
Terms for subject Business containing not | all forms | exact matches only
abandoned property not charged-off未注销废弃财产
accounts payable-not trade货款外应付其他账款
accounts receivable-not trade货款外其他应收账款
activities not adequately described不规范经济活动
amount not taken up未动金额
articles not other wise provided for未另列名货物
As for the insurance, I have quite a lot of things which I am still not clear about关于保险我还有很多事情不清楚
assets not attributable to users不向使用人分配资产
assets not registered on account books账外资产
be not properly handled处理失当
books are not in order账目不清
business or activity not for profit非营利性经营活动
but not exceeding但不超过
but not now并非目前
can not find未能找到
cargo not otherwise specified未列明运费率的货物
cargo not otherwise specified未列名货物即未在航运公司运费费率表上列名的货物
contract not subject to legal jurisdiction不受法定约束的合同
contribution not carrying voting right没有投票权的缴款
could not不可能
could not不能
crossing: not negotiable不可转让
crossing: not negotiable划线
disbursed and not yet due for repayment已拨付但未到偿还期
do not crush切勿挤压
do not drop忽掼
do not drop切勿抛掷抛堕
do not load不装载
do not load stock on top勿放顶上
do not renew不续转
do not show in damp place勿放置潮湿处
document not conforming to the provisions of letter of credit单据与所示信用证不符单证不符
duty not paid未经完税
effects not cleared未清算的动产
equipment not requiring installation勿需安装的设备
failure to give not ice未通知
fixed assets not need不需用的固定资产
following items not available下列各项现在没有
freight not allocated耒分配运费
fund not on book账外资金
go-and-not-go gauge规定限度检验器过规与不过规
gross for not weight以毛作净
have not没有
if leaking, do not breathe fume, touch contents, swallow如包件破漏,勿吸气体,勿接触内容物,勿吞咽
if-A-then-NOT-B gate"与非"门
I'm afraid not. As you know, we have a lot of order to fill恐怕不行,我们的订单很多
losses incurred but not reported已出险
losses incurred but not reported但尚未通知
incurred but not reported发生未报赔款
interest earned but not collected应收已得利息
liability not yet determined责任尚未确定
living allowances of employees not on list编外人员生活费
loan approved but not yet effective已核准尚待生效的贷款
loss not yet recognized未认定损失
lost or not lost clause不论灭失与否条款系海运提单和海运保险单上条款
lost or not lost clause灭失或不灭失条款
market not held order市价无约束指令
material requisitioned but not yet used已领未用材料
merchandise delivered but not accepted拒收货物
not a scintilla of truth毫不真实
not above不多于
not appropriate不适用的
not arriving尚未到达
not authorized未批准的
not available无效的
not available无货
not available for loan概不出借
not be withdrawn from normal production不脱离生产
not charged免费
not complied with未依从…
not complied with不符合…
not complied with未遵照…
not counted-in package不计件
not dated无日期
not dated未注明日期
not detected未发现
not detected未测出
not discredited未丧失信用
not done未完成
not done未做到
not earlier than不早于…
not elsewhere classified不另分类
not elsewhere included不另指出
not elsewhere included别处未提及者
not elsewhere included未另列表
not elsewhere indicated别处未提及
not elsewhere mentioned未另提至
not elsewhere specified未另特别规定
not elsewhere specified未另说明
not enough不充分
not enough存款不足
not entitled无权
not entitled无资格
not entry未加入
not entry未参与
not entry未登记
not examined未审査
not exceeding一般
not exceeding平常
not for sale不售出的
not-for-profit organizations非营利组织
not good不好的
not good无效的
not good ore不合格矿石
not held order无约束指令
not in action未运转
not in action无活动
not in contract不在合同内
not in excess of不超过
not in session休会期间
not known不明
not later than…不迟于…
not less than…不少于…
not marked未标明的
not negotiable不可议付
not negotiable bill不可议付票据
not negotiable bill of lading不准转让提单
not negotiable cheque不可转让的支票
not negotiable note不可转让票据
not negotiable property不可转让财产
not negotiable security不可转让证券
not negotiable share非流通股票
not negotiable stock非流通股票
not operationally ready maintenance非操作上的现有维修
not otherwise enumerated不另编号
not otherwise enumerated除非另有列举
not otherwise herein provided此处未另规定
not otherwise indexed by name别处无名称索引
not otherwise indexed by number别处无数字索引
not otherwise provided未另行规定
not otherwise provided除非另有规定
not otherwise provided for不另行规定
not otherwise specified不另说明
not out yet未发
not passed upon inspection未通过检查
not passed upon inspection检验不合格
not properly secured施封不密
not properly secured包扎不牢
not proven证据不足
not provided for非供…之用
not received未收到的
not required不需要
not required未要求
not responsible for anything list失物自理
not risk after discharge卸货后解除责任
not seasonally adjusted index未作季节性调整的指数
not signed未签字
not specially provided for未特别规定
not specially provided for无特别规定
not specified未详细说明
not sufficient不够
not sufficient不足
not sufficient资力不足
not sufficient fund资金不足
not sufficient fund check存款不足支票
not taken out未剔除
not to all仅供部分人员
not to be laid flat切勿平放包装用语
not to be noted未记账
not to be stowed under heavy cargo不可放置重货下包装用语
not to exceed一般
not to go into past misdeed既往不咎
not to insure clause保险中不适用条款
not to order非指定票据
not transferable不能转让的
not under repairs未在修理中
not up to the standard不合标准
not-used packaging supplies in storage库存未用包装物
not yet answer尚未回答
not yet qualified尚不合格
orders not to pay支票停止支付指令
partial shipment not allowed不许分运
past expenses not adjusted未调整过去费用
pay... company not transferable付某公司不得转让
pay not negotiable不准转让
pay not negotiable仅付某人
pay not transferable不得转让
pay not transferable付某人
please do not touch the exhibits请勿触摸展品
price not competitive无竞争力价格
probability of not finding trouble不能找出事故的概率
profit not yet realized未实现利润
project completed but not yet turned over for production已竣工而未投产使用的工程项目
project used on production not yet transferred已投产使用而未办移交的工程项目
reported but not enough已报告但未足数的未决赔款
sell like not cakes畅销
ship not responsible船方不承担责任
shipment must be effected. not later than运送日期不得迟于…
stock not listed未列入存货
surplus not for dividend purposes不派作股息的盈余
surplus not for dividend purposes不用作股利的盈余
We find the quality of the anti-theft carved door is satisfactory, but we're not sure whether the quality of the goods is about equal to the sample我们对贵方浮雕防盗门的质量感到很满意,但我们不知道货物的质量能否和样品大体相同
words and figures do not agree支票、票据票面与数字不符