
Terms for subject Technology containing oil fuel | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
ammonium nitrate-fuel oil mixture铵油炸药
ammonium nitrate-fuel oil mixture硝铵油炸药
aqueous fuel-oil extract含水燃油萃取
asphalt fuel oil沥青基燃油
asphalt fuel oil地沥青基燃油
bulk fuel oil carrier散装燃油运输船
bulk fuel oil carrier散货燃油船
bunker fuel oil船用燃
bunker fuel oil船用重油
burner fuel oil灯用燃料油
clean fuel oil tank清洁燃油舱
coal-oil fuel煤油混合燃料
coal-oil mixture fuel煤焦油混合燃料
coal-oil water fuel煤油水混合燃料
cracked fuel oil裂化重油
desulfurization from fuel oil燃料油脱硫
desulfurization of fuel oil燃料油脱硫
detailed requirement for fuel oil燃料油的具体要求
diesel engine fuel oil柴油机燃料油
diesel fuel oil重柴油
distillate fuel oil馏出燃料油
extra heavy fuel oil超重燃料油
fuel and oil servicing truck燃料和润滑剂供应卡车
fuel dilution of oil燃油稀释机油
fuel oil additive燃料油添加剂
fuel oil additive燃油添加剂
fuel oil analysis燃料油分析
fuel oil atomization燃油雾化
fuel oil atomizer燃油雾化器
fuel oil atomizing steam燃油雾化蒸汽
fuel oil barge燃料油驳
fuel oil barge油驳
fuel oil barrier燃料油阻挡装置
fuel oil booster pump燃油增压泵
fuel oil bunkering port燃料油装船港口
fuel oil bunkering port油港
fuel oil burning pump燃油燃烧泵
fuel oil change over indicator燃油变换指示器
fuel oil compensating system燃料油补偿系统
fuel oil consumption燃料油消耗量
fuel oil consumption燃油消耗 (量)
fuel oil consumption ratio燃料润滑油消耗比
fuel oil deep tank燃油深舱
fuel oil distillate燃料油馏出物
fuel oil drum燃料油罐
fuel oil filling system燃料油装料系统
fuel oil filter燃料油过滤器
fuel oil filter燃油过滤器
fuel oil filter燃油滤器
fuel oil flash tower燃料油闪蒸塔
fuel oil heater燃料加热器
fuel oil heater燃油加热器
fuel oil interceptor燃料油截流管
fuel oil interceptor燃料油截流器
fuel oil meter油规
fuel oil particle燃料油滴
fuel oil particle燃料油粒
fuel oil pipe燃料油管线
fuel oil pipe燃料油管
fuel oil preheater燃油预热器
fuel oil pressure gage燃油油压计
fuel oil pressure gauge燃油油压计
fuel oil primary filter燃料油初
fuel oil product燃料油成品
fuel oil pump governor燃油泵调节器
fuel oil pumping station燃料油泵
fuel oil purifier燃油净化器
fuel oil purifier燃油水分分离器
fuel oil rack indicator燃油齿条指示器
fuel oil reprocessing燃油再处理
fuel oil residue燃料油残渣
fuel oil residue燃油残滴
fuel oil residue燃油残渣
fuel oil sampling燃料油取样
fuel oil secondary filter燃料油二级滤清器
fuel oil service and transfer system燃油管系
fuel oil service pump燃料油供料
fuel oil service pump日用燃油泵
fuel oil service supply pump日用燃油输油泵
fuel oil service tank燃料油储罐
fuel oil settling tank燃料油沉淀箱
fuel oil shift pump燃油输送泵
fuel oil slag燃料油炉渣
fuel oil slag燃料油渣
fuel oil stabilizer燃料油稳定剂
fuel oil storage燃料油的储藏
fuel oil storage tank燃油储存柜
fuel oil storage tank燃油储
fuel oil store燃料油库
fuel oil stripper燃料油解析塔
fuel oil stripper汽提除油器
fuel oil stripper燃料油汽提塔
fuel oil supply燃料油供给
fuel oil supply system燃料油供应系统
fuel oil system燃油系统
fuel oil tank油舱
fuel oil tank燃料油
fuel oil tank燃油箱
fuel oil tank whistle indicator燃料油罐警笛
fuel oil tanker燃油补给船
fuel oil transfer pump燃油输送泵
fuel oil volume ratio混合油容积比
fuel oil waste废燃料油
fuel oil waste燃料废油
fuel oil yield燃料油产率
fuel oil-fired central heating燃料油集中供热
fuel oil-resistant抗油的
fuel oil-resistant耐油的
fuel pump spindle oil thrower燃料泵心轴溅油环
fuel to oil ratio燃油润滑油比
gross oil fuel capacity燃油舱总容量
head of oil fuel燃油压头
heavy fuel oil重质燃烧油
heavy fuel oil重柴油
heavy fuel oil clarifier重油分杂机
heavy fuel oil purifier重油分水机
heavy residual fuel oil重质残燃渣料油
high sodium high sulfur fuel oil高钠高硫燃料油
high sulphur fuel oil高硫燃料油
intermediate fuel oil中级燃油
intermediate fuel oil中间燃料油
light fuel oil轻质燃油
liquid fuel oil液体燃料油
low sulphur fuel oil低硫燃料油
low-pressure fuel oil pressure gage低压燃油压力表
low-pressure fuel oil pressure gauge低压燃油压力表
made-up fuel oil补充燃料油
navy special fuel oil舰船专用燃料
oil fuel油类燃料
oil fuel燃料
oil fuel油燃料
oil fuel bunker燃油柜
oil fuel bunkering装船用燃油
oil fuel bunkering port装船用燃油港口
oil fuel bunkering port加船用燃油港口
oil fuel burner燃油燃烧器
oil fuel cost油料成木
oil fuel cost油料费
oil fuel depot油燃料仓库
oil fuel feed pump给燃油泵
oil fuel injecting pump燃油喷射泵
oil fuel injector needle-valve喷油器针阀
oil fuel pump油燃料泵
oil fuel settling tank燃油沉淀柜
oil fuel ship烧油船
oil fuel storage tank燃油储[贮]存柜
oil fuel storage tank燃油储[贮]罐
oil fuel supercharge pump燃油增压泵
oil fuel tank油燃料罐
oil fuel transfer pump油燃料输送泵
oil fuel transfer pump燃油燃烧泵
oil fuel unit pump燃油泵组
oil fueled engines燃油动力机具
oil-shale fuel页岩油
petroleum fuel oil石油燃料油
pregasified fuel oil fired kiln烧汽化液体燃料的窑
reduced fuel oil锅炉燃料
reduced fuel oil重质重油
reduced fuel oil重质重油
residual fuel oil contamination残余燃料油污染
rotary fuel oil pump旋转燃油泵
secondary fuel oil filter燃油精滤器
the Interim Regulations on the Fuel Oil Tax燃油税暂行条例