
Terms for subject General containing official | all forms | exact matches only
American Association of State Highway Officials美国各州公路工作者协会
Association of Official Agricultural Chemists官方农业化学家协会
Association of Official Analytic Chemistry官方分析化学家协会
Certainly, sir. Ours is a first-rate hotel and chosen as a favorite resort to stay by VIPs, officials and guests from every corner of the world当然啦。我们的酒店是一流的,是重要客人、官员和世界各地游客最钟爱的度假酒店
government official官员
government official
high official rank
If my visa application is denied, could it help to have a high ranking official contact the consulate?被拒签后,我是否能找一个高级别官员联系领事馆帮我通过申请?
Of course. You can book it from our official website当然有,你可以通过我们的官网预订
Official Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II6 月 14 日英国女王官方生日 (UK)
official broadcasting官方广播
official classification官方密级
official gazette政府公报
Official Gazette美国专利局公报 (of the United States Patent Office)
Official Gazette of the United States Patent & Trademark Office: "Patents"美国专利与商标局公报: "专利部分"
official laws审定规则
Official Relay Station〔政府〕公办无线电广播转播台
official requirement政府要求
official requirement职务要求
official score正式分数
official scorer记录员
official system审定叫牌法
official website官方网站
You've mentioned that you plan to attend a meeting. May I see the official invitation letter?你提到说要去参加会议,我能看下你的官方邀请函吗?