
Terms for subject Agriculture containing on | all forms | exact matches only
ability to put on fat脂肪形成能力
ability to put on meat肉产生的能力
ability to put on meat生肉力
accountancy investigations on farm农场会计调查
action of gamma-rays on seedsγ 射线对种子的作用
advance on current account经常帐户或往来帐户预付款
age effect on crossing-over交换的年龄效应年龄对交换的影响
Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures卫生和植物检疫标准协定SPS协定
Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade贸易技术壁垒协定TBT协定
amount of livestock on hand家畜存栏数
antibiotic used on plants植物用抗生素
apprenticeship on a non-parental farm非家族农场学徒
A-site on ribosome核蛋白体A部位
A-site on ribosome核蛋白体氨酰基部位
bacterial product effect on chromosome细菌产物对染色体的效应
balance on offset account平衡抵销帐户
banking on-line system银行业务联机系统
based on national conditions立足国情
based on national conditions依据国情
branch on indicator转移指示器
bridging-on command搭桥命令
calorific power on organic matter有机物质产热力
capital construction on farmland农田基本建设
carcinogen effect on chromosome致癌物对染色体的效应
cattle on the hoof活畜
charges on real estate不动产的支付
chemical agent effect on chromosome化学试剂对染色体的效应
chip on board芯片直接电路板
classification of leaf on stalk position叶在茎部位上的分类
colchicine effect on meiosis秋水仙碱对減数分裂效应
colchicine effect on pairing仙水仙碱对配对效应
community on-line intelligence system团体联机情报系统
conference on agriculture农业会议
cooling on the trolley牛乳吊运中冷却
copy- on- reference复制后引用
corn on the cob穗轴上的玉米
cotton planted on winter fallow land春播棉正茬棉
cultivation on sandy soil沙土栽培
culture on the hill坡地栽培
culture on the hill垄作栽培
curing on string烟草串绳干燥
cursor on-off brink光标通断点
deposit on a transfer account转移帐户上的存款
dialog on-line联机对话
direct sowing culture of paddy rice on well-drained paddy field水稻旱直播栽培
direct sowing on dry field旱直播田
dividends on land土地报酬
drainage ditch on raised ridge畦埂渠沟
drilling on tilled land耕作地条播
drying on ground地面干燥
duties on agricultural products农产品关税
duty on food粮食关税
ear on the tiller分蘖穗
earthing up on the north side of row行阴面培土
earthing up on the north side of row行北面培土
ECOSOC Event on Avian Influenza经社理事会禽流感会议
effect of age on egg production年龄对产卵的影响
effect of age on egg size年龄对卵大小的影响
effect of light on egg production光对卵生产的影响
effect of season on feed consumption季节对饲料消耗的影响
effect on yield对产量影响
effects on chromosomes of chemical agents化学因素对染色体的效应
effects on chromosomes of physical agents物理因素对染色体的效应
effects on fitness适合度效应
embargo on exports出口禁运
embargo on exports输出品禁运
embargo on imports人口禁运
embargo on imports输人品禁运
end-on coordination端向配位
energy saving on mechanical or electrical irrigation and drainage机电排灌节能
European Association for Research on Plant-Breeding欧洲植物育种研究协会
Event on Avian Influenza经社理事会禽流感会议
expenditure on wages工资开支
experience on transplantation移植经验
explosives on the farm农场爆破技术
explosives on the farm农场爆炸技术
fattening on cereals谷物肥育用谷物来肥育家畜或家禽
fattening on home-grown feed自产饲料肥育
fattening on pasture牧场肥育
fattening on pasture放牧肥育
fattening on root crops饲喂块根肥育
fattening on root crops块根作物肥育
feeding on pasture牧场饲养
feeding on pasture放牧饲养
feeding on plant食植物的 (phytophagus)
feeding on plants食植[物]的
feeding on plants植物饲养法依靠植物来饲养的
fertilizer trials on paddy水稻肥料试验
fixation on slide附贴{显技}
forest on land liable to inundation浸水地林
free breeding on pasture在牧场上自由繁育指牛
free on board船上交货 (价格)
free on board离岸价
fuel-saving on farm-use power农用动力节油
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade海关及贸易总协定
genotype effects on monoploid单倍体的基因型效应
graft on root根接
growing-on nursery培育圃
growing-on nursery培养苗圃
growing-on plot培育小区
growing on test培育试验
growing-on trial培育试验
hand on back ground工作经验
hang on the tree坐果
head on the tiller分蘖穗
heterochromatic effect on crossing-over异染色质对交换效应
hold-on rice thresher打稻机
indications on label许可注册要求条件
influence on social development对社会发展的影响
information on actual weather天气实况报告
ink for writing on slide载玻片用墨水指写在载玻片上用的墨水显技
inspection on seed and nursery stocks种苗检査
instruction on network网上教学
International Association for Quality Research on Food Plants国际粮食作物品质研究协会
International Conference on Agriculture国际农业会议
international on-line retrieval system国际联机检索系统
interplanting of three crops on the same field三茬套种一年种植三作物
ionizing radiation effect on crossing-over电离辐射对交换的效应
land held on share tenancy分成制农地
land held on share tenancy分成制租地
land on fallow rotation轮休地
latch-on plow有安全销牵引器犁
Latin American Seminar on Land Problems拉丁美洲土地问题研究所
