
Terms for subject Football containing off the | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
bounce off the goal post触球门柱弹出
call off the game取消比赛
deflect off the referee球碰裁判员变向
gathering the pace off the ball停接球
infringement of the kick-off procedure开球程序上的犯规
kick up off the ground踢起球
kick up off the ground将球踢起
line up in position for the kick-off排起阵势准备开球
movement off the ball接应
off the mark摆脱防守
off-the-ball foul无球犯规
off-the-ball foul无球队员犯规
off-the-ball running无球跑动
off-the-ball running无球队员的跑动
order off the field罚出场
order off the field for foul play罚出场
play off the ball无球活动
player off the ball丢球队员
run off the ball跑位
running off the ball跑位
running off the ball不带球的跑位
screen off the opponent掩护摆脱对手
shake off the defenders摆脱防守队员
shut off the angle封住角度
speed off the mark迅速摆脱防守