
Terms for subject Finances containing note | all forms | exact matches only
accommodation note空头票据
accommodation note融通票据
accommodation note空头支票
accommodation note欠单
account note帐目
account note帐单
audit note book查帐备忘录
bandar's note银票
bandar's note庄票
bank note issue钞票发行量
bank note rate现钞汇率
bearer of note持券人
bill and note票据
binder note保险证明
binder note承保单
blank note空白本票
blank note空白汇票
bought and sold note买卖单据
bought note代买货物报告
bought note买货单
bought note买货单据
buying and selling rate of foreign bank note外汇现钞买卖价
capital note资本票据 (企业发行作为短期债务来源的定息工具)
capped floating rate note有上限的浮动利率票据
capped note有利率上限的浮息票据
cash note现金票据
cash remittance note解款单
cashing note兑现
circular note通知照会
circular note巡回票据
collar floating rate note有上下限的浮动利率票据
collateral note有担保品期票
collecting note托收票据
collecting note收集本票
concluding note结论
contract note成交单
Convention on International Bill of Exchange and International Promissory Note of the United Nations《联合国国际汇票和国际本票公约》 (简称"《国际汇票本票公约》")
convertible gold note可兑换金券
convertible note兑换券
convertible note可兑换纸币
convertible silver note兑换银券
convertible treasury note兑换政府纸币
corporation note公司期票
credit advice note记人贷方通知单
credit-linked note信用挂钩票据 (指与货币市场票据相联系的、将普通的固定收益证券与信用违约互换相结合的一种信用衍生产品。CLN 的购买者提供信用保护,一旦 CLN 的基础资产出现违约问题,CLN 的购买者就要承担违约所造成的损失)
CSI Central Bank Note中证央票指数
CSI Central Bank Note Index中证央票指数
CSI Central Bank Note 1 Index中证央票1指数
CSI Short Term Note Index中证短融指数
current note短期票据
debit note欠单
debit note补款单
debit note借项帐单
debit note收款票
debit note借方通知
debtor note债务人票据
default note违约记录
delinquent note逾期票据
delivery note交割单
demand master note通知短期票据
demand note缴款通知单
dishonored note拒付票据
dishonored note receivable拒付应收票据
endorsed note背书票据
endorsed note payable应付背书票据
endorsed note payable account应付背书票据账户
endorsed note receivable account应收背书票据账户
entries for a renewal note票据到期以新票据抵偿的分录
entries for note receivable transactions应收票据交易的分录
entries ir note is dishonored票据到期如拒付的分录
equity index-linked note股票指数联系票据
equity-linked note股票挂钩票据
Eurodollar floating rate note欧洲美元浮动利率债券
exchange fund note外汇基金债券
explanatory note footnote附注报表、凭证的
face value of note票据面额
fiduciary note信用纸币
floating-rate note浮动利率债券
floating-rate note浮动利率票据
floor floating rate note有下限的浮动利率票据
foot-note to financial statements资产负债表脚注附注
forged bank note伪钞
index currency option note指数货币期权票据
inland note国内票据
interest note利息单
interest-bearing note生息票据
interest-bearing note计息票据
interest-bearing note附息票据彡生息券
irredeemable bank note不能兑现的银行票据
issuance of a note签发票据
joint note联合票据
joint note共同票据
joint-and-several promissory note共同及个别承兑票据
Lehman investment opportunity note雷曼投资机遇债券 (20世纪80年代初期由美国雷曼兄弟公司 (Lehman Brothers) 发行的一种零息票债券,简称"狮子债券")
limit of bank-note issue钞票发行额的限制
liquid yield option note流动收益期权票据
liquidity yield option note流动性收益期权券
long note远期票据
long-term floating rate note长期浮动利率票据
lost note遗失纸币票据
marginal note边注栏外的说明
medium-term note中期票据
medium-term note market中期票据市场
mismatch note错配式票据
mortgage note按揭票据
mortgage note payable应付按揭票据
mortgage note receivable应收按揭票据
mortgage note receivable应收抵押票据
negotiable note可转让票据
non-interest bearing circulation bank note无息的银行兑换券
non-interest bearing note不生息股票
