
Terms for subject Securities containing obligations | all forms
accumulated benefit obligation累计的福利负债
affirmative obligations肯定义务 (美国证券交易商协会对 NASDAQ 市场上造市商的规定)
alternative obligation另类/替代债务
assume obligations承担义务
barred debt/obligation失去时效的债务
best execution obligations尽职义务
best execution obligations恪尽职守
capacity of performance of obligation债务的履行能力
cautionary obligation担保责任
certificate of obligation债权证书
cession of obligation债权让与
character of obligation债的性质
collateral bonds obligation担保品担保债券
collateral mortgage obligation担保品抵押债务
collateralised bond obligation债券抵押证券
collateralised loan obligation贷款抵押债券
collateralized bonds obligation债券担保债券
collateralized bonds obligation债券抵押证券
collateralized debt obligation债务担保债券
collateralized debt obligation债务抵押债券
collateralized lease equipment obligation设备租赁担保债券
collateralized loan obligation贷款担保债券
collateralized mortgage obligation担保品抵押债券
collateralized mortgage obligation担保品抵押债务
collateralized mortgage obligation担保抵押债券
commitment suretyship obligation保证债务
compensation of obligation债的抵消
constant proportion debt obligations固定比例债券
constant proportion debt obligations固定比例债务债券
contingent obligation意外债务
continuing obligation持续负债
debt obligation债务偿还
debts obligation债务责任
direct obligation直接负债
direct obligation直接债务
discharge statutory obligation履行法定责任
disclosure obligation公开信息的义务
disclosure obligation披露责任
document of obligation债务证书
effect of structure of acquisition of buyer's obligations买方债务收购结构的效应
elimination of obligation债的消灭
equipment obligations设备债务
existence of obligation债权存在
expiration of obligation债务消除
expiration of obligation债务终止
expiration of obligation债务消失
fiduciary obligations信托责任
financial obligation财务上的义务
financing lease obligation融资租赁负债
fixed dollar obligations定期收益债券
fixed obligation固定债务
Floating Rate Collateralized Mortgage Obligation浮动利率担保抵押债务
floating-rate collateralized mortgage obligation浮动利率担保抵押债券
fulfill the obligation of continual information disclosure履行持续信息披露义务
fund obligation资金负担
general credit obligation bond一般信用债务债券
general obligation bond一般用途债券
general obligation bond一般信用担保债券
general obligation bond普通信用担保债券
general obligation bond一般责任债券
general obligation securities普通责任证券
general obligation securities普通债务证券
general obligation securities一般责任证券
general obligation special assessment bonds普通责任专门评估债券
guarantee obligation担保责任
guarantee obligation保证责任
imperfect obligation trust不完全义务信托
indirect government obligation间接政府债务
indivisible obligation不可分割债务
information disclosure obligations信息披露义务
interest-bearing obligation记息债务
intraday marks payment obligations当日差额支付
joint and several obligation连带债务
joint obligation in debt共同债务
law of obligation债权法
leasehold obligation租赁债务
limited tax general obligation bond普通有限税收担保债券
liquidated obligation已清偿的负债
long term obligation长期负债
mandatory offer obligation强制性要约责任收购中
market maker obligation庄家的责任
market maker obligation造市商的责任
meet claim obligations支付赔款
meet claim obligations赔偿索赔的款项
meet obligation完成义务
monetary obligation货币负债
negative obligation无义务原则纽约交易所制定的交易步骤
negligence obligation of accounts会计师过失责任
net share delivery obligation股份净交割责任
non performance of obligation不履行债务
non-interest bearing obligation无息负债
non-interest bearing obligation不载明利息债券
non-interest bearing obligation无息债券
non-interest-bearing obligation无利息债务
non-manufacturing non-interest bearing demand obligations不可转让的无息即期债务
novation of obligation债的变更
novation of settlement obligation结算责任变更
object of obligation债的客体
Obligation Assimilable du Tresor法国政府债券
obligation authority使用专款的授权
obligation authority责任授权
obligation-board market场外交易市场
obligation bond债务债券抵押债券的面值超过担保资产价值的债券
obligation bond抵押债券
obligation by shares按份额摊销的债务
obligation incurred已经发生的债务
obligation of due diligence尽职调查责任
obligation outstanding未清偿债务
obligation pledge债权抵押
obligation pledge债权质押
offset of obligation债务抵消
on-going obligation连续债务
on-going obligation持续债务
outstanding obligations未了债务
overdue obligation拖欠债务
partially exempt obligation部分免税
performance of obligation债务的履行
pledge of obligation债务抵押
post closing obligation结账后负债
potential obligation潜在义务/负债
principal obligation主要债务
priority of ancillary obligations辅助责任优先
promised obligation承诺的债务
promised obligation承诺的责任
purchase money obligation置产债务
repackaged in the form of collateralised debt obligations重新打包为债务抵押债券 (CDO)
reporting obligation报告责任
repurchase obligation回购责任
secrecy and confidentiality obligation保密责任
secured obligation担保义务
security for an obligation债权担保
senior obligation优先债券
set off mutual obligations抵消相互债务
set off mutual obligations抵消相互责任
settlement obligation结算责任
settlement obligation交割责任
short-term obligation短期债券
stoppage of obligation债务抵消
stripped treasury obligation零息国库券
subject of obligation债的主体
suspend performance of obligations中止履行合同义务
synthetic collateralized debt obligation合成抵押债务
tax anticipation obligation税收预期债务
Treasury obligation国库债券
trust obligation信托责任
undertake obligations承担义务
unsecured obligation无担保负债
variable rate demand obligation浮动即期债务
without obligation不承担责任