
Terms for subject Polo containing on | all forms | exact matches only
finish on the left leg左腿结束
finish on the right leg右腿结束
heavy on hand难以驾驭的
influence on the horse支配左右马的行进
leaning on the bit好像以骑手的手为支撑
on either side of the centre line基准线的任意一侧
on the aids驯服的
on the aids听话的
on the bit被勒紧缰绳
on the bit受控的
on the diagonal对侧步
on the flat马球没有让步条件的
on the flat赛马没有障碍的
on the left lead左前跑步
on the right lead右前跑步
pivot on the heel脚跟旋转
pivot on the quarters后肢旋转
rider on horseback骑马的人
work on the flat场地骑乘