机通信适配器
on-line complex processing联机综合处理
on-line data在线数据
on line data collection联机数据收集
on line data compression system在线数据压缩系统
on-line data interchange联机数据交换
on-line data interchange在线数据交换
on-line data processor联机数据处理器
on-line debugging technique在线调试技术
on-line diagnostic and reporting system在线诊断与报告系统
on-line digital input在线数字输人
on-line information service在线的信息月艮务
on-line logical simulation system在线模拟系统
on-line maintenance information library联机维护信息库
on-line manufacturing and control system在线制造与控制系统
on-line notifying server在线通知服务器
on-line order status control and reporting system联机指令状态控制和报告系统
on-line planning联机计划
on-line planning在线计划
on-line planning system联机计划系统
on-line program testing system在线程序测试系统
on-line programming system联机程序编制系统
on-line real time branch information transmission在线实时转移信息传输
on line real time operation在线实时操作
on line real time system在线实时系统
on-line rejection information system联机拒收信息系统
on-line rejection tag information system联机拒收标签信息系统
on-line replacement unit联机置换装置
on line scientific computer联机科学计算机
on line software system联机软件系统
on line subsystem facility联机子系统设施
on-line terminal system在线终端系统
on-line terminal test在线终端测试
on-line test stand-alone executive program在线测试独立执行程序
on line tool information system联机工装信息系统
on line transaction system在线处理系统
on-line work station联机工作站
on load上载
on-off control开关手柄
on-off ratio占空系数
on-off ratio占空因数
on or about在上面或周围
on-orbit alignment measurement system在轨对准测量系统
on-orbit assembly, maintenance and services轨道上装配、维修与保养
on ramp handling equipment停机坪使用的设备
on-request reporting point申请报告点
on-scene assistance落点救援
on schedule按进度表
on schedule按时
on-site measurement原位维修
on-site repair现场修理
on system系统级
on target earning目标收人
on-the-deck dash range极低空冲刺距离
on time delivery〔客〕按时交付
on time delivery及时运送
on time handover〔客〕按时移交
on top在顶部
on top云上的
on top position在顶上位置
on top position indicator在顶上位置指示器
on vehicle equipment飞行器上的设备
on wing装机状态
on-wing life主发动机的不卸下连续使用寿命
on wings飘飘然
on wings飞―般地
overhaul on condition情翻修
packed snow on runway跑道积雪
paint-on bag真空贴合软袋
panel on application of space techniques relating to aviation航天技术在航空领域的应用委员会
paper-study follow-on改进型设计方案研究
parts records on-line联机零件记录
pass on status交接状态
passenger loaded on deck已登机旅客
passenger on board机上旅客
pay on receipt货到付款
persons on board机上人员
power on电源接通
power-on BIT加电自检测
power on reset通电复位
power on reset电源接通复位
power on self test加电自测试
power on selftest电源接通自测试
power-on self-test电源接通自测试
proceed directly on course立即按航向前进
production, support and follow-on development生产、支援和后续研制阶段
project on government oversight政府监督项目办公室
purchased on assembly装配件采购
purchased standards on-line联机采购标准
radar on target雷达跟踪目标
regulations on incomplete parts未完工零件的处理
research information center and advisory service on information processing信息情报研究中心和信息情报处理咨询机构
right gear weight on wheel右起落架轮上重量
roll on landing滑跑着陆
satellite communication on-board terminal卫星通信机载终端
scan on receive only单收扫描
scientific committee on oceanic海洋研究科学委员会
self tracking automatic lock on circuit自动跟踪自动锁定电路
simultaneous voice on data语音数据同时传输
single sign on单点登陆
slip on flange平焊法兰
slip on weld flange平焊法兰
slip-on-welding flange平焊法兰
slip-on-welding flange滑套法兰
slush on runway跑道积雪泥
small mission on advanced research technology小型先进技术研究任务
snow and ice on runway跑道积雪与结冰
snow and ice on runway跑道上积雪与结冰
snow and ice on runway跑道积雪和结冰
snow on runaway跑道积雪
souls on board机上人数
souls on board乘载人数
souls on board机上人员
spares on-line inventory control system联机备件库存控制系统
special committee on space technology空间技术专门委员会
speed on elevator request升降舵要求速度
standard carry on units标准装载单元装置
standard on-line module标准联机组件
strap-on booster搭接助推器
strap-on launch vehicle捆绑火箭
stroboscopic effect on distance measurement测距频闪效应
study group on runway surface condition跑道路面情况研究组
support on wall墙架
system on a chip片上系统
system on-line functional test联机系统功能测试
system power-on self-test系统电源自测试
take-off distance on runway起飞滑跑距离
target speed on short finals定期航线飞行员在完成最终进近时的目标速度
Technical Committee on Software Engineering美国电气电子工程协会软件工程技术委员会
telemetry antenna on-board箭上遥测天线
the upper limit on the integral积分上限
time on target协同射击时间
time on target核武器爆炸时间
tools on-line system联机工装系统
total on-program and information control system总联机程序和信息控制系统
total time on route行程总时间
track while scan on receive only仅在接收扫描时跟踪
trench with rack on both sides/one side双/单侧支架电缆沟
trim on assembly装配时修整修切余量
turn on self check接通自检
UHF follow-onUHF 后继星 (美国军事通信卫星,用于取代"舰队通信卫星")
UN conference on trade and development联合国贸易与发展会议
usable fuel on board机上可用燃料
useable on code在代码上可用的
used on用于
used on习惯于
used on assembly用于装配
valve closes on failure of actuating energy故障时关闭
valve opens on failure of actuating energy故障时开启
vendor documentation on-line service〔客〕售主文件联机服务
versatile on-line teleprocessing system通用联机远距处理系统
vertical on board landing舰上垂直降落
vertical on-board landing舰上垂直降落
VFR on top云上目视飞行
video on demand〔客〕视频点播
video on demand视频需求
voice on the net语音网络
volume on-line terminal system联机终端系统容量
VOR very high frequency omnidirectional radio range on course航线甚高频全向无线电信标
water on runway有水跑道 (跑道上有水时描述在跑道表面的状况,包括水深的评估,应用下面的术语来描述:①潮湿跑道:跑道表面由于潮湿引起了颜色的变化。②湿跑道:跑道表面被水浸湿,但没有积水。③水滩:跑道表面有明显的积水形成的水滩。④水淹跑道:跑道表面有大片可见的积水)
weight on wheel机轮承载
weight on wheel轮上重量
weight on wheel轮载
weight on wheels轮档重量
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