
Terms for subject Business containing obligations | all forms | exact matches only
absolve the seller from an obligation解除卖方责任
accessory obligation从债
accessory obligation从义务
accounting on obligation basis责任发生会计制
acknowledgement of an obligation承认债务
alternative obligation可代债务
assumed obligation应负责任
barred obligation受时效限制的债务
breach of the obligation pay an installment违反分期付款义务
capacity of having private obligation民事责任能力
conditional obligation有条件债务
consolidated statement of resources and obligations综合资产负债表
contingent liability of direct obligation直接责任的或有负债
contingent liability of secondary obligation间接责任的或有负债
contingent obligation未定债务
contingent obligation不确定债务
contract obligations合同义务
contractual obligation约定义务
creation of obligation债的发生
current budget obligation经常预算承付款项
date of eligibility of the obligation债务或其他义务履行到期日
debt obligations债务
debt obligations债务欠款
debt service obligations偿债义务
debt servicing obligation偿债义务
default of obligation拖欠债务
default on obligations undertaken违约
deferred revenue obligations递延收入欠账
derogation from liberalization obligation自由化义务部分废除
discharge the obligation履行义务
dispute over obligation债务纠纷
divisible obligation可分债务
document of obligation债权证书
documental obligation证券债务
due of an obligation债务到期
effect of obligation债的效力
enforceable legal obligation必须履行的法定义务
execution plan of obligation执行偿债计划
extinguishment of obligation债的灭失
fiduciary obligation信托业务
first obligation优先债
first obligation首要责任
fixed obligation长期负债
floating obligation流动负债
form of loan obligation借贷债务方式
fulfillment of obligation履行债务
general obligation bond普通责任债券
general-obligation bonds普通责任债券
general-obligation special-assessment bonds普通责任特税债券
government obligation公债
guarantee of guaranteed obligation保证债务担保
incapability of meeting obligation无履约力
insurance obligation保险义务
international financial obligation国际债务
international transfer of obligation国际债务转移
joint and several obligation共同债务
joint obligation连带债务
lay an obligation upon使负责任
lease obligation租赁负债
maintenance of value obligation保值债务
miscellaneous obligation document杂项债务单据
monetary obligation金融债务
moral obligation道德责任
moral obligation bond义务债券
multiple party obligation多数方的债务
non-fulfillment of the patent obligations不履行专利义务
non-performance of an obligation不清偿债务
non-performance of an obligation不履行义务
object of obligation债的标的
obligation arising out of the instrument票据产生的义务
obligation civilis法定债务
obligation establishing joint and several连带责任债务
obligation fees承担费
obligation incurred引起的债务
obligation of appropriations拨款指定用途
obligation of compensation for loss赔偿损失义务
obligation of compensation for losses损失赔偿义务
obligation of contract合同责任
obligation of giving claim notice通知损失义务
obligation outstanding未履行义务
obligation payable on demand即期债务
obligation payable on demand即期应偿付债务
obligation relating to civil law民事责任
obligation sale销售合同
obligation to creditors of all nationalities对所有国籍债权人的债务
obligation to maintain维持责任
obligation to maintain维修义务责任
obligation under capital leases资本租赁债务
observe one's contractual obligation遵守契约义务
outstanding legal obligation未清合法债务
outstanding legal obligation未偿清合法债务
payment of an obligation偿清债务
payment of prior-year obligations拨付以前年度的拨款授权款
performance obligation履行偿债义务
performance of an obligation履行债务
pledge of obligation契约抵押
primary obligation主要债务
purchase money obligation购买财产债务
require the performance of an obligation要求履行义务
resources and obligations资力与负担
review of outstanding obligation审查未清债务
review of outstanding obligations审査未清债务
right and obligation权利与责任
secure an obligation保证偿债义务
security of contract obligation合同义务保证
security of contract obligation合同责任的保证
settlement of obligation债务的清偿
statement of resources and obligations资力负担表
statutory obligation法定债务
summary statement of resources and obligation资产负债总表
suretyship obligation担保债务
suspend performance of obligations中止履行义务
suspend performance. of obligations中止履行合同义务
treasury obligations国库债务
treaty obligation合同义务
trust obligation信托契约
unconditional obligation无条件的义务债务
unconditional obligations无条件证券
underpayment of a tax obligation税款缴纳不足
unliquidated obligation未偿付的债务
waive of obligation债务免除
waiver of obligation债务免除
without obligation无义务
work obligation工作任务
work obligation expense工作任务费用
working obligation工作任务