
Terms for subject Water resources containing of | all forms | exact matches only
abstraction of fossil groundwater化石水层地下水开采量
acceptability of drinking water quality可接受的饮用水水质
acidification of stream河水酸化
acidity of water水的酸度
activities of non-dominant species非优势物种活度
activity of hydrogen ion氢离子活度
adequacy of irrigation灌水充分
administration of justice in water水行政司法
administrative reconsideration of water水行政复议
adsorption of discrete ions离散离子吸附
adsorption of ions离子吸附
adsorption of pollutant in water body水体污染物吸附
agradient of 1 in5坡度斜率1: 5竖:斜
agricultural water requirement as % of agricultural water withdrawal农业需水量占农业取水量的百分比
agricultural water withdrawal as % of total renewable water resources actual农业取水量占实际可再生水资源总量的百分比
agricultural water withdrawal as % of total water withdrawal农业取水量占总取水量的百分比
alignment of channel河线
amount of adsorbed charge per unit surface area单位表面积吸附电荷量
amount of aquatic habitat水生境度
amount of stoichiometric reaction化学计量反应量
amounts of contaminants污染物量
anaerobic decomposition of sludge污泥厌氧分解
analysis of wastewater quality废水水质分析
analysis of water resource system水资源系统分析
analysis of water samples水样分析
angle of outlet出口角度
anthropogenic nonpoint pollution source of water body水体人为非点污染源
anthropogenic source of pollution人为污染源
area actually irrigated as % of area equipped for irrigation实际灌溉面积占配备灌溉设施的灌溉面积的百分比
area equipped for irrigation as % of agricultural water managed area配备灌溉设施的面积占农业用水管理面积的百分比
area equipped for irrigation as % of cultivated area配备灌溉设施的灌溉面积占耕地面积的百分比
area equipped for irrigation as % of irrigation potential配备灌溉设施的灌溉面积占灌溉潜力的百分比
area irrigated by groundwater as % of area equipped for full control irrigation地下水灌溉面积占配备完全控制灌溉设施面积的百分比
area irrigated by mixed and other sources of water as % of area equipped for full control irrigation混合及其他水资源灌溉面积占配备完全控制灌溉设施面积的百分比
area irrigated by surface water as % of area equipped for full control irrigation地表水灌溉面积占配备完全控制灌溉设施面积的百分比
areas of nonpoint source pollution control非点遐污染控制区
assessment model of river water quality河流水质评价模型
assessment model of water body pollution source水体污染源评价模型
assessment of groundwater conditions地下水状况评价
assessment of toxicological state of water bodies水体毒性生物状况评价
available length of lock船闸应有可利用的长度
average cost of drainage development in public schemes公共灌区排水系统开发的平均成本
avoidance of water pollution水免污染
axis of channel河流谷底线
axis of channel河轴线
backwashing intensity of filter滤池反冲洗强度
ballasting and sinking of mattress压排及沉排
ballasting and sinking of mattress柴排加石下沉
banquette of levee戗堤
banquette of levee堤防后戗
base of levee堤底
baseline value of regional environment区域环境基线值
biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons多环芳香烃生物降解
biological anaerobic treatment of wastewater污水厌氧生物处理
biological evaluation of river water pollution河水污染生物学评价
biological fluidized bed reactor of aerobicanoxic integrated high-efficiency separation好氧-缺氧一体化高效分离生物流化床反应器
biological monitoring of water pollution水污染生物监测
biological process of water body self-purification水体自净星物工艺
biological removal of iron and manganese生物除铁除镒
biological source of pollution生物污染源
biological treatment kinetics of wastewater废水生物处理动力学
biological treatment of wastewater废水生物处理
biological treatment of wastewater by facultative microbe废水兼性微星物处理
biosorption of heavy metals重金属生物吸附
breakup of jet射流分散
carbonate hardness of water水的碳酸盐硬度
centralized management of wastewater集中式污水管理
characteristic of channel河槽特性
characteristics of leachate渗沥液特征
characteristics of water quality水质特征
characterization of sorption特性吸附
chemical characteristics of water水化学特征
chemical contamination of waters水体化学污染
