
Terms containing offer | all forms | exact matches only
tech.abundance of offers报价很多
tech.abundance of offers出价过高
tech.accept an offer接受发盘
tech.accept an offer接受报价
gen.accept an offer接受一个提议
tech.accept offer接受报价
securit.acceptance of an offer接受要约
consult.alternative offer变更报价
gen.an offer of help愿意帮助的表示
gen.an offer to help愿意帮助的表示
securit.any-or-all offer部分或全部报价
securit.any-or-all offer任意或全部要约不定购股最大数量的要约,在要约规定未满足前不买人任何股票
securit.application for waiver of general offer requirement一般提案豁免申请
securit.application for waiver of general offer requirement综合要约规定豁免的申请
shipb.Are the prices on the list firm offers?此价格是实盘吗?
gen.As compensation, we will offer you a complimentary dessert作为补偿,我们为您提供一份免费甜品
gen.as occasion offers机会来到时
gen.as occasion offers有机会时
gen.as opportunity offers机会来到时
gen.as opportunity offers有机会时
tech.assessment of offers and tenders报价与投标的估定
securit.bargain offer值得成交的报价
securit.bargain offer优惠报价
tech.base offer底标价
gen.be open to an offer愿意考虑某一提议
avia.best and final offer〔客〕最佳与最后出价
securit.best offer最佳卖价
securit.best offer最佳要价
tech.bids and offers买价与卖价
securit.bids and offers出价与要价
adv.blind offer广告不起眼处提供的特价或免费信息
securit.blitzkrieg tender offer闪电式报价
tech.block offer成批出售
securit.block offer大宗出售证券
securit.block offer整批出售
securit.bona fide offer善意收购
securit.bona fide offer诚意要约
tech.borrow offer借报价
securit.Budapest interbank offer rate布达佩斯银行同业拆放利率匈牙利
securit.Budapest interbank offer rate布达佩斯银行同业拆借利率
adv.buried offer广告不起眼处提供的特价或免费信息
securit.buy on the offer按要价购买
tech.buying offer卖方发盘
ecol.buying offer买方出价
tech.buy-sell offer或买或卖出价
tech.cable an offer电报报盘
shipb.cable offer电报报盘
tech.call for offers询价
nautic., tech.cancel an offer撤销报价
securit.cash offer现金收购要约
securit.cash offer现金报价
adv.cash refund offer给回邮顾客的退款
tech.change in offer修订报价
tech.close with an offer接受报盘
tech.closest offer最接近发盘
tech.closing date of offer报价截止日
securit.coercive tender offer强制收购要约
adv.combination offer套装赠送
tech.combined offer联合发盘
tech.combined offer联合报价
tech.combined offer联合出价
tech.combined offer联合提供的标书
tech.commercial offer商业报价
tech.competitive offer竞争性报价
securit.conditional cash offer附条件现金要约
tech.conditional offer附条件报价
tech.conditional offer附条件发价
securit.conditional offer有条件报价
securit.conditional offer subject to prior sale有权先于销售报价
securit.conditional offer to confirmation有条件地确认报价
tech.confirm your offer确认你方的报盘
securit.consortium offer财团要约
securit.consortium offer银团要约
securit.conventional tender offer约定报价
tech.counter counter-offer反还盘
securit.counter offer反还价
securit.counter offer再还价
tech.counter offer反价
tech.counter offer返盘
tech.counter offer复盘
securit.creeping tender offer逐渐标购
securit.creeping tender offer逐渐升高的报价
securit.creeping tender offer逐渐变化的报价
tech.cross offer交叉发盘
tech.cross offer交叉报价
tech.cross offer交叉发价
tech.cross offer交错报价
tech.cut price offer廉价出售
securit.debt-equity exchange offer债换股交换提议
securit.debt-reducing exchange offers降低杠杆交换提议
tech.decline an offer不接受报价
gen.decline an offer拒绝一个提议
tech.decline offer谢绝发盘
securit.decline one's offer拒绝某方报盘
securit.deferred general offer押后进行的全面要约
securit.deferred general offer延期总要约
securit.direct offer直接发盘
securit.direct offer直接报价
tech.effective offer实际报价
securit.effective term of takeover offer收购要约有效期
securit.enhanced offer被强化的要约
