
Terms for subject Economy containing offer | all forms | exact matches only
a cut-price offer廉价出售商品
a firm offer实盘
a generous offer慷慨的出价
a renewed offer更始重新发盘
a revalidated offer重新生效的发盘
acceptable frontier offer可接受的边远地区报价
acceptance of offer接取报价
As this offer has been waive d, it is not binding upon us now由于该盘已自动放弃,现对我方无约束力
As we have referred your offers to the foreign corporation for their attention, please contact them directly我们已将你方报盘函转给外方公司,请与他们直接联系
As you requested, we can offer our maximum quantity按你方要求,我方能报最大数量
Because of insufficient stock we can offer you only a quarter of your requirement由于存货不够,我方只能供给你方所需要数量的 1/4
binding offer实盘 (有约束力的报价)
block offer成批出价的交易方式
borrow offer借用发价
borrow offer借发盘价
buying offer买方报盘
buying offer买方发盘
cable offer电报发盘
Can you make us an offer on CIF basis n.?你方能按到岸价格给我们报盘吗?
cancellation of offer注销报价
Circular letters are usually sales letters advertising products or special offers通函一般是为产品宣传和特价销售发的推销信
close an offer接受报盘
combination offer搭配发盘
combined offer搭配发盘
communication constituting an offer构成发价的通知
declination offer婉拒发盘
decline an offer婉拒发盘
direct offer直接募集化
direct offer直接募集法
Due to the instability of the present market price, we cannot give you a firm offer由于目前市场价格不稳定,我们不能给你方报实盘
duration of offer发盘有效期限
effective job offers and job seekers实际空缺职位及求职人数
entertain an offer接受报盘
estimate and offer sheet估价与出价单
estimator and offer sheet估价与出价单
exceptional offer特殊发盘
firm offer不可撤销的发盘
firm offer确定的出
free of offer自由盘
general offer广告报价
general offer公开发价
identical offer同样的报盘
If you can buy large quantities of this merchandise, we will offer you 3% discount如果你能大量购买这种商品,我们会提供给你3% 的折扣
If you place a substantial order, we will be pleased to offer you art extra 3% off the current prices如大量订货,按现价再减3%
In reply, we wish to inform you that we cannot make an offer on your condition现回复,我们不能按你方条件报价
In view of our long connection n., we agree to make an exception of our offer考虑到彼此间的长期关系,我方同意对你方报盘作一次例外处理
in-pack offer内装法
interesting offer令人感兴趣的报盘
It is imperative that you should cable your firm-offer immediately你方必须立即用电报报实盘
It seems desirable to accept our offer接受我方报盘似乎有好处
It will be appreciated if you will let us have your sampled offer最好能收到你方附样报盘
leave an offer open保留报价有效
letter of offer and acceptance交货验收单
line up an offer for为某人准备报盘 (sb.)
London Interbank Offer Rate英国伦敦银行同业拆放利率
lump offer综合发盘
make a cable offer以电报报价
make best possible firm offer报…最低实盘
manage to offer a reasonable quantity设法给予适当的数量的报盘
nonfirm offer非实盘
nonfirm offer虚盘
offer a 13% rebate on these items这批货物可提供 13%的优待 (回扣)
offer bribes to向某人行贿 (sb.)