chemical method of wastewater treatment污水化学处理法
chemical-environmental monitoring of freshwater ecosystem淡水生态系统化学-环境监测
Chinese Society of Oceanology and Limnology中国海洋湖沼学会
chlorination of drinking water饮用水氯化处理
coefficient of permeability透水性能
coefficient of permeability水传导性
column of a pump水泵压力柱
Committee on Control the Weird Disease of Minamata日本水俣病防治委员会
community system of water农村供水系统
complete treatment of sewage污水完全处理
complexation of metal金属络合作用
complexities of adsorption reaction复杂吸附反应
composition of sewage water污水组分
comprehensive evaluation of environmental quality环境质量综合评价
comprehensive index of environmental quality环境质量综合指数
computer aided design of diffused aeration system扩散曝气系统计算机辅助设计
concentration control of pollutant污染物浓度控制
concentration of hydrogen ion氢离子浓度
concentration of nitrite nitrogen亚硝态氮浓度
concentration of tributary flow支流水的集中
concentration of volatile suspended solids in mixed liquor混合液挥发性悬浮固体含量
condition of water quality水质状况
conduct of water引水
contamination of freshwater bodies淡水水体污染
contamination of groundwater地下水污染
contents of reactive phases活性相含量
control of current水流控制
control of point source点污染源控制
control of pollution source污染源控制
conversion efficiency of light energy光能转换效率
conveyance of water输水
copolymer of phosphonocarboxylic acid膦酰基羧酸共聚物
cost function of unit process of water treatment水处理单元过程费用函
cost of drainage development in private schemes average私营灌区排水系统开发的平均成本
cost of irrigation development in private schemes average私营灌区灌溉开发的平均成本
cost of irrigation development in public schemes average公共灌区灌溉开发平均成本
cost of irrigation rehabilitation in private schemes average私营灌区灌溉设施改造的平均成本
cost of irrigation rehabilitation in public schemes average公共灌区灌溉设施改造的平均成本
cost of localized irrigation: on-farm农田局部灌溉成本:
cost of operation and maintenance in private schemes average私营灌区经营和维护的平均成本
cost of operation and maintenance in public schemes average公共灌区经营和维护的平均成本
cost of sprinkler irrigation: on-farm average农田平均喷灌成本
crest of tidal wave潮波峰
crisis of freshwater resources淡水资源危机
critical concentration of pollutant临界污染物浓度
cross-section of furrows沟的横截面
cross-sectional area of nozzle喷嘴断面面积
curtain of willow柳枝帘
decentralised management of wastewater分散式污水管理
decolorization of wastewater废水脱色
degradation of contaminants污染物降解
degradation of organic matter有机物降解
degradation of pollutant污染物降解
degradation of pollutant substance污染物降解
degradation of regional ecological environment区域生态环境退化
degree of clarification净化度
degree of compatibility混溶度
degree of equilibrium平衡度
delivery-on-demand of water按要求供水
demand management of water resources水资源需求管理
desalination of water淡化
desalination of water脱盐
detailed regulations for implementation of the law of the People's Republic of China of prevention and control of water pollution中华人民共和国水污染控制法实施细则
deterioration of water水质恶化
deterministic assessment of agricultural nonpoint source pollution确定性农业非点源污染评估
diagnosis of the activated sludge process活性污泥工艺诊断
diffused sources of pollution扩散污染源
diffusion source of water pollution扩散水污染源
direct development of the spectrophotometry直接显色分光光度法
direction of pull牵引方向
direction of stream流向
discharge of pollution to ground water排污地下水
discharge of sewage排污
discharge of water排水
discharge source of wastewater排污源
discharge standard of water pollutant for dyeing and finishing of textile industry纺织工业染整水污染物排放标准
discharged water standard of discharged water pollutant for paper industry造纸工业排放水污染物水质标准
dispersive movement of contaminants污染物扩散运动
distribution of water on a rotation basis轮流分水
diversity of bio-community生物群落多样性
domestic source of water pollution水污染生活源
