
Terms for subject Business containing note | all forms | exact matches only
account note账目表
accrued interest on note payable应计未付期票利息
advance note预支借据
advance note预支票据
advance on a promissory note期票信贷
advice note通知单:通知书
air consignment note航空运货单
air freight note空运单
allotment note发放工资通知单指将海员工资一部分或全部发放给其家属
allotment note付款通知单
altered note改版纸币
arrival note到货通知
autograph note signed亲笔签名便函
autograph note signed原件已署名
backed note装船单
backed note已背书票据
balloon note大数本票
bank note银行本票
bank note duty银行券发行税
bearer of the note持券人
boarding note卸货接受单
boat note卸货接受单
boat note积载单
boat note订载单
bond-anticipation note债券先期本票
booking note船运公司所签货物订舱单
bookkeeping note传票
bought and sold note买卖契约
bought and sold note购销货单
bought note股票经纪人给客户的购股详情单
bought note购货单据
brief note便条
broker's contract note经纪人契约书
broker's cover note保险经纪人暂报单
broker's cover note保险经纪人开具的暂保单
capped floating rate note附利率上限条款的浮动利率本票
cargo boat note卸货详单
cargo boat note载货记录
cargo note订货联系单
carriage note运输证
carriage note取货证
carriage note运货货证
carrier note提货单
carrier note取货单
cart note搬运单
cart note运费单
cart note货车运费单
cartage note运费账单
cartage note货车运费单
circular note通告
clearance note货物卸讫记录
cognovit note典契
cognovit note被告具结书
collateral note抵押期票
collateral note有担保的票据
Collateralized Note Insurance Facility附属票据发行便利
collecting note委托代收款凭单
collecting note收款单
collecting note代收赔款单
collecting note收款本票
confirmation note批准通知书
confirmation note确认通知书
confirmative sale note确认销货书
confirmatory note确认回单
consigner's note寄售通知书
consigner's note寄售通知单
consignment note托运收据指铁路公司收到托运货物后,给托运人签发收到托运货物的收据
consignor's note寄售人通知书
consignors note寄售人通知书
contingent liability incurred by note或有票据负债
contract note买卖证券清单
contract note合同通知
contract note签约单
contract note买卖账单
contract note股票买卖通知书
convertible note兑现的纸币
convertible subordinate note可兑换次级债券
counterfeit bank note伪币
counterfeit bank-note伪造钞票
country note地方银行发行的钞票
country note地方银行钞票
cover note保险证明书保险人临时签发的保险凭证,具有保单同样效力
cover note issued by broker保险经纪人签发的暂保单
cover note issued by company公司签发的暂保单
covering note承保单
dandy note出库证
dandy note英国海关发给保税仓库的仓库提货证
debit note借项清单将交易对方所欠货款开具清单
debt note借据
debt note借款通知单
debtor note借方票据
defiled bank note污损的钞票
demand note即期票据多指本票
discount note贴现票据
discounted note and acceptance receivable应收贴现票据与承兑汇票
discounting a note payable应付票据贴现
dishonoured note拒付票据
dispatch note发货通知单
dollar note美元券
draft on note payable to bearer凭票即付汇票
drawing a note出票
entries for note receivable transaction应收票据业务分录
entry if note is dishonored票据到期拒付分录
excessive note issue滥发纸币
exchange contract note外汇买卖合约
extension of note票据延期
face of the note票据面额
face of the note纸币面值
face value of a note票据面值
face value of note票面价值金额
first-class commercial note一级商业票据
first-class note一级票据
fixture note主要条款书
food note食品账单
food note粮食证券
foot note附记
foot note附注
forged note伪造票据
forwarding note货运单
fractional bank note小额银行钞票
gain from discounting note票据贴现收益
good note可靠票据
good note可靠单据
goods received note收货单由收货员填写
goods returned note由收货部门填写的退货单
government note公债券
government note政府发行的纸币
guaranteed note保证票据
guaranting of promissory note本票的保证
inconvertible note不兑换纸币
installment note〈美〉分期付款期票
installment note payment coupon分期付款票据息票
insurance cover note承保通知单
international negotiable note国际可转让期票
international promissory note国际期票
international trade note payable应付国际贸易票据
international trade note receivable应收国际贸易票据
introductive note说明书
introductory note序言
introductory note导言
irredeemable bank-note不兑现银行券
irredeemable bank-note不能兑现的纸币
irrevocable, non-negotiable, non-interest-bearing promissory note不可撤销、不可转让的无息期票
irrevocable promissory note不可撤销期票
irrevocable promissory note不可撤销的期票
issuance of a note开立票据
jerque note卸载证指海关查验员经对货船进行检查,核对有关文件,证明货物已卸载,办完通关手续,开给船长的证明文件
jerque note海关检查证
joint promissory note共同约定支付汇票
judgement note判决通知
labor note劳动券
limit on bank-note issue钞票发行限制额
limitless floating rate note无限期浮动利率本票
loan note贷款通知
loan note借款单证
loan on note票据抵押贷款
long term floating rate note长期浮动利率票据
long-term mortgage note payable应付长期抵押票据
long-term note payable应付长期票据
long-term note receivable应收长期票据
lot note大量票据
