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As all the competitors tying failed, the bar is lowered to 1.92m for another jump-off由于所有成绩相等的运动员均未能跳过此高度、横杆降至 1.92 米、进行第二次试跳、以决定名次
blow off the floor战胜对手
call off the contest宣布停止比赛
call off the contest取消比赛
carry off the palm得胜
carry off the palm居首位
carry off the palm夺魁
carry off the palm夺冠
come off the curve动词词组离开弯道
come off the hurdle动词词组下栏
eyelash off the world record差点破世界纪录
go off the course出跑道
hand off the baton传棒
It is essential to taper off training during the final week to 10 days before a big competition重大比赛的前一周至 10 日内、必须逐渐减少训练量
keep the opponent off balance使对手失去平衡
ordered off the field for foul play因犯规被罚出场
play off the ceiling球击到天花板 (squash)
play off the walls球击到四壁 (squash)
pull off the event比赛获胜得奖
pull off the event比赛获胜
push off the pole动词词组推竿
round off the results圆满完成成绩
slow down the take-off减慢起跳
take the edge off挫对方锐气
take the edge off挫某人气势
take the edge off somebody挫其锐气
taper off the amount of training, taper off the volume of training逐渐减少训练量
The hop shall be made so that a competitor lands first on the same foot as that from which he has taken off单足跳时应用起跳脚落地、跨步跳时用另一只脚摆动腿落地、然后完成跳跃动作
the movements of Carl Lewis' approach and take-off卡尔・刘易斯的助跑和起跳动作
The nonskid starting blocks are meant to facilitate a propulsive takeoff, which can shave valuable ticks off the clock防滑起跑器用来助跑,可以节约宝贵的时间
The two other tying athletes A and B shall have a 3rd jump-off另两名运动员 A 和 B 成绩相等获得了第三次试跳机会以决定名次
This coach emphasizes the combination of a fast run-up approach and a quick take-off这位教练员强调快速助跑和快速起跳相结合
walk off the court退场表示抗议等
walk off the court退场以示抗议
With his fast run-up, powerful take-off and fine coordination of body movements, he is one of the promising high jumper他的助跑速度快、起跳有力、动作协调、是一名有希望的跳高运动员
With his fast run-up, powerful take-off and fine coordination of body movements, Zhu Jianhua was one of the promising high jumpers朱建华的助跑速度快、踏跳瞬间爆发力好、动作协调、他是有发展前途的跳高选手之一