domestication of activated sludge活性污泥驯化
drained area as % of area equipped for full control surface irrigation排水面积占配备完全控制地面灌溉设施面积的百分比
drained cultivated area as % of total cultivated area排水耕地面积占总耕地面积的百分比
drawdown of water level水位下降
drum of winch绞车绕索轴
duration change of DO in day and night溶解氧昼夜变化
duty of pump泵效率
duty of water灌溉定额
duty of water用水率
duty of water灌溉率
duty of water作物需水量
dynamics of pollutant concentrations污染物浓度动态特征
dynamics of water motion水动力学
ecological effect of water pollution水污染生态效应
ecology and analysis of trace contaminant生态与微量污染物分析
ecology of genetically related population遗传相关群体生态学
ecology of seas海洋生态学
ecology of specific ecosystem特殊生态系统生态学
economical design of wastewater treatment facilities经济型污水处理厂设计
ecosystem characters of stabilization pond稳定塘生态系统特征
ecosystem of water body水域生态系统
ecosystems of natural waterbodies天然水域生态系统
effect of wastewater contaminants废水污染效应
effective index of industrial wastewater emissions有效工业废水排放指标
end slope of groin坝头坡度
endogenous respiration rate of nitrification硝化内源呼吸率
environmental value of water水环境极限
erosion of levee slope堤坡的冲蚀
examination of wastewater废水检测
features of river environmental system河流环境系统特征
fermentation and acidogenesis of sludge污泥发酵产酸
flow of high Froude number高弗劳德数水流
flow sheet of activated sludge process活性污泥工艺流程
foaming potential of sludge污泥发泡
forest for conservation of headwaters水源涵养林
freshwater withdrawal as % of internal renewable water resources淡水开采量占境内可再生水资源的百分比
functional district of water environment水环境功能区即水质功能区
functional district of water environment protection水环境保护功能区
gas production rate of sludge污泥产气率
generalization of pollution source污染源概括
Gibbs energy of electrons电子吉布斯能量
Gibbs energy of reaction反应吉布斯能量
grade of levee堤顶纵坡
group of identical ligand同一配位体基团
group of organic acid有机酸基
growth of algae藻类生长
head of groin坝头
heavy metal pollution of soil土壤重金属污染
high strength wastewater containing high level of sulfate含高浓度硫酸盐废水
identification of contaminant source location污染源位置识别
inactivation of viruses病毒灭活
inclination of sill闸槛倾斜
index of biological activity生物活性指数
index of coliform group大肠菌类指数
index of water quality水质指标
indicator bacteria of water fecal pollution水体粪污染指示菌
indicators of potential contamination of water潜在水污染指示物
indicators of sewage pollution污水污染指示物
industrial source of water pollution水污染工业源
industrial water withdrawal as % of total water withdrawal工业取水量占总取水量的百分比
integrated system for the management of agricultural pollution综合农业污染管理系统
integrated system of liquid effluent treatment液态污汞综合处理系统
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships国际船舶污染防止公约
international register of potentially toxic chemicals国际潜在有毒化学品注册员
international registry of potentially toxic chemical国际潜在有毒化学品注册处
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources国际自然与自然资源保护联合会世界自然保护联合会
International Union of Biological Sciences国际生物科学联合会国际科学协会理事会
irrigated grain production as % of total grain production灌溉粮食产量占粮食总产量的百分比
isolating-oil pool of horizontal flow平流式隔油池
issues of environmental impact环境影响问题
Journal of Water Pollution Control Federation水污染控制联合会会刊美国
junction of ditch沟道交接点
junction of pipes排水管接点
kinetic coefficient of viscosity黏度动力系数
law of marine environmental protection海洋环境保护法
law of the People's Republic of China on environmental impact assessment中华人民共和国环境影响评价法
law of the People's Republic of China on prevention and control of water pollution中华人民共和国水污染控制法
laying of pipes管道放置
leaching evaluation of agricultural chemicals methodology农用化学物溶化评估法
length of growing period生长期长度LGP
levels of fecal coliform大肠杆菌水平
