
Terms for subject Finances containing net income | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
accumulated net income累积净收益
appropriation of net income盈余分配
appropriation of net income净益指拨
current net income本期净收益
current operating concept of net income即期经营净利概念
deduction from net income净益之减除数
disposition of net income收益分配表 (or net profit or net earning)
disposition of net income盈余分配表 (or net profit or net earning)
fund net income基金净收益
gross net premium income总净保费收人
income to net worth纯益与资本净值之比
interest and salaries in excess of net income超出净利的利息及薪水
interest and/or salaries in excess of net income利息与薪水超过净利
net income净益 (realized income)
net income净所得 (realized income)
net income净收入 (realized income)
net income after depreciation扣除折旧后净收益
net income after dividend扣除股利后净收益
net income after income tax扣除所得税后净收益
net income after income taxes扣缴所得税后的净收益
net income after interest charge扣除利息后净收益
net income after tax税后净收益指所得税
net income and loss净损益
net income approach净利法
net income before depreciation扣除折旧前净收益
net income before extraordinary items扣除非常项目前净收益
net income before extraordinary items计算特殊项目前之净收益
net income before income tax扣除所得税前净收益
net income before income taxes扣除所得税前的净收益
net income before interest charge扣除利息前净收益
net income before tax纳税前净收益指所得税
net income corrections净收益的更正数
net income distortion净收益的歪曲
net income for current period本期净收益
net income from operations经营净收益
net income from operations营业净收益
net income per share of common stock普通股每股净收益
net income ratio净收益率
net income statement净收入报表
net income to net sales净益与销货净额之比
net investment income投资净收益
net liquidation income清算净收益
net operating income营运净收益
net-operating-income approach营业净利法
per capita net income人均纯收人
ratio of net income to net worth净收益对资本净值比率
ratio of net income to outstanding common stock净收益与实发普通股本比率
ratio of net income to outstanding stock净收益对实发股本比率
ratio of net income to outstanding stock净收益对实发股票比率
realization of net income净收入变现
residual net income or profit剩余净益或盈余
salaries and interest in excess of net income薪金及利息超过净利
statement accounting for variation in net income净收益变动计算表
statement of accumulated net income累积净收益计算书
statement of appropriation of net income净收益分配表
statement of appropriation of net income纯利分配计算书