law on sales financing销售融资法律
law on variety certification品种鉴定法
leaf position on the stem茎上叶位
legislation on epizootic disease牲畜疫病立法
legislation on pasture放牧法
let on lease出租
light effect on chloroplast RNA光对叶绿体RNA 的效应
light effect on developmental process光对发育过程的效应
list of parcels on a lorry运货单
loan on personal guarantee保证[个人]贷款
loan on personal security信用贷款
logged on time登记时间
loss on ignition烧灼减量
man's impact on climate人类影响气候
mechanized construction on frozen soil冻土机械[化]施工
mildew on oats燕麦散黑穗病
mildew on oats燕麦裸黑穗病
milking on pasture牧场挤奶
mounding on stump树桩堆土法
nectar scale on petiole叶柄蜜腺鳞片
number of grains on individual head每穗子粒数
number of nodes or joints on the main stem主茎节数
off-and-on grazing间断放牧
off-and-on grazing不定放牧
on account赊帐
on-chip computor单[芯]片计算机
on-chip timer片内定时器
on-farm management农场管理
on-farm research实地研究
on-fit tolerance配合公差
on-floor duct system地面管系
on-floor feeding地面饲养
on-line data handling联机数据处理
on-line information system联机信息系统
on-line media联机媒体
on-line training and practice联机培训与练习
on-line working在线运行的
on-line working联机运行的
ON-OFF controller开-关控制器
on-off delay正-负延迟
on-off delay通-断延时
on-off keying开-关键控
on-off valve开-关两位阀
on-site investigation现场调查
on-site investigation现场研究
on-the-farm handling场内处理
on-the-floor drying kits室内安装的干燥设备
on-the-go adjustment运行中调整
on time接通时间指通信
on-tree storage留树保鲜指果树的水果留在树上保鲜
on-type variety正常型品种
opening of a credit line on current account在活期帐户上开办一个信贷限额
ouabain effect on fusion融合的乌本苷效应
pasture on slopes坡地牧场
peg on share销钉固定铧尖犁铧
physical agent effect on chromosome物理因素对染色体的效应
pinching point on seedling夹秧部位
planting on balk田埂栽植
planting on footpath行走道栽植
planting on mound垄作
planting on ridge垄作
plastics on the farm塑料在农业上使用
ploughing on square循环耕地法
power-on key加电键
premium on denaturing改变特性补贴
press-on coupler压人式连接器
process on the fly旋转处理
pulling power on hook[挂钩]牵引力
radiation effect on the cell细胞辐射效应
radiation on dose辐射剂量
raising seedling on carbonized chaff碳化谷壳育苗
rational seeding on unfallowing field合理茬地播种
rearing of young silkworm on commission稚蚕委托饲育
restriction on gear渔具限制
restriction on imports限制进口货
restriction on imports限制输人品
restriction on interior finish限制内部装饰
return on capital资本收入
rice seedling grown on flooded nursery水秧田稻秧
rice seedling grown on upland nursery旱秧田稻秧
ridging on tilled land已耕地做垄
RNA biosynthesis on templateRNA 在模板的生物合成
rotting on the vine灰腐病
run-on time连续时间指运转时间
run-on transcription连缀转录
run-on transcription analysis连缀转录分析
run-on transcription assay连缀转录鉴定
saving on savings accounts储蓄帐户上的储蓄
scion grafting on root根寄接
seeding on unfallowing farm不整地播种
seeding on unfallowing farm茬地播种
seeding on unfallowing field不整地播种
seeding on unfallowing field茬地播种
selection made on the threshing floor脱粒场选种
selenium effect on recombination硒对重组的效应
Seminal on Rural Electrification Cooperatives农业电气化合作社研究班
sex effect on crossing-over交换的性效应
shadow on the earth地影
sheep raising on paddocks绵羊圈养
silicon on sapphire蓝宝石硅[片] (sos)
silicon on sapphire硅蓝宝石工艺 (sos)
soil analysis on the spot简易[点滴]土壤分析
soil moisture percentage on dried soil basis依据干土重的土壤含水率
sound on-grade健全无疵的
sowing on easy ridge简易做垄播种
sowing on level row平播
sowing on mounds墩播
sowing on prepared land整地播种
sowing on ridges畦播
sowing on ridges垄播
sowing on roughly made ridges粗放做垄播种
sowing on roughly prepared field粗放整地播种
soybean grown on balk大豆田埂栽培
Special Commission on Cocoa可可专门委员会
Special Commission on Coffee咖啡专门员委会
spike on the tiller分蘖穗
spray application on leaves叶面喷药
Standing Committee on Crop Improvement作物改良常设委员会
stillage on castors自位轮架
stock on hand现存量指存货
stock on test试验畜群
storing on land陆上贮藏木材
storing timbers on land地面贮材
sugar on floor散糖
take on lease承租
take on lease租用
temperature effect on crossing over温度对交换的效应
tie on a label系上标签
tie on label系好的标签
toxicity on inhalation吸人毒性
training on the farm农场培训
training on trellis篱架整枝
training on trellis篱壁整枝
tree on own root自根树
tumor on root根癌肿病
unequal replication on treatments处理间不等重复
vegetation on forest floor林地覆被物
viral product effect on chromosome病毒产物对染色体效应
water content effect on crossing-over含水量对交换的效应
water intake on scaffold bridge栈桥进水构筑物
wear on crusher and rollers压榨机及辊子的磨损指甘蔗加工
winter cropping on drained paddy field干稻田冬作
winter cropping on drained paddy field稻田套种
work on one's own单干户
work on one's own单干
work on the farmyard场院工作
work on the farmyard场院劳动