
Terms for subject Business containing non-payment | all forms | in specified order only
bill dishonoured by non-payment拒付汇票
bill dishonoured by non-payment被拒付的汇票
dishonour by non-payment of a bill of exchange拒付汇票
distrain chattels for non-payment of rent因未交租而扣押动产
non-commercial payment非商业付款
non-full payment lease非全部偿付租赁
non-payment lease不足支付租赁
non-payment of taxes未缴税款
notice of non-payment拒绝付款通知
protest for non-payment拒绝付款证书
recourse for non-payment对拒不付款的追索权
remedy for non-payment对于不付款的补偿
return of the goods for non-payment退回未付款货物
return of the goods for non-payment退回未付货款的货物
wire non-payment电称拒付
wire non-payment如遭拒付请电告