
Terms for subject Commerce containing official | all forms | exact matches only
for official use only仅供公用
non-official agencies民间团体
obtain official authorization获得官方认可
official account正式决算书
official assignee法定受托人
official authority职权
official exchange market官方外汇市场 (与自由外汇市场 (free exchange market), 黑市外汇市场(dark exchange market) 相对)
official exchange rate外汇牌价
official exchange rate法定汇价
official foreign currency deposit system法定外汇存款制
official foreign exchange assets官方外汇资产
official foreign exchange market官方外汇市场 (与自由外汇市场 (free exchange market), 黑市外汇市场(dark exchange market) 相对)
official listed price官定价格
official rate外汇牌价
official rate官定汇率
official reserve account外汇储备账户
official reserve assets官方储备资产
official reserves官方储备 (包括外汇 (foreign exchange)、黄金(gold)、特别提款权(special drawing rights))
official settlements balance国际收支官方结算差额
official standard官本位
official upper and lower limit of fluctuation汇率波动的官定上下限
official weights and measures法定度量衡
on an official form按官方格式
Spanish Supreme Council of the Official Chamber of Commerce Industry and Navigation西班牙工商业和航海业最高正式商会
Stock Exchange Daily Official List证券交易所每日公定牌价
The official count came to over 50,000,000官方统计超过5 千万
upper and lower limits of official rate of exchange官定汇率上下限