levels of toxic pollutant有毒污染物水平
licences system of using water用水许可制度
limit of detection检出限
limit of tide潮界限
line of greatest depth河流谷底线
line of greatest depth深泓线
line of greatest depth河轴线
line of maximum depth河谷线
loading of pollutant污染物负荷
location of point source discharger点污染源排污装置位置
long-term prediction of concentration of contaminants污染物浓度长期预报
loss of水头损耗
loss of pressure压力损失
lower limit of detection检测下限
management measure of water body pollution source水体污染源管理措施
management of environmental quality环境质量管理
management of pollution source污染源管理
management of urban industrial wastewater城市工业污水管理
management of urban nonpoint source pollution model城市菲点源污染管理模型
management of water body pollution source水体污染源管理
management of water quality environment水质环境管理
man-made source of water pollution水污染人为源
margin of fields田头
margin of fields地边
marine environmental protection law of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法
market creation of pollution right市场污染权建立
mass of adsorbate吸附质质量
maximum amount of fecal coliform pollution最大大肠杆菌污染量
maximum concentrations of pollutant最大污染物浓度
mediation of environmental disputes环境纠纷调解
metabolism of pesticide农药新陈代谢
microbial breakdown of pesticide农药微生物降解
microwave decomposition of toxic毒物微波分解
mineralization of groundwater地下水矿化
model of acidification of groundwater in catchment流域地下水酸化模型
model of nonpoint source simulation非点污染源模拟模型
model of river biological self-purification河流生物自净模型
modified University of Capetown process改进型开普敦大学工艺
molar electrochemical energy of electron电子摩尔电化学能
molar free energy of reaction反应摩尔自由能量
molar Gibbs energy of electron电子摩尔吉布斯能量
monitoring of discharge排污监测
most probable number of cytopathogenic units细胞病原体单位最可能数
movement of detritus砂砾移动
muck ditch of levee堤基污水沟
multiparameter estimation of water quality model水质模型多参数估值
multiparameters assessment of water quality多参数水质评价
multiple use of water一水多用
multiple utilization of thermal wastewater热废水综合利用
municipal water withdrawal as % of total water withdrawal城市取水量占总取水量的百分比
natural purification of wastewater by water microorganisms水体微生物污水自然净化
natural source of water pollution水污染自然源
network of national and regional focal points国家和地区王要测站网
network of sewers污水管网
neutralization of odor恶臭中和
non-conventional sources of water非传统水资源
nonpoint source of pollution非点污染源
nonpoint source of urban pollution城市污染非点源
nonpoint source pollution model of water body水体非点源污染模型
number of chemical factor化学因子数
number of coliform group大肠菌类数
number of Cryptosporidium oocysts隐抱子虫卵囊数
number of fish dissected解剖鱼数
number of quantum states量子状态数
objectives system of environmental decision环境决策目标体系
ocean disposal of wastewater污水海洋处置
Office of Pesticide Programs美国环境保护局农药规划处 (USEPA)
Office of Water Policy美国水政策局 (US)
offsetting of laterals支管偏置
opportunity time for absorption of water地面水的可能灌溉时间
optimization design of unit operation in water treatment水处理单元作业优化设计
optimization design of unit process of water treatment水处理单元过程优化设计
optimizing planning of regional wastewater treatment fbr river water quality河流水质区域污水处理优化设计
optimizing planning of river water quality simulation河流水质模拟优化设计
organic content of the sediment底泥有机质含量
Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment海洋环境保护组织
overtopping of levee堤顶漫溢
oxidable degradation of nitrobenzene硝基苯氧化降解
particle size of sludge污泥颗粒粒径
passage of flow disturbance水流扰动传播
pathogen contamination of water body水体病原体污染
permit system of pollution discharged排污许可证制度
persistence of pollutant污染物持久性
pH of maximum adsorption最大吸附 pH
physicochemico-biological treatment of municipal sewage城市污水物化生物处理
pit of pumps抽水坑
