
Terms for subject International trade containing offer | all forms | exact matches only
abundance of offers报盘很多
accept an offer接受报盘报价
acceptance of offer接受报价
assessment of offer and tender报价与投标的估定
assessment of offers and tenders报盘与投标的估定
bargain offer廉价优待
best offer最低报
binding offer有约束力的报盘
binding offer实盘有约束力的报价
binding offer实盘
borrow offer借发价
borrow offer借报盘
buying offer买方发价 (bid)
buying offer递盘 (bid)
buying offer购买要约
cancel an offer撤销发盘
close with an offer接受减价
combined offer联合发价报盘
combined offer搭配发盘指两种商品
combined offer联合发价
combined offer联合要约
communication constituting an offer构成报盘的通知
conditional offer附条件要约
conditional offer附条件报盘
counter offer反要约
counter offer还盘
counter offer还价
counter-offer firm还实盘
counter-counter offer反还盘
cross offer相互发价
cross offer交叉报盘
deadline for this offer这个报盘的有效期
decline your offer谢绝你方报盘
duration of offer发价有效时间
effective offer有效发价
exclusive offer单独发盘
firm offer稳固发价
firm offer实盘
firm offer报实盘
firm offers实盘
firm offers稳固发价
free offer自由报盘
general offer一般发价
general offer总报价
general offer一般报盘
generous offer宽大的爽气的出价
introductory offer宣传品
introductory offer推荐品
introductory offer宣传品新货色的
invitation for offer邀请发盘
job offer现场出售
job offer现场提供
lapse of offer实盘的失效
lowest offer最低出价报盘
lump offer综合报盘
make a cable offer以电报报盘
make an offer出价
make an offer递价
make an offer递盘
make an offer还价
non-firm offer非实盘
non-firm offer虚盘
offer a high price for...出高价买
offer and acceptance by post通过邮政报价和接受
offer…at a low price讨低价卖
offer by description凭规格报盘
offer by description附说明书的发盘
offer by tender通过投标报价
offer CIF报到岸价
offer cost, insurance and freight报到岸价
offer curve出价曲线
offer curve供销要价曲线
offer firm CIF按到岸价报实盘
offer firm CIF确报到岸价格
offer for sale提供销售
offer for sale提供
offer for sale供销
offer for sale by tender投标式代销发行
offer $ 400 for the machine出价400元买这台机器
offer good until withdrawn撤回前有效报价
offer good until withdrawn by seller"有效至卖方撤回为止"之报价
offer Mich has lapsed过期的要约放盘
offer of partial acceptance承兑的建议 (by the drawee to the holder of a bill)
offer of partial acceptance部分承诺 (by the drawee to the holder of a bill)
offer on sale or return许可退货的开价
offer on sale or return准许退货要约
offer period出价有效期间
offer sample发盘附样品
offer sheet出售货物单
offer subject to being unsold未售时有效要约发价
offer subject to being unsold以未售为有效报价
offer subject to being unsold以未出售为有效的报价
offer subject to buyers' inspection or approval以买方看货后定的报价
offer subject to buyer's inspection or approval以买方检验或接受为准的报价
offer subject to change without notice如有变化无需另补通知的报价
offer subject to export license以领得出口许可证为准的报价
offer subject to first available steamer以装第一艘轮船为准的报价
offer subject to immediate acceptance by telegram以立即回电为有效的报价
offer subject to immediate reply以立即答复为有效的报价
offer subject to import license以领得进口许可证为准的报价
offer subject to market fluctuation按市场变动增减的报价
offer subject to our confirmation经我方确认为有效的报价
offer subject to prior sale有权先售要约
offer subject to prior sale有权先售的报价
offer subject to reply received by...以于 X 日前收到答复为有效的报
offer subject to sample approval着样本后决定发盘
offer subject to seller’s confirmation卖方确认后有效的报价.
offer subject to selling all or none全部销售后或没有销售的报价
offer subject to shipping space available以有舱位为准的报价
offer suggestions on materials handling methods对于材料装卸方法提出建议
offer under seal证人证明的发盘
offer with engagement实盘
offer with engagement有约束力的还价
offer without engagement虚盘
offer without engagement不受约束的发价
offer without engagement不受拘束的报价
off-pack offer另赠法
on offer在出售中
on offer出卖
public offer公开报价
re ^cation of offer撤盘
regularity of offers经常定期报盘
reinsurance offers分保建议
renew an offer重新发盘
renew offer开始发盘
renewed offer更始发盘
repeat offer再报价
repeat offer重复发价
repeat offer再发盘
revocable offer虚盘
revocable offer可撤销的报价
sampled offer附样报盘
sampled offer附样品发盘
selling offer卖方发价
selling offer销货要约
send offer寄送报盘
sole offer独家发盘
solicit offer要求报盘
standing offer持续要约
tender offer价购
tender offers投标出价
tender offers股权收购
this offer is valid for 3 days本发盘有效期为3天
under offer在出售中
unsolicited offer主动报价
unsolicited offers主动报价
voluntary offer主动报
withdraw an offer撤回报价
withdraw offer撤回发盘
withhold offer for a time暂停报盘