
Terms for subject Textile industry containing offer | all forms | exact matches only
accept an offer接受报盘
acceptable offer可接受报盘
acceptable offer可接受的报价
acceptable offer可接受报价
acceptance of offer接受报盘
amend offer更新报盘
amend offer更改报价
arm's length offer正常发盘
best offer报最优惠价
best offer最优惠报价
best offer最低报价
buyer's offer买方报价
buyer's offer买方报盘
buyer's offer买方出价
buyer's offer买方发盘
by sealed offer密封发价
by sealed offer密封报价
by sealed offer密封递盘
cancelled offer已撤回发盘
cancelled offer已注销报价
change in offer报价更改
concentration of offer集中报盘
confirmation of offer确认发盘
duration of an offer发盘期限
duration of an offer报价有效时间
firm offer确定价格
firm offer固定报价
firm offer确盘
firm offer固定发价
general offer总发价
joint product offer连带出售
joint product offer搭卖
joint product offer搭配出售
lowest offer最低价报盘
made a cable offer以电报报盘
make an offer发盘
make an offer岀价
make an offer报盘
multiple offer多种报价
multiple offer多项报价
non-firm offer非稳固报价
offer a price发价
offer a price卖方发盘
offer a price报盘
offer a price报价
offer a price出价
offer by post邮寄发盘
offer firm发实盘
offer in the market在市场上出售
offer period发盘有效期
offer price售价
offer price出售价
offer price发盘价
offer rate卖方开价
offer sheet出售货单
offer sheet发价单
offer to buy认购
offer to purchase认购
offer under seal密封发盘
offer validity报价有效期
offer with string attached有条件发价
offer with string attached附条件的报盘
on offer供出售
opening offer发盘
opening offer开盘
paid-in offer有偿要约
regularity of offers经常报盘
regularity of offers定期报盘
reinsurance offers分保求售
renew an offer更新报价
renew offer更新发盘
renew offer更新报盘
renew offer重发盘
renew offer再报价
renewed offer再报价
renewed offer重复报盘
renewed offer再发盘
renewed offer重新发盘
repeat offer续盘
repeat offer重复发盘
revalidated offer重新生效的发盘
revocable offer可撤销报价
revocation of offer撤盘
selling offer卖方报价
selling offer销售发盘
send offer发报价
solicit offer索盘
solicit offer要求报价
solus offer独家发盘
solus offer单一产品出售
special offer特别报盘
special offer特殊报价
special offer特价提供
standing offer持续发盘
subject offer从属报价
submit an offer认购
submit an offer投标
submit an offer报盘
tender offers招标
tender offers提出要约
tender offers收购股权
time limit of offer要约时限
time limit of offer报价期限
time limit of offer报盘时限
under offer拟售中
unexpired offer未过期报盘
unsolicited offer主动报盘
validity of offer报价有效期
verbal offer口头报盘
verbal offer口头出价
voluntary offer主动发盘
voluntary offer主动报价
withdraw an offer撤回发盘
withdraw an offer撤回报盘
withdraw offer撤销报盘