
Terms for subject Securities containing note | all forms | exact matches only
acceptance of promissory note接受期票的承兑
accommodation note融通票据第三者为受益人担保的票据
adjustable rate convertible note可调整利率的转换债券
advance on a promissory note垫付本票
anticipation note预期债券以当期收人为还款保证的短期证券
balloon note末期数目特大的期票
balloon note飘浮式票据
banker's note庄票
banker's note银票
banker's promissory note银行本票
bearer deposit note持票人储蓄单
bond anticipation note正式发行前的临时债券
bond anticipation note预期债券票据
bond note债券票据
bought and sold note交易单据
bought note购买股票清单
bought note成交清单
bought note购买清单
broker's cover note经纪人投保通知书
broker's note经纪人交易单据
bull note牛市票据
C note一百美元纸币
capital note资本票据
capped floating-rate note封顶浮动利率票据
capped floating-rate note有利率上限的浮动利率票据
cash note兑现
cashing note票据兑现
cashing note票据变现
coin note兑换钱币的票据
collared floating-rate note有上下限的浮动利率票据
collared floating-rate note领子浮动利率票据
collateral note担保期票
collateral note附带抵押品的期票
commercial note商业票据
commercial note商业本票
confirmation note确认书
consignment note托运单据
consolidated contract note综合合同单据
construction loan note建设贷款债券
contract note成交单据
convertible floating-rate note可转浮动利率票据
convertible gold note可兑换黄金券
convertible note可转换票据
convertible redeemable note可换可赎票据
convertible redeemable note可转换可赎回票据
convertible subordinate note次级可转换票据
credit linked note信贷关联票据
credit note欠款单据
credit note保值单据
credit note贷款清单
credit or debit note结单
deferred payment note延期付款票据
deferred purchase note延期收购票据
deferred purchase note延期交割债券
delayed capped floating-rate note延期上限浮动利率票据
delinquent note拖欠票据
delivery note交货通知
delivery note运送单
demand note活期贷款
deposit note存款票据
derivative medium term note衍生中期债券
discount note折扣票据
discounting commercial note贴现商业票据
discounting note and acceptance receivable应收票据与应收承兑换汇票的贴现
dishonored note account拒付票据账
dishonoured note拒付的票据
documentary discount note单据贴现本票
drop-lock floating-rate note保底浮动利率票据
duress note强制发行的货币
enterprise short-term note企业短期票据
equity commitment note股权承诺票据
equity contract note股权合约票据
equity index note股票指数票据
equity index-linked note股票指数关联票据
equity linked note股本关联票据
equity linked note股票关联票据
Euro median-term note欧洲中期票据
Euro-dollar floating rate note欧洲美元浮动利率票据
Euro-medium-term note欧洲中期债券
European commercial note欧洲商业票据
extendible note延期票据
face of a note面额价格
face of a note票面价格
Federal Reserve Bank note联邦储备银行券
Federal Reserve note联储的票据
Federal Reserve note联邦储备券
fixed rate note固定利率票据
fixed rate note定息票据
flip flop note灵活转换票据
flip flop note选择性票据
floating rate note issue发行浮动利率票据
floating rate note with fixed rate conversion option有权转换为固定利率的浮动利率票据
foot-note to financial statement财务报表注解
global note全球性票据
global note facility全球票据发行安排
gold-linked note黄金关联票据
government note中期国债
grantor underwritten note银团承购票据
green note美元纸币
green note美元
guaranteed note担保债券
housing project note住宅项目票据
I owe You note债款欠条
I owe You note白条
illegitimate promissory note欠账白条
illegitimate promissory note白条欠账
initial note rate原始票据利率
interest bearing note有息票据
international guilder note market国际基尔德债券市场
inverse floating rate note逆向浮动利率票据
irredeemable bank note不兑现的纸币
joint and several note共同及个别的承付票
joint and several promissory note各自连带票据
joint and several promissory note连带责任期票
joint promissory note联合本票
joint promissory note联名期票
joint promissory note联名本票
judgement note执行令
labor note劳动证券
Lehman investment opportunity note雷曼兄弟投资机会债券
Lehman investment opportunity note狮子债券
LIBOR-enhanced accrual note提高伦敦银行同业贷款利率获利能力的票据
limitless floating rate note无限制浮动利率本票
liquid yield option note流动收益期权债券 (LYON)
loan note贷款票据
loan note贷款凭证
long term note receivable应收长期票据
