
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing notice | all forms | exact matches only
advance drawing change notice图纸更改预先通知
advance notice of ship's arrival船舶到港预报
arrival notice of cargo到货通知
consignment notice发货通知书
container delivery notice集装箱提货通知
contract change notice更改合同通知书
contract change notice合同更改通知书
delivery notice of finished ship完工船舶交船通知
notice of acceptance验收通知
notice of change drawing更改图纸通知单
notice of change drawnings更改图纸通知单
notice of delivery交船通知
notice of readiness完成装卸准备通知
notice of ship launching船舶下水通知
notice of ship's delivery交船通知
notice of vessel's arrival船舶到港通知
pallet-cargo delivery notice托盘提货通知