
Terms for subject Food industry containing oil | all forms | exact matches only
arnica oil山金车菊油
aromatic oil精油
bankul oil石栗油
brassica oil芸苔油
butter oil乳脂肪
butter oil无水黄油
calamus oil菖蒲油
canarium oil爪哇橄榄油
candlenut oil石栗油
canola oil菜籽油
cardamon oil砂仁油
cardamon oil小豆蔻油
cashew nut oil腰果油
cashew nutshell oil腰果壳油
cashew-nut oil漆树实油
coleseed oil菜籽油
colza oil菜籽油
curcas oil泻坚果油
dill oil莳萝油
drying oil速干油
drying oil干燥油
edible babassu oil antioxidant synergist食用巴西棕榈油增效抗氧剂
edible cottonseed oil antioxidant synergist食用棉籽油增效抗氧剂
edible grape seed oil antioxidant synergist食用葡萄籽油增效抗氧剂
edible low erucic acid rape seed oil antioxidant synergist食用低芥酸菜籽油增效抗氧剂
edible mustard seed oil antioxidant synergist食用芥子油增效抗氧剂
edible oil膳食脂肪
edible palm kernel oil antioxidant synergist棕榈仁油
edible palm kernel oil antioxidant synergist棕榈核油增效抗氧剂
edible palm kernel oil antioxidant synergist食用棕榈红油
edible palm oil antioxidant synergist椰子油增效抗氧剂
edible palm oil antioxidant synergist食用棕榈油
edible rapeseed oil antioxidant synergist食用菜籽油增效抗氧剂
edible safflower seed oil antioxidant synergist食用红花仔油增效抗氧剂
edible sesame oil antioxidant synergist食用芝麻油增效抗氧剂
edible soy bean oil antioxidant synergist食用大豆油增效抗氧剂
elemi oil爪哇橄榄油
essential oil精油
estragon oil狭叶青蒿油
fennel oil茴香油
hard oil铝皂稠化的润滑脂
hard oil硬脂油
hardened oil硬化油
hardened palm-kernel oil硬棕油
hazelnut oil榛子油
hydrogenated oil硬化油
illipe oil雾冰草脂
infernal oil泻坚果油
iodized oil碘化油
iodized oil碘油
Java almond oil爪哇橄榄油
kapok oil木棉油
lauric acid oil月桂酸油
lubricating oil润滑油
lumbang oil石栗油
macaya oil鹦鹉油
menhaden oil鲱鱼油
mineral oil矿物油
mineral oil液态石蜡
mint oil flavour薄荷油香料
neat's foot oil牛蹄油
non-soft oil硬脂油
oil-bearing crop油料作物
oil cake
oil content含油量
oil crop油料作物
oil expeller螺旋压榨油机
oil extraction采油
oil kernel油用果仁
oil mill油坊
oil nut油质坚果
oil of vegetable origin植物油
oil-protein crops油料蛋白质作物
oils and fats油脂与脂肪
olive pomace oil油橄榄果渣油
olive-pomace oil油橄榄果渣油
palm oil product棕榈油产品
partially hydrogenated marine oil不完全氢化海油
peanut oil花生油
poppy oil罂粟油
poppy seed oil罂粟油
pressure oil olives压榨油
purging nut oil泻坚果油
rape oil菜籽油
rapeseed oil菜籽油
ravison oil菜籽油
recoverable oil可回收用油
red palm oil未脱色棕油
refined olive-pomace oil精致橄榄油饼油
residue olive oil压榨饼
Roman camomile oil罗马洋甘菊油
sassafras oil黄樟油
settling oil沉淀油
soap fats and oils皂用油脂
soapable fats and oils皂用油脂
solid oil固体油
soya-bean oil大豆油
soybean oil大豆油
stillingia oil乌柏油
sustainable palm oil可持续性棕榈油生产
technical oil工业用油
terragon oil狭叶青蒿油
tonka bean oil零陵香豆油
true mustard oil芥子油
vegetable oil植物油
virgin oil处女油
volatile mustard oil芥子油
white acacia oil白金合欢油
wormseed oil美洲土荆芥油
wormwood oil蒿油