
Terms containing office- copy | all forms | in specified order only
tech.office copy文件附本
tech.office copy公文正本
busin.office copy公文
busin.office copy文书底本
interntl.trade.office copy留底
oiloffice copy正式文本
exhib.office copy复本
interntl.trade.office copy正式抄本
interntl.trade.office copy存根
securit.office copy公文存根
gen.Present your claim ticket and other pertinent information to the employee, leave with a copy of the report, a toll-free number to call and the number of the local office where you made your claim向工作人员出示行李票及其他相关信息,留存一份申报单影印件、免费电话号码及申报办公室电话号码
polygr.reprint; overprint; repro; reproduce; office printing; copy复印