
Terms for subject Textile industry containing note | all forms | exact matches only
accept a note承兑票据
accrued interest on note payable应计未付证券利息,应计期票利息
air freight note航空货运单
bank note货币
bank note银行票据
bank note纸币
cash remittance note汇款单
cashier's note银行本票
cashier's note本票
circular note点查存货通知
circular note通告照会
claim note保险索赔清单
commercial note market商业票据市场
confirmation sale note售货确认书
confirmative sale note销售确认书
consignment note寄售通知书
consignment note托运单
contract note合同书
contract note契约书
cover note认保单
cover note保险证书
credit note贷项通知单
credit note付款通知
credit note贷款通知单
credit note信贷清单
credit note payable应付票据
credit note sold已销售贷方票据
floating rate note浮息票据
floating rate note浮动汇率票据
freight note运费单据
gate note过关准单
gate note通关单
goods received note货物收据
imitated note伪造纸币
indorsed note已背书票据
inquiry note询价单
interest note息券
interest note息票
interest note息单
international trade note国际贸易票据
international trade note国际商业票据
jerque note查讫结关单
joint note联名票据
legal tender note法偿货币
legal tender note法币
legal tender note法定货币
loan note借据
loan note借款凭证
long note长期汇票
long note长期票据
long-term note长期票据
lost note挂失票据
lost note遗失票据
maker of a note岀票人
manufacturing change note制造更改说明
money market note金融市场债券
negotiable note流通票据
negotiable note可转让期票
note a risk承保一笔业务
note and bill payable应付票据
note and bill receivable应收票据
note negotiated已议付票据
note negotiated已转让票据
note of arrival到达通知
note of dishonor止付通知书
note of dishonor拒付通知书
note of dishonor退学通知书
note of large denomination大额钞票
note of large denomination大票
note on demand见票即付票据
note on demand即期票据
note receivable dishonored已拒付的应收票据
note receivable dishonored拒付应收票据
note receivable endorsed已背书应收票据
note receivable from banks应收银行票据
note to order记名票据
order note订货单
order note订货通知
packing note包装单
packing note装箱单
premium note保费付款期票
premium note保险费付款单
privilege of note issue钞票发行权
profit of note issue纸币发行利润
profit sharing note利润分享票据
profit sharing note分红债券
profit sharing note利润分享债券
promissory note借据
prompt note债务到期通知单
prompt note交割日期通知单
prompt note即期交割通知单
purchase note购货合约
received note收据
received note收条
receiving note收据
receiving note收货通知
renewal note展期票据
renewal note转期票据
request note申请单
risk note保险单证
sale note售货确认书
shipping advice note发运通知单
shipping advice note装船单
shipping note notice发货通知单
shipping note notice装运说明书
shipping note notice装船通知单
short note issue facility短期票据发行便利
short-dated note短期票据
sight draft note即期票据
s/n shipping note装船通知
special note特种票据
special note记名票据
stamp note装船许可证
time note期票
top note头香
trade note payable应付商业票据
trade note receivable应收商业票据
transhipment note中转单
transhipment note转船单
transhipment note转运单
two-way note双名票据
undue note未到期票据
unpaid note未付票据
verification note检验单
verification note验单