
Terms for subject Automobiles containing network | all forms | exact matches only
advanced intelligent network先进的智能网络
after-sales-service network售后服务网
automatic voice network自动语音网络
body electronic area network车身电子区域网
CAN-GMLAN= CAN-GM local area network控制器局域网一通用汽车公司本地局域网一种通信方式
carbide network网状碳化物组织
command and control network指令和控制网络
controller area network控制器局域网
controller area network bus控制器局域网络总线
dealer network商业销售
de-coupling network去耦合网络
distribution network development经销网络开发部
dual network双偶互易网络
electric network网络
freeway network高速公路网
garage network修车网络
highway network公路网系统
ideal network理想无损耗网络
International Automotive Technicians Network国际汽车技师网
local area network部区域网
local area network controller unit局域网控制模块
local interconnect network局域互联网络
master-slave network主-从管理器-伺服器网络
mixed network混合网络由"master-slave network"和"multi-master network"共同组成
multi-master network多管理器网络
multiplex communication network多路通信网络
municipal area network城域网络
nationwide after-sales-service network全国售后服务网
nationwide dealer network全国销售商网
nationwide service network全国服务网
network compensating补偿校正电路
network element络单元
network equalizing网络补偿
network grouping网络组
network interface card络接口
network length线路网长度
network of coordinates方格坐标纸
network of vehicle maintenance and repair汽车维修网点
network of vehicle repair汽车修理网点
network planning网络计划编制
network software网络软件控制程序
network support网络支持
network topology网络图论
numerically controlled network数控网络
observation network观察网络
open network开放式网络
passenger transport network客运网
personal area network个人区域无线网络
protocol for automotive low and medium speed network马自达车用低、中速网络协议
public land mobile network公众陆地移动电话网
public transport network distribution公共交通线路布局
pulse forming network脉冲形成电路网络
radio network车辆导航通信用的无线电网络
sensor network传感网络
service network维修网络
service network售后服务服务网
signal network信号网络
street network市区街道网
system network architecture网络体系结构
Toyota Technical Education Network丰田技术教育网丰田公司校企合作规划
transducer network传感网络
transportation network运输网
vehicle area network车辆局域网由标致雪铁龙集团开发并运用,但已不再采用
vehicle electronic network integral control of electronic菲亚特公司车辆电子装置集成控制网
workshop network车间网络系统
world wide service network世界范围售后服务网
worl-wide after-sales-service network世界范围售后服务网