
Terms for subject Basketball containing offensive | all forms | exact matches only
all-purpose offensive对任何防守都有效的进攻战术
all-purpose offensive通用进攻战术
offensive basket对方篮
offensive basket interference进攻方干扰投篮得分
offensive basket interference攻方干扰投篮得分
offensive board foul前场抢篮板球犯规
offensive board foul抢篮板犯规
offensive footwork进攻时的步法
offensive footwork进攻步法
1-3-1 offensive formation1-3-1 进攻阵形
offensive guard组织进攻的后卫
offensive guard组织进攻后卫
offensive half of court前场
offensive half of the court前场
offensive play攻击型打法
offensive player进攻队员
offensive position进攻位置
offensive rebound前场篮板球
offensive rebound进攻篮板球
offensive rebounding抢前场篮板球
offensive run进攻高潮
offensive-scoring play进攻得分战术
overload offensive alignment造成对方以少防多的进攻阵形
overload offensive alignment以少防多进攻
three-out-and-two -in offensive play外马蹄形进攻阵式
three-out-and-two-in offensive play外围马蹄形进攻阵式
two-three offensive formation2-3进攻阵式
two-three offensive formation马蹄形进攻阵形
two-three offensive formation二三进攻阵势
well-coordinated offensive配合进攻