securit.enhanced offer强化式要约
tech.entertain offer接受报盘
tech.entertain offer考虑发盘
securit.exchange offers交换要约提供带有选择权的证券,能与所持有的不同证券进行交换,在不改变投资的情况下改变了资本结构
securit.exchange offers交换发行
securit.exclusionary tender offer限制发行 (证券发行公司在发行新股时,限制部分股东认购新股的权利)
tech.express offer and acceptance明示要约与承诺
shipb.extend an offer延长发盘有效期
tech.extend offer延长发盘
HRfinal offer arbitration最终建议仲裁
tech.firm offer实价
tech.firm offer确定报价
agric.firm offer固定供应
tech.firm offer确定的要约
tech.firm offer坚定邀约
tech.firm offer不能撤销的发价
agric.firm offer短期内有效发价
agric.firm offer确定发价
securit.firm offer确定的出价
tech.firm-price offer固定价格报价
securit.fixed price offer固定价格要约
securit.fixed price tender offer固定价格报价
securit.fixed-price tender offer固定价格要约收购
securit.free offer无约束力发盘
gen.French dish is tasty and it offers a big variety法国菜很好吃,而且种类很多
securit.friendly tender offer善意股权收购提议
securit.front-end loading in tender offers收购要约中的前期费用
tech.full-price offer原价购买
securit.general cash offer现金销售投资者现金购买
securit.general cash offer普通现金报价
tech.general contractor's fixed price offer总承包商固定价格开价单
securit.general offer总要约
securit.general offer全面收购
securit.general offer全面收购要约
securit.godfather offer教父发行
gen.Hello. This is Mrs. Charles. I' d like to buy a new car. Could you offer me a new type of the car, please?你好,我是查尔斯夫人。我想买辆新车,你能给我介绍一款新车吗?
adv.hidden offer广告不引人注目处提供的特价或免费信息
securit.HK $10 per offer share每股发行价格10港元
securit.hostile tender offer恶意报价
shipb.How long does your offer remain valid?你们的报价几天内有效?
gen.How much should I offer as the tip?我应该给多少小费?
securit.identical offer完全相同的要约
shipb.If you accept our counter offer, we' ll persuade the end-user to place an order with you.如果贵方接受我们的还盘,我们就劝用户向贵方订货
gen.If you have special dietary requirements, we offer a wide selection of special meals to meet those requirements. You can make a special request through our website if you purchased your ticket online如果您有特殊饮食要求,我们提供了一系列能满足您需求的特殊餐食。如果您是通过在线方式预订机票的,您可以通过阿航网站预订特殊餐食
gen.If you want to go to the U. K. , in a small number of cases, you may be asked to attend an interview or take part in a telephone interview. If you are asked to attend an interview, they will offer you the first available interview date如果你要去英国,在少数情况下,可能会被要求面谈一次或电话交谈一次。工作人员会向你提供一个最早可以面谈的日期
tech.illusory offer虚报价
shipb.I'm afraid we can't accept your counter offer.我方无法接受贵方的还盘
securit.imminent offer即将出现的要约
securit.implementation of an offer落实要约
securit.implementation of an offer执行要约
securit.incorporation by means of shares offer招股集资建立
securit.incorporation by means of shares offer募集资金成立
securit.increased offer提高价格的要约
securit.index-based offer指数基准报价
securit.indicative offer标志性招股价
securit.indicative offer参考要约
securit.indicative offer参考招股价
securit.infirm offer不实报价
securit.initial offer原始报价
securit.initial offer首次发售
securit.initial offer price首次发行价格
securit.initial offer price首次要约价格
securit.interbank offer银行同业拆放/拆借/拆出
securit.interbank offer rate银行同业拆放利率
securit.interbank offer rate银行同业拆出利率
tech.invitation for offer邀请开价
tech.invitation for offer邀请报价
tech.invitation for offer招标
tech.invitation for offer邀请出价
tech.invitation for offer要约引证
tech.invitation of offer报价邀请
securit.issue a takeover offer发出收购要约
gen.jump at an offer欣然接受建议
tech.lack of offer缺少报盘
securit.lapsed offer要约失效