maker of promissory note期票出票人
material receipt note收料单
material return note退料单
materials returned note退料单
maturity date of a note票据到期日
mini-maxi floating rate note附利率上下限条款浮动利率本票
mismatch floating rate note不对称浮动利率本票
money market note货币市场债券
money market note货币市场票据
money note of interest货币利率
mortgage note payable应付抵押票据
municipal note市政债券
mutilated bank note已破损的钞票
negotiable note流通票据期票
non-interest bearing circulation bank note无息银行兑换券
non-interest bearing note无息期票
non-interest bearing promissory note无息期票
noninterest-bearing note无息票据
non-negotiable note不可转让期票
non-negotiable note不可转让的期票
nonnegotiable note非流通期票
non-negotiable promissory note不可转让期票
non-negotiable promissory note不可转让的期票
non-reusable note不可再用纸币
nontransferable note不可转让票据
nonvalue note无价值票据
not negotiable note不可转让票据
note after sight见票后付款票据
note after sight见票付款票据期票
note and acceptance receivable应收票据与应收承兑票据
note and bill endorsed已背书票据及汇票
note at demand见票即付票据
note bearer持票人
note broker票据经纪人
note broker股票等有价证券经纪人
note-by-note examination逐张票据检查
note case钱包
note circulation纸币钞票流通
note discounted已贴现票据
note discounted account已贴现票据账户
note dishonored已拒付票据
note due to affiliated company应付联营公司票据
note due to bank应付银行票据
note due to company应付公司票据
note in circulation流通中纸币
note in substitution for currency票据用作通货
note issuance facility债券本票发行融资指银行对客户发行的短期债券或本票提供融资额度
note issue发行钞票
note let短信
note let便条
note maturity notice票据到期通知书
note negotiable可议付票据
note of approval认可照会
note of arrival到货通知
note of assessment to tax估税单
note of authority授权书
note of defect from visual inspection肉眼检验的缺点备注
note of dishonour拒绝承兑证书
note of hand即期票据
note of large denomination大面额钞票
note of protest抗议照会
note of protest船长证明书即证明船的损坏由灾难造成
note of register票据记录簿
note of the product产品特色
note of the product产品的特色
note officially正式照会
note on demand即付票据见票即付
note on the debt债务说明
note order payable to bearer凭票即付持票人来人
note payable account应付票据账户
note payable on demand即期应付票据
note payable to banks应付银行票据
note payable to company应付公司票据
note payable to subsidiary应付附属机构票据
note payable-book应付票据账册
note payable-trade应付购货票据
note purchase facility购买本票借款
note receivable account应收票据账户
note receivable as collateral应收抵押票
note receivable discounted应收贴现票据
note receivable discounted贴现的应收票据
note receivable endorsed account已背书应收票据账户
note receivable from commerce应收商业票据
note receivable from exporters应收出口商票据
note receivable from officers, stockholders and employees应向负责人、股东、及雇员收款的票据
note receivable from trade应收贸易票据
note receivable protested应收拒付票据
note receivable-past due应收过期票据
note receivable-trade应收销货票据
note renewal转期票据
note shaver高利贷者
note thus discounted or transferred by endorsement经背书的贴现或转让票据
note to consolidated financial statements综合财务报表脚注
note to financial statements财务报表脚注
note to order须签章的期票
note to the account账目附注
note verbale普通照会 (F)
omit note for order订货不能全部照办的通知
omit note for order订货不能供应的通知
overdue bill or note过期汇票或期票
overdue note过期期票票据
overseas promissory note海外约定纸币
partner's note payable应付合伙人票据
past due note过期票据
pay demand note收费单
payable in note可以期票支付
payable in note用期票支付
payee of a note票据收款人
payment of a note票据清偿
payment of note支付票据款项
payment of the note支付票据款
present value amortization on note receivable应收票据的现值摊提
principal note以抵押担保的保证期票
principal of a note票据本金
profit-sharing note利润分享债券
protest note拒付通知单
purchase note购货指买卖双方订立契约后,由买方向卖方发出的书面契约、卖方签字后再将一份寄回买方,又称确认书
receiving note收货通知单
represent promissory note再兑取本票期票
returning note复照
returning note回照
right of note issue纸币发行权
risk note承保条
sale note销货确认书
sale note销货单
scrap note报废通知单
shipping note装货通知
shipping note发货通知单
shipping note装货通知单
shortage note短货通知
sight note即期票据
sight note即付通知
sola note销货记录
sold note卖货单
special note记名式银票
special note专用票据
special note记名式票据
stamp note海关所发装货执照许可证
stores issue note发料单
stores receipt note收料单
take a note of记录〔下〕
take up one's note at the bank when due按期结清银行支票
tax-anticipation note税收预期票据
through consignment note联运单
transshipment note转船证明
transshipment note转运证明
treasury note纸币
treasury note 国库证券由财政部发行
unsecured note无担保证券
unsecured promissory note无担保本票
vertification note验单