
Terms for subject Economy containing not in | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Any persons other than the parties shall not intervene in the negotiations双方以外的任何其他人不得介入谈判
Both parties involved in the evaluation of this proposal are not allowed to disclose all information and documents under the proposal参与该项建议评审的双方不得透露此建议的一切信息及文件
Could you cite an instance where our execution is not in keeping with the agreement?你们能举出一个我们不履行协议的事例吗?
fixed assets not in use未使用固定资产
foodstuffs not allowed to be shipped with hazardous goods in one vessel clause食品不准与危险品同装一船的条款
Huanghai Industries Company does not put reliance in any rumour黄海实业公司不相信谣言
I am not in favour of this arrangement because it might be detrimental to the interest of our company我不赞成这项安排,因为它可能会损害我们公司的利益
If such assignment cannot be effected, any abatement in the purchase price shall not be made如这笔转让业务未做成,购买价格将不能降低
If the goods are not delivered in October, we shall have to countermand our order如果10月份仍没发货,我们将不得不撤消订货
In addition, the landed costs are often not low此外,着陆费往往是不低的
In case this dispute is not negotiable adj., it may be submitted to a committee for arbitration如果这个争论无法通过谈判解决,则应提交仲裁委员会裁决
in deed not in name而不是在名义上
in deed not in name在事实上
In making our examination n., we do not find any evidence of inferior quality of your samples经检査未发现你方的样品有任何质量低劣的迹象
In pursuance of the rights and power vested in both parties by the now existing lease, any of the terms in the lease shall not be breached为了执行现有租约中赋予双方的权利和权力,该租约中的任何条款不得违反
In the event the contract price is not subject to escalation, the contractor will take the risk of the ever-increasing cost如合同价格不逐步上升,承包商必须承担成本不断上涨的风险
It is necessary for you to fill in the entry for free goods properly if you are not to have trouble at the customs要想在海关不遇麻烦,你必须妥善填写免税货物进口报单
It is not proper that the administrative principles employed should be quite different from those applied in the past管理原则与过去所使用的完全不同是不合适的
Mr. Hill could not attend the board meeting because he had a great pain in his head希尔先生因头疼得厉害没能出席董事会议
not in contract不在合同中
not in contract未订合同
not in the contract不在此合同范围内
Not only have you been unpunctual in execution n., but you have deliver articles far below the standard你方不仅未能按时履行合同,而且所供货物的质量远远低于标准
not transactions in a real sense假收购
not-used packing supplies in storage库存未用包装物
On the severance n., an employee shall not enter into employment in any firm of the same trade for two years一旦解聘,雇员两年内不得在同行业任何公司内就业
Party A shall not engage in merchandising of this article during the continuance of this contract在本合同有效期内,甲方不得从事本货物的买卖
People in this country are not licensed to sell spirits这个国家禁止出售烈性酒
Please do not hesitate to let us know the matter, and we will certainly go all lengths to assist you in solving it请转告有什么问题,我们一定全力协助你方解决
project used in production but not yet transferred已投产使用未办移交的工程
receipts not covered in the state budget国家预算外收入
Several items on your invoice are found not included in the goods arrived你方发票中有几项货物未到
The article you enquired for does not belong in the sphere of our business activities贵方所询商品不在我们的业务范围之内
The companies would not succeed in improving quality of their products without this equipment如果没有这种设备,这些公司就不能顺利地提高其产品的质量
The consummation of the said business will not be in violation of any decrees of the government这笔交易的完成不会违反政府的任何法令
The contractor shall try his best not to fail to act in accordance with the provisions of this agreement承包商应尽力不使自己违反本合同的各项条款
The cost of beer bottles has been included in the sale price and such bottles are not to be returnable啤酒瓶的价格包括在销售价之中,这种瓶子是不需退回的
The delegates' inspection will not cause undue delay or inconvenience to the workers in performing the work代表们的视察不会给工人们的操作带来不适当的延误和不便
The figures which are not in agreement with the records are to be verified这些与记录不一致的数字将予以查实
The finish is not good and the enamel has cracked in some places光洁度不佳,多处珐琅破裂
The passage can not be obstructed in case of emergencies该通道不得阻塞,以防发生紧急情况
The possibility that there are foreign matters in the rape seeds should not be eliminated不应排除油菜籽中有杂质的可能性
The purchaser failed to inspect the rolled sheet steel in stock, which can not be the reason for any claim for rescission买主未能检査库存轧钢板,这不能成为提出废约要求的理由
The schedule can not be used, if it is found to be in error计划表如发现有错误,则不能使用
The seller's terms of sale are not in conflict with the terms of previous purchase order卖方的销售条款与前一次的购货订单的条款相比没有抵触的地方
the shipment not in accord with the sample来货与样品不符
The taxes and duties which may be levied in the country are not included in the price quoted above该国所征收的各种税款和关税不包括在上面所报的价格内
They admit not having given our order their usual careful attention in this particular business他们承认在这次具体交易中没有用他们一贯慎重的态度去办理我方定货
This basin is not good and the enamel has cracked in some places这只盆子不好,搪瓷多处破裂
This clause shall not be construed to release the carrier from responsibility for causing damage to the goods in transit此条款不应被认为是解除承运商对运输中造成货物损坏应负的责任
We are in receipt of your letter of the 2nd of October in which you insisted that our letter of credit for the above order be opened in RMB, and not in other currencies收到你方10月2日来信,知悉你方坚持信用证要用人民币而不用其他货币开立
We are not identical in our views of the shipment date我们双方对装船日期这一点不能达成一致意见
We are not in a position to send you an offer owing to your omission to state the necessary particulars由于你方未告知必要的细节,我方目前无法向你方发出报盘
We are not interested in renewing this agreement when it expires我们无意在协议期满时续订协议
We are not lacking in information on the current market situation我们不缺当前市场情况的资料
We do not think such an abnormal phenomenon will last long in the stock market我们认为股票市场的反常现象不会持续很久
We have to advise the reasons if the anticipated progress has not been maintained in accordance with the schedule如果不能按进度表保持预期进程,我们不得不说明理由
We look forward to your ability to offer us this article in not too distant future我们盼望你在不久的将来能向我们报此货
We regret to say that your shipment is not in accord with the sample我们很遗憾你方发来的货与样品不符
We shall not change the prices on the goods in subsequent transactions在以后的交易中我们不会改变这批货物的价格
Withholding tax imposed by the government shall not be included in the prices set forth in this agreement政府征收的预和赋税不应包括在本协议规定的价格之内
You must know clearly that, in doing so, we are not establishing a precedent你方必须清楚地知道,我方这样做是下不为例的
Your rights will not be affected by any devolution of the right in this adjustment of the organizational structure在这次机构调整中你的各项权利将不受任何权利转移的影响