
Terms for subject Securities containing note | all forms | exact matches only
discounting note and acceptance receivable应收票据与应收承兑换汇票的贴现
dishonored note account拒付票据账
floating rate note issue发行浮动利率票据
floating rate note with fixed rate conversion option有权转换为固定利率的浮动利率票据
foot-note to financial statement财务报表注解
global note facility全球票据发行安排
initial note rate原始票据利率
international guilder note market国际基尔德债券市场
long term note receivable应收长期票据
multicurrency note facility多种货币票据融资
normal note payable应付票据
note after sight凭票付款的期票
note agreement借条
note agreement票据协议
note at sight即期票
note at sight见票付款本票
note broker股票等有价证券经纪人
note discount现钞贴现
note dishonored被拒付的票据
note futures票据期货
note in substitution for currency票据替代货币
note issuance facility票券发行融资
note issuance facility票券发行贷款
note issuance facility票据发行融资
note issuance programme票据发行计划
note issue mechanism货币发行机制
note issuing and paying agency agreement票据发行和支付代理协议
note issuing bank票据发行银行
note market商业票据市场
note maturity notice借贷到期通知
note notice借贷的到期通知书
note of call催缴通知书
note of demand现付票据
note of dishonor退票理由单
note of hand本期
note of large denomination大额纸币
note option债券期权
note order payable to bearer凭票即付
note payable应付票据 (NP)
note payable待付票据
note payable at bank应在银行付款的票据
note payable discounted应付票据贴现
note purchase agreement票据收购协议
note receivable account应收期票账户
note receivable as collateral以应收票据抵押
note receivable as collateral用应收票据担保
note receivable from stock-holders应收股东票据
note receivable protested被拒付的应收票据
note substitution for currency票据替换货币
note to financial statement财务报表附注
note to financial statement财务报表注释
note to order有抬头票据
overdue note/paper过期票据
Participating Hybrid Option Note Exchangeable Securities参与混合选择票据可互换证券
participating hybrid option note exchangeable security参与混合选择票据可互换证券
short-term note issuance facility短期票据发行机构
three-year exchange fund note futures三年期外汇基金债券期货
transfer note for treasury fund国库资金转账票据
transfer note for treasury fund国库资金汇票
Treasury note futures国库中期票据期货
underwritten note issuance facility承销票据发行便利