
Terms for subject Business containing notice | all forms | exact matches only
accomplishing notice serving送达缴税通知单
actual notice事实通告
additional tax payment notice补税通知书
advance change notice更改预先通知
advance notice事前通知
advanced drawing change notice图纸更改先期通知
advanced notice正式通知前的先期通知
advanced notice预告
advanced notice先期通知
arbitration notice仲裁通知
arrival notice抵港通知单
at short notice在通知的短时期内
auction sale notice拍卖通知
cancel the agency contract without prior notice业务代表未先通知即自行解约
cancellation without notice by the company公司未先通知即自行解约
cancellation without notice by the representative业务代表未先通知即自行解约
cargo arrival notice货物到达通知
come to one's notice使人注意到
constructive notice推定通知
copyright notice版权记录
court notice法院通知书
customs notice of liability纳税通知书
debt on short notice透支借款
default notice违约通知书
delivery notice交割通知书
delivery notice issued发出交割通知书
delivery notice stopped确认交割通知
demand notice要求权利通知
demand notice权利主张通知
design change notice设计更改通知书
dismissal notice解雇通知
dismissal without notice无通知解雇
duly notice正式通知
duly notice及时通知
embarkation notice旅客登船通知
engineering change notice工程更改通知
expiration notice到期通知书
expiration notice期满到期通知书
failure to give notice未通知
first notice day通知期限第一天
first notice day通知期限第一无
fore notice预告
freight notice运输通知
further notice另行通知
get notice失业
get notice解雇
give due notice of a lack of conformity正式通知货物与合同规定不符
give notice of defects in goods通知货物有斑疵
immediate notice立即通知
immediate notice clause立即通知条款
import notice进口呈报
import notice进口通知
interplant shipping notice厂际装运通知单
investigation without prior notice无先验情报调查
judicial notice审判确认
last notice day最后通知日
letter on notice通知单
margin notice追加保证金通知
money at call and short notice临时与短期资金指英国商业银行发放的不超过 14 天的贷款
money at call and short notice银行临时性短期通知放款
money at short notice通知借款
money short notice短期借款通知
non-notice audit不通知审计
note maturity notice票据到期通知书
notice column布告栏
notice column公告栏
notice day期货交易通知日
notice of a call催缴款通知
notice of abandonment委弃通知
notice of acceptance接受发盘通知
notice of appeal上诉通知书
notice of arrive到货通知书
notice of assessment to tax征税通知
notice of bankruptcy判决破产通知书
notice of cancellation of anniversary date周年期满发注销通知
notice of change employment人事调动通知
notice of delivery paid已付款的交货通知单
notice of dishonor止付通知书
notice of dishonour退票通知
notice of dishonour拒绝承兑通知
notice of due date到期通知
notice of due date到期日通知
notice of expiry期满通知
notice of exportation出口呈报
notice of importation进口呈报
notice of importation进口通知书
notice of intention to deliver交割意向通知
notice of loss损失通知
notice of loss or damage损失或损害通知
notice of loss or damage损失或损坏通知
notice of meeting会议通知
notice of non-delivery无法交付通知
notice of non-payment拒绝付款通知
notice of protest拒付通知书
notice of protest拒付通知拒绝承兑通知
notice of readiness装卸货准备妥当通知书
notice of recall召回通知书
notice of recall撤销通知
notice of receipt收款通知书
notice of recovery of tax追收税款通知书
notice of refusal to pay拒付通知
notice of resignation辞职通知
notice of sanction处分通知
notice of settlement和解通知
notice of tax payment纳税通知单
notice of tax payment缴税通知书
notice of title产权通知
notice of vessel arrival船舶抵港通知
notice on availability可利用标志
notice on nonavailability无效性通知
notice on nonavailability不可利用标志
notice to admit招认通知书
notice to stop in transit停止交货通知
notice to suspend payment延期偿还通知
obligation of giving claim notice通知损失义务
offer subject to change without notice有变化而勿须通知的报盘
payment notice付款通知
period of notice通知有效期
planning change notice计划更改通知
pledging notices抵押通知书
post a notice张贴布告
post a notice张贴通告
process sheet change notice工艺过程卡更改通知
purchase order change notice订货更改通知
Rejection Notice拒收通知
renewal notice保险续展通知单
renewal notice到期延期通知单
rightful notice合法通知
securities realizable at short notice短期可变现证券
shipping notice装船通知
Specification Change Notice规格更改通知
stocking notice入库通知
stop-payment notice止付通知
subcontractor specification change notice转包者规范更改通知
tax demand notice核定税款通知书
telegraphic notice电告
Till Further Notice在另行通知以前
time limit for notice of dishonor拒兑证书期限
time limit for notice of dishonour作出拒付拒兑证书期限
transferable notice可转让通知书
urgent notice紧急通知
warning notice警告通知
withdrawable by notice通知退约
withdrawn provisional cancellation notice撤回的临时注销通知
without notice未经通知
written cancellation notice书面注销通知
written notice of withdrawal退出通知书
written provisional cancellation notice书面临时注销通知