
Terms for subject Law containing of | all forms | exact matches only
a body of很多
a body of一批〔堆,群,团,片〕
abandonment of a right放弃权利
abandonment of a treaty弃权
acceptance of service接受传票此处 service 指传票、命令等的传送
account of某人账内 (A/O)
accrual of obligation履约期债务到期或债务归属已被明确规定的要求债务归还的期限
administration of justice司法
administration of justice司法裁判
age of consent合法年龄
air way bill of lading空运提单
arbitration of exchange汇兑的套利
assignment of policy保单转让
assurance of performance履约保证
Authentic texts of Constitution章程作准文本
Authentic texts of the Constitution章程作准文本
award of attorney's fees律师费的裁定
balance of interests利益的平衡
balance of rights权利平衡
be thrown out of employment被解雇
be thrown out of employment失业
be relieved of one's duties被解职
bill of adventure托运证书
born out of wedlock非婚生的
cause of action追索赔偿权的事实
certificate of insurance保险证明书 (C/I)
certificate of service劳务证明书
certificate of service工作证
cession of goods货权转让
Civil Pact of Solidarity热敏性遗传雄性不育
Code of Federal Regulations美国的联邦法规守则
combination in restraint of trade限制竞争协议
constitutional protection of the right to food对食物权的宪法保护
content of the right to food食物权的内容
Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods国际货物销售合同公约
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora控制危及野生动植物物种的国际贸易公约
conversion of realty不动产转换
custom of the port海关
damages for breach of contract违约赔偿金
days of grace缓期
days of grace法定的,习惯的宽限日期
declaration of competence管辖权声明
Declaration of Competence and Voting Rights权限和表决权声明
declaration of intent意向声明缩写为SOI
deliberate use of starvation对极度饥饿的蓄意利用
Department of the Interior美国内政部
directive principle of state国家的指示性原则
discharge of a contract履行合同
discharge of the right of action by lapse of time因时效已过而丧失诉讼权
during the pendency of在…未定时
duty of care谨慎和勤勉的义务
effective enjoyment of the right to food有效享有食物权
expropriation of land没收
expropriation of land征用
for the purpose of...目的是要〔在于〕
for the purpose of...为了…起见
formalization of ownership所有权正规化
free of all average一切海损均不赔偿 (F. (adj.) a.)
hearing of the case by arbitrator仲裁人开庭审理
high court of admiralty海事高等法院
high court of justice高等法院
ideal element of law法律的理想成分
illegal dealings of foreign exchange套汇
in contravention of违反〔背〕
be in the employment of受雇于
be in the employment of在…处服务
in the hands of交托给
in the hands of由…负责〔担〕
in the hands of在…掌握中
indivisibility of human rights人权的不可分割性
institute of international law国际法协会
instrument of acceptance接受书
instrument of accession加入书
instrument of adherence加入书
instrument of approval批准书
instrument of approval核准书
instrument of ratification批准书
inter-agency letter of agreement机构间协议书
International Court of Justice Advisory Opinion国际法院咨询意见
joinder of actions联合诉讼
joinder of offenses数罪合罚
joinder of parties多方当事人合并的诉讼
judicial solution of an dispute经司法程序解决纷争
language of the Organization本组织语言
law of nations国家法
law of nations国际法
leave of absence假期
leave of absence请〔准〕假
length of delay延迟值
letter of advice发货〔汇款〕通知书
letter of the law法律的条文
mandatory rule of law强制性法则
matter of form形式〔礼节〕问题
memorandum and articles of association公司组织章程
memorandum and articles of association条例及组织章程
mitigation of damages减轻损坏
name of goods货名
name of goods商品名
nullity of contract无效合同
nullity of juristic act无效法律行为
oath of loyalty效忠宣誓
oath of office就职宣誓
object of international law国际法实体
object of study研究的对象
obligation of progressive realization逐步义务
obligation of progressive realization逐步实现的义务
of right当然
of right按理说
of right正当地
of right按照法律
of right按绝对权利
on the initiative of主动
on the initiative of在…倡议下
out of accordance with同…不协调的
out of accordance with不按照
out of court私下
out of court被驳回
out of court不值一顾
out of court不经法庭
out of doubt确实
out of doubt无疑
out of revenge报复性地
official par of exchange法定汇兑平
perils of the sea海上危险〔灾难〕
period of notice预见通知期限
power of attorney授权证书
prima facie case of damage初步推定有害
principle of proportionality比例原则
principle of reciprocity对等原则
privileges and immunities of the Organization本组织的特权和豁免权
privity of contract合同关系
promoter of corporation公司创办人
protection of game禁猎野生动物
record of adoption会议记录
record of adoption笔录
registration of transactions交易登记
regularization of ownership所有权正规化
resolution of disputes解决争端
resolution of disputes争端的解决
right of abode居住权
right of abode居留权
right of association结社权
right of clearance砍伐权
right of clearance清拆权
right of disposal处置权
right of light采光权
right of pre-emption优先购买权
right to an adequate standard of living获得相当生活水平的权利
security of tenure土地保有
statement of good intent意向声明缩写为SOI
statement of intent意向声明缩写为SOI
statement of principles原则声明
statute of frauds美国防止欺诈法规
stay of execution缓期执行
subdivision of land土地区划
subject of punishment刑罚主体
system of succession继承制
term of payment付款〔交付〕条件
venue of trial审判地点
violation of the right to food对食物权的侵犯
wheels of government行政机关