securit.length of tender offer股票收购期
securit.length of tender offer period标购期期限
securit.length of tender offer period股票收购期的期限
securit.light offer试盘卖出
securit.light offer试探性卖出股票
tech.limited offer限定报价
securit.lowest offer最低价的报
tech.lowest offer最低价的报盘
securit.lowest offer最低出价
securit.lump offer整体报价
tech.lump offer一揽子发盘
securit.lump offer综合报价
gen.make a donative offer主动提出赠与
tech.make an offer发价
tech.make an offer报价
securit.make an offer发出要约
tech.make best possible firm offer报……最低实盘
securit.making first offer首次提出报价
securit.mandatory offer obligation强制性要约责任收购中
securit.maximum limit offer最高限额收购 (高价回购股票的一种形式。认购不足则全额购买,若超额认购,则按比例购买)
securit.maximum offer price最高发行价格
securit.merger agreement prior to tender offer报价前合并
securit.mini-tender offers小额收购报价
securit.mini-tender offers少量收购份额收购目标公司低于5%的份额
securit.national best bid and offer最佳报价规则
securit.negotiating terms of offer谈判收购要约的条款
securit.New York interbank offer rate纽约银行同业拆放利率或拆出利率
securit.no near bid-offer无近期报价
securit.no near bid-offer无近期的交易价
securit.non-firm offer非确定报价
securit.number of Hong Kong offer shares香港发行股票数量
securit.number of offer shares in the global offering全球发行的股份数目
gen.offer a choice听凭选择
tech.offer a high price for出高价买
securit.offer a high price for为……出高价
securit.offer a loan for subscription为认股而提供的贷款
securit.offer a low price出低价
gen.offer an affront to sb.upon sb. 当众侮辱某人
gen.offer an apology to M for因 N 向 M 道歉 (N)
gen.offer an economic advantage具有经济上的有利条件
tech.offer and accept by post用信件报盘及接受
tech.offer and counter-offer发盘和还盘
gen.offer as a tribute奉献
securit.offer... at a low price低报价
securit.offer... at a low price低价出售
securit.offer... at a low price杀价卖……
gen.offer battle挑战
securit.offer by prospectus公开发售证券
securit.offer by prospectus通过招股书发行
securit.offer by sale销售发行
securit.offer by subscription认购发行
securit.offer by subscription公开招股
tech.offer by tender通过投标发盘
tech.offer by tender用投标报价
securit.offer by tender招标发售股份
gen.offer constructive comments提建设性意见
consult.offer consulting services提供咨询
tech.offer curve提供曲线
securit.offer down stock开价低的股票
tech.offer financial assistance捐助
gen.offer M for出价M来买N (N)
gen.offer M for出售M要价N (N)
gen.offer M for为〔对〕N提供M (N)
securit.offer for cash现金要约
securit.offer for less than all shares部分公开招股
adv.offer for sale岀让
securit.offer for sale要约出售
tech.offer for sale提供出售
tech.offer for sale供销价
securit.offer for sale公开发售
gen.offer for sale出售
securit.offer for subscription募股
securit.offer for subscription认购发行
securit.offer for subscription公开招股
securit.offer good until withdrawn by seller卖方撤回前有效要价
tech.offer good until withdrawn by seller卖方撤回有效报价
tech.offer good until withdrawn by seller卖方撤回前有效的报盘
securit.offer good until withdrawn by seller直至卖方取消前要价一直有效
gen.offer greetings toM 向 M 致敬〔致意〕
tech.offer guidance by supplying information信息引导
gen.offer high drag产生很大的阻力
tech.offer in a bid报价
tech.offer item平价项目
tech.offer item提供出售项目
tech.offer item发盘项目
gen.offer itself呈〔出〕现
adv.offer list报价列表
tech.offer loans发放贷款
gen.offer me help表示要帮助我
securit.offer mechanism股票发行机制
securit.offer mechanism招股机制
gen.offer no way out of没有提供摆脱…的方法
agric.offer of employment提供职业
securit.offer of investment投资要约
securit.offer of shares for placing股份发售要约
securit.offer of shares for placing出售股份要约
