
Terms for subject International trade containing official | all forms | exact matches only
balance of payment on basis of official reserve transaction按官方储备结算的国际收支
balance on basis of official reserve transactions按官方储备结算的国际收支差额
floor officials交易所市场高级管理人员
guarantees of official sterling balance官方英镑结存保值
international flow of long-term capital and official donations长期资金与官方捐赠之国际流动情形
net official flows官方资金净流入量
non-concessional official lending非优惠性官方贷款
non-concessional official lending非减让性官方贷款
official approval正式批准
official bulletin正式公报
official car公务汽车
official commission brokers官定经纪人
official correspondence业务函件
official debts官方债务
official devaluation法定贬值
official development assistance官方开发援助
official development assistance官方发展援助
official discount rate法定贴现率
official discount rate法定折扣率
official exchange market官方外汇市场
official exchange rate官定汇率
official exchange rate官方外汇牌价
official exchange rate法定汇率
official fee for registering documents税契登记费
official fixed price法定固定价格
official fixed price官价
official fixed price法定价格
official foreign exchange holdings官方持有的外汇
Official Gazette of the United State’s Patent Office美国专利局公报
official gold price黄金官价
official holdings of documents官方特有的单据
official holdings of exchange assets官方持有外汇资产
official inspection官方检查
official insurance broker正式保险经纪人
official invoice官用发票
official invoice正式发票
official journal公报联合国正式日刊
official list官方牌价
official log正式航行日志
official market官方市场
official market quotation官方牌价
official mediation官方调解
official minimum rate法定最低利率
official order正式通知
official par of exchange官方汇率
official par of exchange法定汇兑平价
official parity法定平价
official price正式价格
official price官方价格
official price法定价格
official price of gold黄金官价
official quotation正式汇价
official quotation官方汇价
official quotation官方汇兑价目表
official quotation法定证券价格
official quotation法定汇兑价目表
official quotation法定汇价
official rate正式汇价
official rate法定汇价
official rate官方汇价
official rate of exchange官方汇率
official rate of exchange官价汇率
official rate of exchange法定汇率
official receipts正式收据
official receipts实收
official receiver商会指定的接受人
official record正式记录
official register官方注册
official reserve官方储备
official reserve transactions官方储备交易
official reserves官方储备
official residence官邸
official seal单位印章 (or stamp)
official seal公章 (or stamp)
official selling price法定出售价格 (osp)
official settlements balance官方结算差额
official short-term capital movement官方短期资本流动
official tariffs正式运费率
official tariffs官方运费率
official trustee官方受托人
official upper and lower limit of fluctuation汇率波动的官定上下限
public official bond公务员保证保险
ship's official number船舶正式数字
travel on official business公务出差
upper and lower limit of official rate of exchange官方汇率上下限
upper and lower limits of official rate of exchange官方汇率上下限