
Terms for subject International trade containing note | all forms | exact matches only
advance note预支票据船员在航行中因预支薪水交给船主的票据
advice note通知
advice note通知书
advice note通知单
advice note通知书
air consignment note航空托运单
air consignment note空运发货单
airway delivery note空运提货单
allotment note分付请求书船员请求以薪水的一部分付给家属
American Bank Note美国钞票
American Bank Note Company美国钞票公司
arrival note到达通知单
bank note in circulation流通中的钞票
bank note issue钞票发行
bank note issue银行券发行
bearer of this note持券人
berth note泊位通知
berth note订舱单
berthing note停泊提示
boat note渡货单
boat note渡货登记簿
boat note交货记录
booking note订载单
booking note订舱单
booking note货物订舱单
bought and sold note买卖合同
bought note购货单
broker's contract note经纪人约书
broker's cover note保险经纪人暂保单
broker's cover note保险经纪人出具的暂保单
broker's note经纪人的进出交易单据
cargo boat note起货详单
cargo boat note卸货记录
carrier's note提单
carrier's note取货证
cash remittance note现金解款单
cash remittance note现金汇款单
circular note通知单
circular note旅行支票
circular note托运单
closed or open cover note暂保单或开口保单
collateral note附带期票
collecting note赔款收款单
commerce note fee商会签证费
confirmation note承诺回条
confirmation note批准确认通知书
confirmative sale note销货确认书
consignment note寄销通知书
consignor's note寄销通知书
constructive note推定通知
contract note买卖合同证书
contract note买卖股票通知
Convention for the Settlement of Certain Conflicts of Laws in connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Note1931 年日内瓦关于解决有关汇票、本票若干法律冲突的公约 <-> (Geneva, 1931, 1931.3.19)
convertible bank note可兑换纸币
convertible note可转换债券
counterfeit note伪钞
counterfeit note伪造纸币
cover note暂保单
cover note投保通知书
cover note保险证明书
cover note投保通知单
cover note承保单
covering note暂保单
covering note承保条
credit note贷项清单
credit note贷方票
credit note付款票
credit note贷款通知书
credit note贷方票据
credit note付款账单
currency note流通券
currency note通货票据
currency note and certificates流通券
damage note破损通知单
dandy note海关出口货物提货单
debit note借项清单
debit note借方票
debit note欠款账单
debit note借记通知
declaration on consignment note货物运单声明事项
delivery note交货证书
delivery note交货单
demand note即期票据
demand note支付申请书
demand note见票即付的票据
demand promissory note即期本票
despatch note包裹附单
dock weight note码头重量记录单
documentary promissory note跟单期票
domicile note外埠付款期票
draft on note payable to bearer凭票即付
exchange contract note汇兑合约
face value of a note票面价值
foreign promissory note国外期票
forged bank note假钞票
freight booking note订载单
freight note运费单
freight note运送单
goods received note收货票据
identical note同文照会
inland waterway consignment note内河水运发货单
interest-bearing note附息票据
jerque note海关检验证
jerque note结关单
limit on bank-note issue限制钞票发行额
loan note借款证
lot note分批票据
marginal note边注会计报告表中注于栏外的说明
marker of promissory note期票出票人
matured note到期票据
merchandise note商品票据
mortgage note抵押票据
negotiable note可流通可转让期票
negotiable note有价证券
negotiable note流通期票
negotiable note tax有价证券税
non-negotiable note非流通期票
note after sight见票后付款之票据
note after sight见票后付款之期票
note at sight见票即付之票据 (or demand)
note at sight即期票据 (or demand)
note broker票据经纪人
note circulation钞票流通
note for a term期票
note for payment of tonnage吨税交纳单
note issue通货发行
note journal票据日记账
note of anxiety不胜焦虑
note of dishonor退票通知
note of exclusion排除说明
note of protest海事声明
note on demand即付票据
note money order payable to bearer凭票即付持票人
note paper信笺
note paper信纸
note register票据登记簿
note renewals转期票据
note teller票据员
note teller银行票据员
note to bearer不记名票据
note to order须签名盖章的期票
note to order记名支票
omit note for order定货不能全部供应的通知
omit note for order定货不能全部照办之通知
open cover note开口保单
order note购货确认书
personal note正式照会
please note请注意
post note邮政钞票
premium note保险费付款期票
premium note保险费付款通知书
principal note保证期票
promissory note payable on demand即期本票
prompt note即期支票
prompt note期货金额及交割日期通知单
protest note拒付通知书
purchase note购货确认书
railway consignment note铁路托运单
receipt note货物领取单
receipt note收据
receiving note收货单
retally note重理单
risk note暂保单
risk note保险凭条
sale note卖出证书
sale note售货单
sales note出售凭单
sales note售货单
shave a note杀价收购票据
shipping note装运通知单
shipping note装船通知书
shipping notes装船单据
single name note单名票据
sold note售货单
special note记名式汇票
stamp note装货执照
stamp note海关装载许可证
stock note木材报价单
tax anticipation note税收共付票据
through consignment note联运货物运单
through consignment note直达装运单
trade note receivable商业应收票据
transhipment bond note海关过境保结
transhipment bond note转运保证书
verification note包裹验单 (cpl3)
verification note验单 (cl4)
weight note码单
weight note磅码单
weight note重量单