securit.offer of shares for public subscription股票公开发行
securit.offer of shares for public subscription公开招股
tech.offer on same terms and conditions按同样条件报盘
gen.offer opposition予以反抗
gen.offer opposition加以反对
tech.offer opposition to抵 〔反〕抗
securit.offer period要约期
agric.offer price供应价格
tech.offer price卖价
tech.offer price卖方报价
agric.offer price出售价格
securit.offer price要约价
construct.offer proposals forM 提出 M 建议
construct.offer proposals ofM 提出 M 建议
securit.offer rate利率报价
tech.offer rate卖价
tech.offer rate卖价汇率
securit.offer rate拆出利率
securit.offer rate拆放利率
tech.offer resistance to对…有〔产生〕阻力
tech.offer resistance to抵抗
gen.offer sacrifice to
securit.offer shares发行股票
securit.offer sheet意向性合同
tech.offer sheet出价单
securit.offer sheet试探性合同
tech.offer signal预告信号
securit.offer structure发行结构
securit.offer subject to alteration有权更改报价
securit.offer subject to being unsold未售时有效报价
shipb.offer subject to buyer's inspection or approval买方看货后的出价
tech.offer subject to buyer's inspection or approval卖方看货后定发盘
securit.offer subject to buyer's inspection or approval买方核实后报价
tech.offer subject to change价格随时可变发盘
shipb.offer subject to immediate reply以立即答复为有效的发盘
securit.offer subject to market fluctuation随行就市报价开价、发盘
shipb.offer subject to prior sale以先卖为准的发盘
securit.offer subject to prior sale可优先出售报价
tech.offer subject to sample approval看样本后决定出价
tech.offer subject to sample approval看样本后决定发盘
tech.offer subject to seller's confirmation卖方确认有效报价
tech.offer subject to seller's confirmation卖方确认后有效发盘
securit.offer subject to seller's confirmation卖方确认后有效报价
shipb.offer subject to unsold以尚未出售为有效的发盘
sport.offer support提供支援
gen.offer the main hope of success最有成功的希望
securit.offer timetable发行时间表
gen.offer M to把M提供给N (N)
gen.offer M to对N产生〔提供〕M (N)
gen.offer to help me表示要帮助我
tech.offer to sell销货要约
tech.offer to sell报盘
securit.offer to sell开价销售
securit.offer to the public公开招股
securit.offer type发行种类
tech.offer under seal签字蜡封式的要约
tech.offer validity报价期限
shipb.offer validity报价的有效期
securit.offer wanted要求报价
securit.offer wanted寻购启事
securit.offer wanted求购启事
shipb.offer with engagement报实盘
securit.offer with engagement确定发行价格
tech.offer with string attached附带条件的报盘
tech.offer without engagement不受约束出价
securit.offer without engagement未确定发行价格
gen.M offers a starting point起点是 M
gen.M offers a starting point从 M 开始
tech.offers good until withdrawn撤回有效报价
gen.on offer出卖〔售〕
securit.on offer按销售价
gen.on offer削价出售中
adv.on-approval offer试用促销
securit.on-market offer场内要约
tech.open inquiry of the offer公开询价
securit.open offer公开配股
securit.open offer公开出价收购股份
shipb.Our offer remains open for 3 days.我们的报价三天内有效
securit.package offer组合式报价
securit.package offer全套报盘
securit.package offer打包报盘
securit.paid for offer有偿报盘
securit.position offer头寸卖价
securit.possible offer潜在卖价
securit.possible offer可能要约
securit.possible offer潜在要约
securit.post-offer defense measure事后反收购措施
securit.potential offer潜在的要约
securit.pre-offer defense measure事前反收购措施
securit.preferential offer优先报价
securit.preferential offer优先报盘
securit.preferential share offer优先股要约
adv.premium offer馈赠销售
adv.premium offer有奖销售
securit.presale offer预先报价
securit.presale offer售前报价
tech.price asked offer开价
securit.programme offer of shares or debentures股份或债券计划性要约
securit.public offer rule公开发行规则
securit.public offer rule公开要约规则
