
Terms for subject Project management containing note | all forms | exact matches only
amount for note issue发行纸币的款额
bank note银行纸币
bank note handling fee处理纸币的手续费
bank note lawfully issued合法发行的银行纸币
bank note payable to bearer on demand凭票要求付款予持票人的纸币
bank note transaction货币交易
blank note空白票据
bond anticipation note代付债券票据 (EAN)
bond anticipation note预期债券票据 (EAN)
comprador note买办票据
convertible subordinated note可转换次级票据
cover note临时保单
credit note欠条
currency note钞票
delivery note付货通知书
demand note缴款通知书
demand note缴税通知书
demonetized currency note停止通用纸币
equity-linked note股票关联票据
exchange contract cancellation note外汇合约撤销单
foreign note外地承付票
guaranteed note保证单
inland note本地承付票
insurance note暂保单
interest-bearing note带息票据
inverse floating rate note反向浮息票据
I've brought you the delivery note for the duplicator我这是来给你送复印机货运单
joint and several note共同及各别的承付票
limited legal tender currency note有限量法定货币纸币
marginal note附注
no-interest-bearing note不带息票据
note issuance facility票据发行融通
note issue发钞
note issue mechanism发行钞票机制
note-issuing bank发钞银行
note of hand借据
One tool that needs reviving now is the seller note目前亟待复兴的一个工具是卖方票据
secured note有抵押票据
security for note issue发行纸币的保证物
seven-year Exchange Fund note七年期外汇基金债券
stamp duty on contract note成交单据印花税
structured note结构性票据
treasury note国库证券
treasury note国库票据
Where the place of payment is not specified on a promissory note, the business premises of the maker is the place of payment本票上未记载付款地的、出票人的营业场所为付款地