
Terms for subject Economy containing notice | all forms | exact matches only
a notice board布告片
a notice board布告栏 (板)
a notice for dishonour退票通知
a notice in writing书面通知
a notice of a call催交股款通知书
a notice of a call催款通知
a notice of abandonment弃船声明
a notice of abandonment委付通知
a notice of loading readiness待卸通知
a notice of loading readiness受载通知
a notice of readiness通知书
a notice of readiness卸货通知单
a notice of readiness装卸准备就绪
a notice to quit解雇通知
A notice with the provision of non-discrimination was posted in conspicuous places一张具有一视同仁条款的通知张贴在明显的场所
a rightful notice正式通知
advance drawing change notice图纸更改的预先通知
advanced change notice更改预通知
an adoption notice采纳通告
an income refund notice收入退还通知
Any written notice of special meeting shall be delivered personally to each stockholder任何特别会议的通知应该按人头发给每一位股东
arrival notice到货通知
arrival notice抵达通知
at short notice俟通知
bid notice招标通知
cancellation notice注销保单
caution advised until further notice请注意随后通知
change notice更改通知
constructive total loss notice推定全损通知书
copyright notice版权通告
court notice法院通知
customs notice海关通告
demand notice主张权利的通知
demand notice权利主张的通知
design change notice修改设计通知
Do you notice that the paper prices are rocketing?你们注意到纸张价格在飞涨吗?
duty to examine and to notice检査及通知的义务
embarkation notice登机通知
embarkation notice乘船通知
engineering change notice工程修改通知
failure to give notice预先通知
first article inspection notice首批制品检验通告
forwarding agent's notice转运行通知书
forwarding agent's notice代送通知书
forwarding agent's notice运输行通知书
forwarding agent's notice承运商通知
freight notice运费通知书 (单)
get notice接到解雇通知
give due notice正式通知
give due notice of a lack of conformity正式通知不符合合同规定
give notice of通知 (defects in goods, 货物有瑕疵)
give sb. notice to quit通知某人离职
He posted up a notice他贴了一张通告
immediate notice即时通告
income refund notice收入退还通知
income refund notice收入退还书
kit shortage notice成套器件短缺通知
loan subject to notice需经通知发放的贷款
margin notice增加押金通知
money at short notice短期低息借款
No notice will be needed for convocation of a regular meeting of business召开业务例会无须发通知
notice days通知日
Notice is hereby given that the said Contract will be canceled by mutual consent on June 25上述合同经双方同意将于6月 25日撤消,特此通知
notice of abandonment海运保险等的弃船声明
Notice of acceptance of this agreement must be in writing本协议的接受必须用书面通知
notice of arrival到货通知书
notice of call催款通知
notice of change更改通知
notice of compliance with the award同意仲裁裁决通知
notice of compliance with the award原执行仲裁裁决的通知
notice of damage损失或残害通知书
notice of deadweight载重吨数的通知
notice of delivery交货通知书
notice of delivery paid已付款收货通知
notice of delivery paid已付款交货通知单
notice of dishonour拒付或拒绝承兑通知
notice of dishonour止付通知书
notice of exception异议通知 (说明)
notice of exception异议【例外情况】通知
notice of loss or damage丢失或损害通知
notice of proposed rulemaking美国联邦能源法规委员会新颁规则通告
notice of readiness卸货通知书
notice of readiness装卸准备就绪通知书
notice of readiness准备装货通知书
notice of recall撤销通知书
notice of termination of a treaty条约终止通知书
notice of the violation and disposition of the case违章案件处理通知书
notice of violation违约通知
notice the buyer通知买方
notice the days交货通知日
notice the deposit通知存款
notice the period通知期限
notice to lessees给承租人的通知
notice to ship's master船长注意事项
obligation of giving claim notice通知索赔的义务
offer subject to change without notice不通知受盘人即可变更的报盘
operation notice操作说明
Our quotations keep unchanged without notice不另通知,我方报价不变更
Please particularize the time and place of the negotiation in the written notice请在书面通知里,详细说明谈判时间及地点
Please send any notice permitted under this contract by prepaid registered mail请将本合同认可的任何通知用邮资预付的挂号邮件寄发
public notice公共
purchase order change notice订货单更改通知
renewal notice到期续订通知书
renewal notice期通知书
securities realizable at short notice短期可变证券
securities realizable at short notice短期可变卖证券
shipping notice发货通知
specification change notice规范修改通知
standard change notice标准修改通知
stop notice海关向保税仓库发出的制止提货通知
stop payment notice停止支付通知书
subcontract change notice更改通知
subcontract change notice转包合同
subcontract change notice转包更改通知
subcontractor specification change notice转包人规范更改通知
subject to change without notice不另行通知
subject to change without notice不另通知
subject to change without notice可随时更改
subject to change without notice随时调整
take notice注意
The clerk was given 3 months' salary in lieu of notice给了办事员三个月薪水,代替通知要他立即离开
The committee specified the date and place for a meeting in the notice委员会在通知中说明会议的日期和地点
The engineer received a timely notice for inspection of the project工程师收到一份视査工程的适时通知
the non-compliance with the notice period不遵守通知期限
The notice will be prominently displayed upon the buildings at the premises此通告将在房地产所在地的建筑物上以显著地位展示
The physical conditions encountered should be specified in the notice必须在通知中注明所遭遇的自然状况
the previous notice预先通知书
The reasonable notice can be mailed postage prepaid to the debtor合理通知可用邮资预付的方式寄给债务人
the seven-day notice deposit七日通知存款
the waiving of notice撤销通知
time limit for notice of dishonor拒付或拒绝承兑证书的期限
time limit for notice of dishonour拒绝承兑证的期限
until further notice在另行通知前
until further notice直到另行通知为止
until further notice待以后通知
Upon the service of a notice of a fine, the customs will detain the cargo until the owner offers the payment海关送达书面罚款通知并扣留货物,直到货主付款
waive a notice通知撤销
We hope you will express your intention in written notice我方希望你方用书面通知阐明你们的意向
We notice a general trend to sell to inland market我们注意到目前有一种向内地市场销售的普遍倾向
withdraw by a notice通知撤销
withdrawable at one year's notice提前一年通知可提取的
without previous notice不事先通知
without prior notice没有事先通知