polluted stretch of river河流污染漫伸
pollution load of non-point source非点源污染负荷
pollution of water body by algae水体藻类污染
pollution source assessment model of river河流污染源评价模型
population equivalent of industrial wastewater工业污水人口当量
potential of hydrogen pH
potential source of pollutant潜在污染源
potential sources of contamination潜在污染源
power irrigated area as % of area equipped for irrigation电力灌溉面积占配备灌溉设施的灌溉面积的百分比
power of pump stations泵站容量
predictions of solute distribution溶质分布预测
probabilistic assessment of groundwater contamination地下水污染概率统计方法评价
process of supercritical water oxidation超临界水氧化法
protection of waters水域保护
purification of water水的净化
quantitative estimation of plankton浮游生物定量估算
quantitative methods of ecological control生态控制定量法
quantities of pollutant污染物量
quantity of discharge排污量
quantity of fecal coliform大肠杆菌量
quantity of flow of nonpoint source pollutant非点源污染流量
rain scavenging of semivolatile organics半挥发性有机物雨水清除
rate of application灌水率
rate of color removal脱色速率
rate of dirty removal by washing冲洗去污率
rate of dissolution溶解率
rate of flow流量
rate of mineral precipitation无机物沉淀速率
rate of phosphate release释磷速率
rate of precipitation降水强度
rate of sedimentation沉积速率
rate of self-purification自净速率
rate of transportation of bed load推移量
rate of turbidity removal除浊速率
ratio of total nitrogen to total phosphorus总氮量与总磷量比
ratio of wastewater discharge capacity to runoff污水排放量与径流量比、 污径比
reaeration of river河流复氧作用
recharge of aquifer地下水补给补充
rectification of channel河槽改善
reduction of dissolved oxygen溶解氧还原
regional strategy of environmental protection良域环境保护对策
regionalization of water quality parameter水质参数区划
regulation of a river河道整治
regulation of rivers河道整理
Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Administration for Prevention of Pollution in Sea Areas by Vessels中华人民共和国防止海域船舶污染管理条例
Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Administration of Dumping to Ocean中华人民共和国海洋倾废管理条例
release histories of contaminant source污染源排放史
remediation of aquatic ecology水生态修复
remediation of water body水体修复
remediation of water contamination水污染修复
remote sensing of water pollution水污染遥感
remote sensing of water resources水资源遥感
reoxygenation of stream河流复氧
replenishment of aquifer地下水补给补充
run-of-river plant径流电站河床式 电站
Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1986USEPA安全饮用水 1986 年修改法令美国环境保护局
safe yield of groundwater地下水的安全开采水量
safe yield of water systems水系统的安全产水量
salinized area as % of area equipped for full control irrigation盐渍面积占配备完全控制灌溉设施面积的百分比
sanitary chemical analysis of sewage污水卫生化学分析
sanitary protection of water source水源环境卫生防护
sanitary source of pollution生活污染源
scarcity of water and land resources水土资源短缺
second grade of national discharge standard国家二级排放标准
secondary pollution of water body水体二次污染
second-order kinetic law of Lagergren拉格尔格伦二级动力学规律
sediment concentrations of pollutant污染底泥浓度
self purification of river河流自净作用
self purification of seawater海水自净作用
self-purification of stream河流自净作用
self-purification of water body水体自净作用
self-purification of waters水体自净作用
separation mechanism of substance物质分离机理
series of observation观测系列
sill pressure of the gate门槛水压力
slope of compensation安定比降
sloughing of levee堤防坍陷
solution of symmetric electrolyte对称电解质溶液
source of chemical contaminants化学污染物源
source of groundwater contamination地下水污染源
source of groundwater pollution地下水污染源
source of man-made pollutant人为污染源
source of nonpoint pollutant非点污染源
source of wastewater污水源
source of wastewater contaminants废水污染源
source of water pollutant水污染源
source of water quality水质水源
sources of contaminants污染源
sources of fecal coliform粪大肠杆菌源
sources of fecal coliform bacteria粪大肠杆菌源
