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Admiralty Notices to Mariners英版航海通告
advance and final arrival notice of train至达火车预确报
advance arrival notice of ship船舶到港预报
advance change notice更改的先期通知
advance notice预告
advance report notice预报通知单
advance to notice-to-mariners航海预告
advice notice通知
Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners航海通告年度摘要
approval notice of the contract合同批准通知
arrival notice到船通知书
arrival notice到货通知 (书)
arrival notice of container集装箱到达通知单
arrival notice of ship船舶到港通知
arrival notice of vessel船舶到港通知
automatic notice to mariners system自动航海通告
availability of notice to mariners能取得航行通告
bankruptcy notice破产公告
bankruptcy notice破产通知 (书)
boil notice烧开水通知
budget notice预算通知
cargo delivery notice提货通知 (单)
circular notice of ship's movement船位通报
claim notice索赔通知 (书)
clearance notice出港通知 (书)
clearance notice余隙限度
clearance notice进口通知
clearance notice净空
clearing notice出港通知 (书)
default notice不履行通知书
delivery notice交货通知
delivery notice交收通知
demand notice需求预告
deposit at notice通知存款
deposite at notice通知存款
design revision notice设计更改通知
dunning notice催款通知
embarkation notice登船通知书
engineering department notice工程部门通知书
entrance notice准许进口通知
entrance notice进港通知
equipment installation notice设备安装通知
expiration notice期满通知 (书)
final arrival notice of ship船舶到港确报
first notice day通知期限的第一天
import document arrival notice进口单据至达通知书
interplant shipping notice厂际装运通知
job assignment notice工程任务单
kit shortage notice成套器材短缺通知
last notice day最后交割通知日
legal notice法律公告
local notice to mariners地区性航行通告
note notice票据到期通知书
notice board警告牌
notice board布告板
notice board通告牌
notice board通知牌
notice by post发函通知
notice dishonour停止付款通知书
notice for accident indemnity赔偿通知书
notice money通知存款资金
notice of abandonment委付通知书 (海上保险)
notice of action执行公告
notice of arrival到港通知
notice of arrival of goods催领通知
notice of arrival of goods到货通知 (书)
notice of award中标通知
notice of award得标通知书
notice of award of the contract签订合同通知书
notice of cancellation退保通知
notice of cessation建筑工程停工通知
notice of change更改通知单
notice of claims索赔通知 (书)
notice of clearance出港通知 (书)
notice of clearance结关通知
notice of damage损害通知书
notice of default违约通知
notice of defects缺陷通知
notice of due date通知到期日
notice of freight collection运费托收通知单
notice of hearing审理通知书
notice of loss损失通知单
notice of passenger number on train乘车人数通知单
notice of payment付款通知单
notice of payment通知付款
notice of readiness准备就绪通知书
notice of readiness就绪通知
notice of readiness准备装卸货通知书
notice of readiness卸货通知
notice of readiness卸货准备完成通知书
notice of rescission作废通告
notice of tax assessment征税通知
notice of tax payment纳税通知书
notice of tests检验通知
notice of the number of passengers on train乘车人数通知单
notice of unsafe buildings危险房屋公告
notice of vessel's arrival船舶抵港通知
notice plate标记牌
notice to airman航空人员须知
notice to bidders投标商须知
notice to bidders投标人须知
notice to bidders招标通知书
notice to commence开工通知
notice to contractor致承包商的通知
notice to employer and engineer致雇主和工程师的通知
notice to mariners航道通告
notice to mariners航海通告
notice to mariners航海公告
notice to mariners航道公报
notice to mariners海员须知
notice to mariners航行通告
notice to navigators航海通告
notice to navigators航道通告
notice to navigators航行通告
notice to proceed施工通知
notice to quit租户迁出通知
notice to quit停止出租通知
notice to quit迁出通知
notices by telex电传通知
operation notice运转标志
operational notice操作标志
oral notice口头通知
patent and trademark notices专利和商标公告
patent notices专利通告事项
period of advance notice预先通知期限
permanent notice永久性通告
pervious notice预先通知
position for reception of fault notices收受故障通知的座席
preliminary notice预告
preliminary notice to mariners航海预告
preliminary warning notice缺陷通告
preparation notice准备装货通知
project budget change notice工程预算更改通知
propagation notice传播通知
reasonable notice of abandonment适当的委付通知
redelivery notice还船通知
revision notice更正通知
sailing notice开航通知单
service of notice送达通知书
shipping notice装运通知单
speed limit notice限速标
standard change notice标准更改通知
station transmitting notices to mariners发送航海通告电台
statutory notice颁布法令的通告
stop-payment notice停止支付通知
temporary notices to mariners临时航海通告
termination notice终止通知
train running notice行车通告
work notice工作通知 (单)
work notice派工单
work notice工作通知书
work notice作业通知单