make promissory note开出期票
maker of note期票的出票人
maker of promissory note本票出票人
master note主本票
master note主票据
maturing note将要到期的票据
medium term note中期票据
mini-max floating rate note上下限浮动利率票据
mismatch floating rate note混合浮动利率票据
multicurrency note facility多种货币票据融资
municipal note市政票据
mutilated note残缺不全的纸币
non-manufacturing non-interest bearing note不可转让的无息票据
non-manufacturing note非流通期票
non-negotiable and non-interest-bearing promissory note不可转让的无息期票
non-recourse note无追索权票据
normal note payable应付票据
note after sight凭票付款的期票
note agreement借条
note agreement票据协议
note at sight即期票
note at sight见票付款本票
note broker股票等有价证券经纪人
note discount现钞贴现
note dishonored被拒付的票据
note futures票据期货
note in substitution for currency票据替代货币
note issuance facility票券发行融资
note issuance facility票券发行贷款
note issuance facility票据发行融资
note issuance programme票据发行计划
note issue mechanism货币发行机制
note issuing and paying agency agreement票据发行和支付代理协议
note issuing bank票据发行银行
note market商业票据市场
note maturity notice借贷到期通知
note notice借贷的到期通知书
note of call催缴通知书
note of demand现付票据
note of dishonor退票理由单
note of hand本期
note of large denomination大额纸币
note option债券期权
note order payable to bearer凭票即付
note payable应付票据 (NP)
note payable待付票据
note payable at bank应在银行付款的票据
note payable discounted应付票据贴现
note purchase agreement票据收购协议
note receivable account应收期票账户
note receivable as collateral以应收票据抵押
note receivable as collateral用应收票据担保
note receivable from stock-holders应收股东票据
note receivable protested被拒付的应收票据
note substitution for currency票据替换货币
note to financial statement财务报表附注
note to financial statement财务报表注释
note to order有抬头票据
overdue note/paper过期票据
Participating Hybrid Option Note Exchangeable Securities参与混合选择票据可互换证券
participating hybrid option note exchangeable security参与混合选择票据可互换证券
pass due note过期票据
pay through note转付票据
pay through note转付证券
payee of promissory note本票收款人
payer of promissory note本票付款人
payment of a note票据支付
practicing note发布注释
practicing note诉讼实务告示
prerefunded municipal note提前偿还的市政债券
principal-protected and equity-linked note本金保护与股权联系票据
project note计划性债券
project note项目债券
project note项目票据
promissory note期票 (PN)
promissory note本票 (PN)
prompt note付款通知单
real estate appreciation note不动产/房地产估值票据
receivable note应收票据
reset note可调期限债券
revenue anticipation note预期收人本票
revenue anticipation note付税票据
revenue anticipation note预期收人票据
risk note承保单
rolling rate note滚动利率票据
secured note担保票据
security sale note证券销售说明
security sale note证券销售介绍
seller's subordinated note销售方次级票据
serial floating rate note分期偿还浮动利率本票
shared appreciation note共享升值收益的中期票据
shaving a note杀价买人的票据
shaving a note按高于法定或正常贴现利率买人的票据
short-term note短期期票
short-term note issuance facility短期票据发行机构
small note小额票据
small note小额货币
sold note销售单据
step-up callable note利率递增式可赎回票据
stock note股票票据
subordinated exchangeable variable-rate note次级可交换浮动利率票据
subordinated note次级票据
synthetic floating rate note合成浮息票据
synthetic floating rate note综合性浮动利率债券
tax anticipation note赋税抵偿债券
tax anticipation note税款预付票据
tax anticipation note预先缴税票据
tax note税收预期票据
technical note技术性说明
three-year exchange fund note futures三年期外汇基金债券期货
transfer note汇票
transfer note for treasury fund国库资金转账票据
transfer note for treasury fund国库资金汇票
Treasury note中长期国库券
Treasury note中期国债
Treasury note金库兑换券
Treasury note中期国库券
Treasury note futures国库中期票据期货
Treasury-indexed note国库券指数票据
underwritten note issuance facility承销票据发行便利
unsecured promissory note无担保期票
US treasury note美国中期国库券
variable rate demand note浮动即期票据
variable rate demand note可变利率即期票据
variable rate note可变利率票据
zero coupon note零息票据