offer by post以投寄方式报盘
offer by tender以投标方式报盘
offer curve提洪曲线
offer…for$400 междун.торг. 出售……要价400元
offer for sale间接发行证券
offer for sale标价岀售
offer good until withdraw撤回前有效报盘
offer object to seller's confirmation卖方确认后有效的发盘
offer of representation代理权的提供
offer of transaction标价出售
offer of transaction供销 (售)
offer price出价
offer price售出价格
offer price发盘价格
offer price要价
offer protection against提供对外贸易风险的保障 (foreign trade risk)
offer subject to being unsold未售出前有效
offer subject to being unsold以货未出为准
offer subject to change without notice不通知受盘人即可变更的报盘
offer subject to export license以领得出口许可证为准的报盘
offer subject to first available以能装第一艘便船为准的报盘
offer subject to immediate acceptance by telegram以立即电报接受为有效的报盘
offer subject to import license以对方领到进口许可证为准的报盘
offer subject to market fluctuation按市价变动增减的报盘
offer subject to prior sale有权先行售出的报价
offer subject to reply received by...回复于…日由抵达我处有效的报价
offer subject to reply received such date本日得到答复有效的报盘
offer subject to shipping space available以能订到舱位为准的报盘
offer the machine for $ 400愿以 400元出售这台机器
offer sb. the right hand of fellowship同意某人入伙合作
offer without engagement不受约束的报价
Once fresh supplies are available, we're sure to make you an offer一有新货供应,我们一定向你方报价
opening offer
original offer原发盘
Our acceptance of your offer is conditional upon your agreement to pack the goods in small cases我方接受你方报盘是以你方同意将此货装在小箱内为条件的
Our company will appreciate it if you will make us a reasonable firm offer如给我方一个合理的实盘,我公司将甚为感激
Our production is geared to your needs and we shall be in a position to make you substantial offers我方的生产与你方的需要相适应,能够给你方提供大额的报盘
Please make us an offer for any product within the fabric of this line请给我们报这类商品中的任何一种
Please send us your firm offer by letter indicating trade discount and terms of shipment请用信报实盘,并注明同业折扣和装运条件
renew an offer重新发盘 (报价)
renewed offer更新的发盘
revocation of an offer撤销报价
sample offer附样发盘
scatter the offer分散报盘
Should you find it expedient to use it, we could offer you an allowance of 10%你方认为有利使用,我们可以给予10%的补贴
Since our offer is unacceptable to you, we would like to listen to your solution既然不接受我方提议,我们想听听你方的解决办法
Since there are other countries after the goods, we can not prolong the offer还有别的国家要买此货,我们不能将报盘延期
special offer专门报价
special offer专门发盘
sporadic offers零星的报盘
Such an ornamental design in a dull color offers no inducement这样一种颜色暗淡的装饰图案不吸引人
Taken as a whole, your offer is quite satisfactory总地来说,你们报盘是十分令人满意的
tentative offer试验性报价
tentative offer试验性报盘
the above offer上述报盘
The circular we sent out offers 15% discount我们发出的广告传单上提供的折扣为15%
The clients are very anxious to get your offers and samples客户切望得到你方的报价和样品
the communication constituting an offer构成发价的通知
The current offer for colored TV is $300 per set CIF目前的彩电报盘是每台到岸价300美元
The largest discount they can offer on this item is 20%他们对这项商品最多只能打八折
the non-firm offer非实盘
the non-firm offer虚盘
The offer includes your commission of 5%此报盘包括你方 5%的佣金
The offer is firm for 5 days此报盘有效期另 5 天
The offer is good until the 7th May此报盘有效至5月7日
The offer sent on March 3 still holds good before the end of this week3 月 3 日所送报盘有效时间到本周末为止
the offer subject to immediate reply以立即答复为有效的报价
the offer subject to reply received by...回复于 …日抵达我处有效的报价
the regularity of offers定期报盘
the regularity of offers经常报盘
the repeat offer再报价
the repeat offer重复发盘
the revocation of offer撤盘
The time is immature for accepting their offer接受他们的报盘为时尚早
the unacceptable offer不能接受的报盘
The usual discount of this model is 15%, but we would like to offer an extra 5% for cash settlement这种型号通常的折扣是15%,但若现金付款则另加5%
Their offer is workable他们的报盘是可行的
They can accept your offer, if your price is reasonable如果你方价格合理,他们能接受你方的报盘
They don't give credence to the offer他们不相信这份报盘
They offer facilities for payment他们为付款提供便利
They would like to accept the cooperative offer他们乐意接受合作建议
This counter offer remains open for your acceptance by telex on or before April 20你方 4 月 20 日或以前来电接受此还盘为有效
to accept offer接受发盘
to decline offer谢绝发盘
to entertain offer考虑发盘
to extend offer延长发盘
to reinstate offer恢复发盘
to renew offer恢复发盘 (一般指刚过期的报盘)
to withdraw offer撤回发盘