securit.purchase of shares outside tender offer在投标交易外购买股票
securit.purchaser's fulfillment of tender offer收购人履行要约收购义务
nautic., tech.quotation offer报价单
nautic., tech.quote offer证券报价
adv.rebate offer现金回赠
gen.refuse an offer拒绝一个提议
securit.regulation of offers of investment投资要约规则
securit.regulation of offers of investment投资要约的监管
tech.reinsurance offer分保建议
tech.reject an offer不接受报价
securit.rejection of acquisition offer拒绝收购报价
shipb.renew an offer重新报盘
nautic., tech.renew an offer重新报价
tech.renew offer恢复发盘
tech.repeat offer重复开价
tech.request for an offer要求报价
avia.retrofit modification offer〔客〕改装修改提议
securit.revised offer修订的要约
tech.revoke an offer收回报价
nautic., tech.right offer现场报价
securit.role of stock offer股份要约的作用
tech.sample offer附样品报盘
tech.sampled offer附样品的发盘
gen.Sarido clothing: Our goal is to offer you series of men's fashionable and casual clothing with strong Italy pattern萨雷德品牌系列产品志在向广大男士提供带有浓厚意大利风情的时尚休闲服饰
securit.securities exchange offer证券交换要约
securit.securities on offer发售证券
securit.self-tender offer自动收购报价
tech.selling offer卖方发盘
gen.Sesame paste is on offer this week at the supermarket nearby附近的一家超市本周芝麻酱大减价
securit.settlement offer了结交易的报价
securit.settlement offer达成交易的报价
securit.share offer发行股票
securit.share offer募股
securit.size of an offer招股数量
securit.size of an offer发行数量
securit.size of offer招股数量
gen.snatch at an offer立即接受建议
gen.Some stores even offer express lane for customers with 10 items or less有些商家会为购物数目为十件以内的顾客提供快速收银服务
gen.special offer特价票
tech.special offer廉售报价
tech.special offer特别报价
securit.special offer特别要约
securit.special offer特价提价
gen.special offer特价优惠
securit.specialises offer造市商报价
securit.specialises offer专家经纪公司卖方报价
securit.standing offer有效报价
securit.standing offer有效要约
tech.standing offer持续报价
securit.standing offer长期报价
securit.stop offer卖盘止损
securit.subject offer待决卖价
securit.subject offer待定要价
securit.subject to an offer按要约规定
securit.subject to an offer受要约的限制
tech.submit an offer for报盘
tech.submit an offer for认购
shipb.submit the offer提出报价
securit.substantial step to commence tender offer开始投标报价的实质性步骤
gen.take the first opportunity that offers一有机会就利用
securit.take the offer按卖价买人
securit.take the offer证券买人成交
securit.take the offer接受卖方报价
securit.takeover by offer要约收购
securit.takeover offer收购报价
tech.technical plant offer技术设备报价
tech.tender offer投标出价
tech.tender offer投标报价
tech.tender offer收购股权
securit.tender offer现金对价要约收购
tech.tender offer投标书承诺
securit.tender offer股权收购
securit.tender offer and short-swing profit股权收购与利润短期趋势
securit.tender offer facility招标收购融资便利
securit.tender offer facility投标收购融资便利
securit.tender offer financing股权收购融资
securit.tender offer materials投标材料
securit.tender offer materials招标文件
securit.tender offer materials股权收购材料
securit.tender offer premium投标溢价
securit.tender offer rules投标规则
securit.tender offer rules股权收购规则
securit.tender offer statement投标书
securit.term of the shares offer股票发行期限
securit.term of the shares offer募股起止期限
tech.term of validity of offer出售的有效期限
tech.term of validity of offer要约的有效期限
gen.Thank you for waiting. Yes, sir, we can offer you a single room with a bay window on Sep 25th to Sep 28th. Can you tell me when did you plan to arrive at our hotel?谢谢等待,先生,我们能为您提供9月25至28号带飘窗的单人间。您能告诉我您计划什么时候到达酒店吗?