sources of ground-water pollution地下水污染源
sources of pollutant污染源
spacing of drains管道间距
spacing of drains排水渠间距
spacing of groin丁 坝间距
spacing of levee堤防的间距
spacing of pipes管道间距
spacing of pipes排水渠间距
stabilization of sewage污水稳定化
standard Gibbs energy of formation产生的标准吉布斯能
standard methods fbr examination of water and wastewater标准水与废水检测方法
standard molar Gibbs energy of formation产生的标准摩尔吉布斯能量
steady-state concentrations of pollutant稳态污染物浓度
storage of water储水
storage of water蓄水
subsidence of levee堤 防的下沉
suction side of pump水泵负压侧
suction side of pump水泵吸水边
sum of acid anion酸阴离子总和
supply management of water resources水资源的供应管理
surface water: accounted flow of border rivers natural边境河流形成的地表水自然流量
surface water: accounted part of border lakes natural边境湖泊形成的地表水自然流量
surface water: total flow of border rivers natural边境河流地表水自然总流量
surfaces of adsorbent particles吸附剂粒子表面
system of collecting fees for discharging pollutant征收排污费制度
system of effluent charge排污收费制度
system of eliminating and controlling environmental pollution within a prescribed time限期治理环境污染制度
system of on-site inspection现场检查制度
system of pollution administration of offshore oil exploration and exploitation海上石油勘探开发污染管理制度
system of preventing pollution by landbased pollutants防止海洋陆源污染制度
system of preventing pollution damage of coastal construction projects防止海岸工程污染事故制度
system of trenches沟网
temperature of melting溶解温度
The Ministry of Water Resource of China市国水利部
The State of the World's Land and Water Resources for Food and Agriculture世界粮食和农业领域土地及水资源状况
thermal characteristics of lakes湖水温度特征
thermal equation of the states热状态方程
thermal regime of lake water湖水热动态
thermal source of water body水体热源
tons of dry sludge solids干污泥固体吨数
total amount of pollutant discharge standard排污标准总量
total amounts of reactant反应物总量
total area of large irrigation schemes大型灌区总面积
total area of medium irrigation schemes中型灌区总面积
total area of small irrigation schemes小型灌区总面积
total freshwater withdrawal as % of total renewable water resources actual淡水资源开采总量占实际可再生水资源总量的百分比
total number of bacteria细菌总数
total number of households in irrigation灌溉家庭总数
total valuation of a wetland湿地总评估价值
toxicity of diisopropylamine二异丙胺毒性
toxicity of metal ions金属离子毒性
toxicity of pollutant污染物毒性
toxicological assessment of pollution of freshwater ecosystems淡水生态系统污染毒物评估
train of barges驳船拖群
transportation of bed load推移质输送
transportation of pollutant污染物输移
treatment process of leachate渗滤液处理工艺
trough of tidal wave潮波谷
trough section of canal运河弧形断面
turbidity of water水的混浊度
types of adsorbates吸附质类型
Ule's scale of color乌列水色计
under-application of water灌水不足
undermining of levee堤防冲掘
undermining of levee堤防潜淘
unresolved complex mixtures of hydrocarbon未分解的烃类络合混合物
usable length of lock船闸可用有效长度
U.S.Army corps of Engineers美国陆军工程师团
useable sources of drinking water可饮用水水源
value of assimilative capacity of wastewater effluent污水厂出水同化容量值
value of water quality水质值
velocity of propagation of tidal wave潮波传播速度
verification of water quality model水质模型检证
wastewater of low phosphorus content低含磷废水
water law of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国汞法
water quality model of lake湖泊水质模型
work load of biochemical oxygen demand有效生化需氧量
work load of suspended solid有效悬浮固体
yield of supports基础沉陷
yield of supports支座下沉
zero discharge of pollutant污染物零排放
zero of elevation零点起点高程
zero-dimension of river water quality model零维河流水质模型
zone of immediate death直接致死带
zone of mild pollution轻度污染带
zone of precipitation流域
zone of precipitation排水面积
zone of precipitation集水区
zone of regular subsidence均匀下沉带
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