Tom made an offer of $10.000 for Ms house, and Alexander replies with a counteroffer of $15000汤姆对这幢房子的报价为一万美元,亚历山大却报出 15 000 美元
trial offer试销
Two bidders made offers for the jewels两位投标人就珠宝报了价
Under such circumstances, we have no choice but to decline your kind offer在这种情况下,本公司别无选择,只好拒绝贵方善意的报价
Unless otherwise specified, we won't include your commission in our offers除非另有说明,我们不把你方的佣金包括在报盘内
Upon the service of a notice of a fine, the customs will detain the cargo until the owner offers the payment海关送达书面罚款通知并扣留货物,直到货主付款
verbal offer口头发盘
We accept your offer on condition that you agree to deliver the goods earlier在你方同意提早发货的条件下我们能接受你方的报盘
We agree to offer you special trade terms我方同意给予你方特别交易条件
We are afraid we cannot reinstate our offer of the 8th inst.很抱歉不能恢复我们本月8日的报盘
We are at a loss why your offer has not arrived yet我们不理解为什么你方报盘迟迟未到
We are cabling you an offer for 150 tons cotton free at quay我们即以电报向你发去150吨中等棉花的报盘
We are hopeful about getting your offer accepted我们希望你的报盘能被接受
We are in a position to offer you these commodities for sale我方能够发盘出售这些商品
We are inclined to accept your offer on Dec. 20th我们有意接受你方12月20日的报盘
We are not in a position to send you an offer owing to your omission to state the necessary particulars由于你方未告知必要的细节,我方目前无法向你方发出报盘
We are now sending your firm offer for 500 sacks Brazilian Coffee in fulfillment of our promise为了实现我方诺言,我们现在向你方报送500袋巴西咖啡实盘
We are now sending your firm offer for 500 sacks Brazilian Coffee in fulfilment of our promise为了实现我方诺言,我们现在向你方报送500袋巴西咖啡实盘
We are sending you a lump offer, which must be accepted all or none我们给你方送去综合报盘,必须全部接受或不接受
We are sorry that your offer is not practicable很遗憾,你方报盘不可行
We are sorry to say that your offer does not interest us很遗憾,你方报盘不能引起我方兴趣
We are still hesitating about accepting your offer我们仍在犹豫是否接受你方报盘
We assure that your offer will certainly receive our careful consideration我们保证对于你方发盘定予认真考虑
We declined in a flat manner to accept the offer我们断然拒绝接受此报盘
We have implemented our promise by cabling you an offer for 10 metric tons wolfram ore我们履行诺言,用电报报给你方10吨钨砂
We have telexed them again with the result that they confirmed the offer you made in the letter of April 20我们再次和他们用电传联系,结果他们确认了你们4月20日信中的报价
We hope you will consider our request for a renewal of the offer我们希望你们考虑我们对恢复这个报盘的请求
We hope you will make us an offer for prompt shipment希望你方给我们一个即期装运的报盘
We hope you will renew your offer subject to such alterations我们希望你方按如此变动重新报盘
We keep this firm offer open for a further ten days from 15th August我们将实盘有效期从8月15日起再延长10天
We look forward to your ability to offer us this article in not too distant future我们盼望你在不久的将来能向我们报此货
We offer as follows...兹报盘如下…
We offer to go shares with you in the risk我们愿同你们分担风险
We request you to cable us an offer for the first item in your list of current availabilities请就贵方目前可供货单上第一项产品电报递盘
We shall offer a substitute in substitution for what you enquire for我们将提供一种代替品,以替代你们所询购的那一种
We understand from your telegraph of the 6th inst. that you are keenly interested in our products, and request us to make an offer for them我方从你方本月6日的电报中获悉,你方对我方的产品非常感兴趣,并要求我方为其报价
We were astonished at the unconditional acceptance of the offer by the board yesterday昨天我们对董事会无条件地接受报盘很感惊奇
We will offer with specific enquiry询购明确,我方能报盘
We will send you an offer in about a month's time, i.e., in October我们将在大约1个月后,即10月份给你方寄送报盘
Will you give precedence to our enquiry, once you are able to offer?一旦你方能报盘,你方能尽先办理我方的询盘吗?
With relation to fresh offers, please reply as soon as possible关于新报盘,请尽快回复
withdraw offer撤回报价
withdrawal of offer撤回发盘
withdrawal of offer撤回报价
Your good-will means a lot to us, so we offer you an allowance of 5%你方的好意对我方举足轻重,因此我方给贵方5%的折扣
Your offer arrived at an inopportune time, for we have just accepted another exporter's firm offer你方报盘来得不凑巧,因为我们刚接受了另一出口商的实盘
Your offer is in want of specifics你方的发盘不够具体
Your offer is too high to kindle interest你方报盘太高,无法引起兴趣
Your offer on leather shoes is not interesting to us我们对你方关于皮鞋的报盘不感兴趣
Your response to our offer is quite understandable你方对我方报价的反应完全可以理解