gen.the table above offers two lessons上表提供〔表明〕了两点
gen.They may offer hope in the battle to control the current obesity epidemic它们可能为控制当前肥胖病的流行带来了希望
gen.This offer will expire in two days这个特价再过两天就结束了
securit.throwaway offer名义卖价
securit.throwaway offer卖方参考报价
tech.time limit of offer出售的期限
tech.time limit of offer要约的期限
securit.timing and tender offer时机选择和发包/招标
securit.trigger a mandatory offer引发强制要约
securit.two tier offer分两步收购
securit.two-tier tender offer双重发盘收购 (在双重发盘收购中,竞价者在第一层价格收购数额满足后,将以第二层价格(较低价或以证券而不用现金)收购其余股票)
securit.unconditional offer无条件报价
tech.unconfirmed offer虚盘
gen.Under the 1999 Montreal Act, international airlines are required to offer their customers compensation for lost or damaged luggage for up to $3,000依据 1999年《蒙特利尔公约》,国际航空公司须为行李丢失或损坏的顾客支付高达3 000美元的赔偿金
securit.uniform any-or-all cash tender offer现金统一价的股权收购
tech.unsolicited offer卖方自报价
securit.unsolicited offer自报价
securit.unsolicited tender offer主动要约收购
tech.valid period of the offer报价有效期
gen.We are interested in your flannel, but I'm wondering about the price. How much will you possibly offer us?我方对贵方法兰绒面料很感兴趣,我在考虑价格问题。不知道贵方出什么价?
gen.We can offer you a discount我们可以给你点折扣
shipb.We can work out the offer this evening and give it to you tomorrow morning.今天晚上我们算出来,明天上午交给贵方。
gen.We offer free-of-charge service of delivery in our hotel and left-luggage service我们为您提供店内免费运送或寄存行李服务
gen.We offer special menus for different diets我们有特殊食谱,可以满足不同的餐饮需要
gen.We offer wheelchair and walking stick. Please contact the Luggage Room if you need如需轮椅车和拐杖,请与行李房联系
adv.We should take advantage of special offers and BOGOFs in shopping mall我们要利用超级市场特价和买一送一的机会去购物
shipb.When can we have your CIF Jakarta firm offer?我们何时可以得到贵方的雅加达到岸价格实盘?
tech.withdraw an offer收回报价
tech.withdraw an offer撤回原发价
tech.withdraw an offer撤回承诺
tech.withdraw an offer取消报价
shipb.withdraw an offer撤销一项发盘
securit.withdrawn offer撤回要约
sport.with...gold medals on offer设…块金牌 (at stake)
securit.without an offer无卖价
securit.without an offer无发售价
shipb.Would you please tell us the quantity you require so as to enable us to work out the offer.为了便于报价,能否告知贵方所需数量
gen.You should remember the license number of the taxi, in case you meet a driver who offers poor service or is dishonest你应该记下出租车牌号,以便投诉司机的劣质服务或欺骗行为
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