
Terms containing observance | all forms | exact matches only
econ.an observance of treaty遵守条约
libr.copyright observance版权遵守
China, polit.ensure the observance and execution of the Constitution and other laws and the administrative regulations保证宪法、法律、行政法规的遵守和执行
China, polit.ensure the observance and implementation of the Constitution and other laws and the administrative regulations保证宪法、法律、行政法规的遵守和执行
tech.law observance study遵守交通规则调查
textilenon-observance agreement违约
textilenon-observance agreement不遵守议定
textilenon-observance agreement违反协议
China, polit.Non-observance and lax enforcement of law and failure to punish law breakers有法不依、执法不严、违法不究
textilenon-observance contract不遵守合同
textilenon-observance contract违约
tech.non-observance of terms不遵守条款
textilenon-observance treaty违反条约
busin.non-observance treaty违约
China, lawobservance of discipline遵守纪律
manag.observance of ethical codes of conduct道德行为规范的遵守
tech.observance of good seamanship优良船艺惯例
busin.observance of treaty遵守条约
tech.policy for internal observance内部政策
China, polit.promote the formulation and observance of rules of conduct and common pledges制定和执行各种守则、公约
IMF.Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes标准与准则遵守情况报告
gen.voluntary observance自觉遵守
econ.You must pay attention to the observance of our regulations贵方必须注意遵守我方的规章