non-interest bearing note无息票据
non-interest-bearing circulation bank note无息的银行兑换券
non-manufacturing non-interest-bearing note不可转让的无息票据
non-manufacturing promissory note不可转让期票
non-negotiable note不可转让票据
note and acceptances receivable应收票据与承兑票据
note and bill receivable discounted已贴现应收票据
note at demand见票后即付的票据
note at demand即期票据
note at sight见票即付的本票
note at sight即期票据
note book备忘录
note book票据簿
note circulation通行纸币
note discount票据贴现
note discounted票据贴现
note discounted a/c已贴现票据帐户
note dishonoured退票
note due to affiliated company应收联营公司票据
note for a term定期交付的期票
note holder执兑换券人
note holder持票人
note in circulation流通中货币
note issuance facilities票据发行便利
note issue纸币发行量
note issue纸币发行
note journal票据分录簿
note journal票据日记帐
note of dishonour退票通知
note of hand本票
note of hand期票
note of register票据登记簿
note on discount贴现票据
note on outside banks流通中货币
note on outside banks银行以外货币
note payable应付票据
note payable account应付票据帐户
note payable account应付票据帐
note payable at bank在银行付款的票据
note payable book应付票据簿
note payable register应付票据登记簿
note payable to subsidiary应付附属机构的零据
note receivable应收期票
note receivable应收票据
note receivable a/c应收票据帐户
note receivable account应收票据帐户
note receivable account应收期票帐
note receivable as collateral以应收票据担保
note receivable as collateral应收票据担保
note receivable discounted已贴现应收票据
note receivable discounted应收票据贴现
note receivable dishonoured拒付应收票据
note receivable endorsed已背书的应收票据
note receivable endorsed account已背书应收票据帐户科目
note receivable from customers应收客户票据
note receivable from stockholders应收股东票据
note receivable from trade应收商业票据
note receivable journal应收票据簿
note receivable past due过期应收票据
note receivable past dus过期应收票据
note receivable protested已作拒付证书的应收票据
note receivable protested巳作拒付证书的应收票据
note receivable register应收票据登记簿
note receivable trade应收客户票据
note register票据登记簿 (notes book or bills book)
note register票据簿 (notes book or bills book)
note to consolidated financial statements综合财务报表附注
note to the account帐目附注
overdue note过期票据
partner note payable应付合伙人票据
payer of a promissory note本票付款人
payment of a note票据之清偿
payment of note票据支付
profit sharing note本金已还股
promissory bank note银行本票
received note收入票据
reverse convertible note反向转换票据
risk note保险暂保单
secured note有担保票据
senior note优先票据
sight promissory note即期本票
silver note银圆
single-name note单名票据
special note记名式银票票据
step-down note降息通知
structured note结构性票据 (结构性票据是场外产品,它将数种不同成分捆绑在一起,以组建单种产品,通常是在债务工具(如中期债券)中嵌人期权。结构性票据/债券一般是以对市场的观点为导向,并且其设计目的通常是吸引具有高度集中的风险/回报需求和市场观点的投资者)
subordinated note无优先权票据
system of note issue纸币发行制度
tax-anticipation note税收预期票据或供付证 (or warrant)
theory of note of credit信用券理论
three-year note三年期债券
transaction note交易单据
Treasury note国库票据 (美国政府发行的一种中期债券,最小面值为1000美元,期限为1 ~10年,可用现金申购,用已到期或未到期的政府债券进行交换,或以拍卖等方式出售,利息以息票支付)
treasury note国库券中期证券,1〜5年
Treasury note option国库票据期权
uncollectible note坏票
uncollectible note无法兑付的票据
uncovered note无担保票据
undated floating rate note无期限浮动利率票据
unsecured note无担保票据
U.S. Treasury note美国中期国债 (指美国财政部发行的期限为2至10年、不可提早赎回的 (non-callable)债券)
usance promissory note远期本票
variable-rate demand note浮动利率即期票据
variable-rate demand note可变利率即期票据
variable-rate note浮动利率票据
variable-rate note可变利率票据
yield curve note收益率曲线票据
zero-coupon note零息票票据