
Terms for subject Business containing neutral | all forms | exact matches only
cautious-neutral budget对经济既不刺激又不紧缩的预算
Hicks neutral technical progress赫斯克中立技术进步
neutral document中性单据不注明出口商名称的单据
neutral financial policy中性金融政策
neutral fiscal policy中性财政政策
neutral harbour中立港
neutral invention中性发明
neutral invention中立化技术进步
neutral monetary policy中性金融政策
neutral money中立货币指稳定货币供应量以稳定物价
neutral money policy中性货币政策
neutral money supply中性货币供应
neutral outcome中性后果
neutral packing中性包装即不注明地名、厂名和商标的包装
neutral party bill of lading中性提单
neutral party bill of lading中性提单指以信用证受益人以外的第三者为托运人的提单
neutral port中立港
neutral port中立港口
neutral probability中性概率
neutral rate of interest中性利率
neutral state中立国
neutral technological change中立化技术变动