
Terms containing net income | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
fin.accumulated net income累积净收益
textileaccumulated net income累计净收入
tech.accumulated net income累计净收益
busin.added net income附加净收入
tech.added net income附加纯收益
busin.added social net income rate附加社会纯收入率
proj.manag.aggregated net chargeable income合计应课税人息实额
fin.appropriation of net income净益指拨
busin.appropriation of net income净益分配
fin.appropriation of net income盈余分配
tech.appropriation of net income净盈余占用
textileaverage net income平均净收入
textileaverage net income per household member每户人均净收入
textileaverage net income per man人均净收入
econ.average per-capita net income of rural residents农村居民人均纯收人
tech.branch net income or loss分店净损益
busin.cost-net income ratio成本纯收益率
fin.current net income本期净收益
busin.current net income本期纯收入
tech.current net income本期纯收益
fin.current operating concept of net income即期经营净利概念
econ.deduction from net income从净收益中扣除
fin.deduction from net income净益之减除数
tech.deduction from net income净收益中扣除数
tech.deduction from net income可从净收入中扣除的项目
interntl.trade.deductions from net income净益之减除数
busin.deductions from net income净收益减除数
tech.deductions from net income净收往年减除数
securit.desired net income预期净收益
econ.determination of net income净收益结算
interntl.trade.determination of net income净收益的决算
busin.determination of net income净收益决算
interntl.trade.disposition of net income净益分配
interntl.trade.disposition of net income盈余分配表
fin.disposition of net income收益分配表 (or net profit or net earning)
fin.disposition of net income盈余分配表 (or net profit or net earning)
tech.disposition of net income净收入的处理
busin.disposition of net income净收益分配表
tech.disposition of net income净收入分配
tech.disposition of net income净收益分配
securit.distributable net income可分配的净收人
econ.division of net income or loss纯损益分配
econ.division of net income or loss损益分配
spaceearnings before net interest expense, income taxes depreciation and amortisation利、税、折旧和偿还前的收益率
econ.enterprise net income企业净收益
agric.final age of the maximum forest net income森林最大净收人的伐期龄
fin.fund net income基金净收益
textilegross net earned premium income总净收到保费
textilegross net premium income总净保险收入
fin.gross net premium income总净保费收人
textilegross net written premium income承包业务的净保费总收入
busin.gross net written premium income承保业务的净保费总收入
econ.household net cash income家庭净现金收入
econ.income net净收入
econ.income net纯收益
busin.income net纯收入收益
econ.income safety net收入安全网
econ.income safety-net programmes收入安全网计划
busin.income to net worth净值收益比
busin.income to net worth收益与资本净值比率
fin.income to net worth纯益与资本净值之比
tech.income to net worth纯益与资本净值比
busin.income to net worth ratio净值收益率
fin.interest and salaries in excess of net income超出净利的利息及薪水
busin.interest and salaries in excess of net income利息与薪水超出净利
fin.interest and/or salaries in excess of net income利息与薪水超过净利
busin.investment-net income ratio投资纯收入比率
tech.investment-net income ratio投资纯收入率
securit.investment-net income ratio投资与纯收人比率
proj.manag.loss of net income净收人损失
securit.NAREIT net operating income不动产投资信托协会净经营收人
textilenational net income国民纯收入
proj.manag.net assessable income应评税人息实额
shipb.net business income业务净收人
IMF.net cash income净现金收入
IMF.net cash income现金收入净值
interntl.trade.net chargeable income应课税入息净额
securit.net chargeable income应税收益实额
proj.manag.net chargeable income应课税人息实额
busin.net chargeable income应课税收益净额
busin.net chargeable income应纳税收入净额
securit.net chargeable income应税收人净额
oilnet discount income净贴现收入
securit.net effective income净有效收人
securit.net effective income净实际收人
IMF.net factor income要素净收入
interntl.trade.net factor income from abroad国外因素收入净额
UNnet factor income from the rest of the world国民总产值
interntl.trade.net factor income to abroad国外因素收入净额负数
anim.husb.net farm income农场纯收益
agric., econ.net farm income农场净收入
tech.net income净收入量
tech.net income纯利 (润)
agric.net income净增长量除去生长量
fin.net income净益 (realized income)
textilenet income净所得
textilenet income纯收益
interntl.trade.net income净收入
interntl.trade.net income收益净额
fin.net income净所得 (realized income)
met.net income纯收入
archit.net income纯收人
archit.net income净收人
fin.net income净收入 (realized income)
exhib.net income净收益
agric.net income实际收人
textilenet income纯利
tech.net income净税收
interntl.trade.net income after depreciation折旧后净收益
fin.net income after depreciation扣除折旧后净收益
tech.net income after depreciation折旧后净收入
fin.net income after dividend扣除股利后净收益
securit.net income after dividend股息后净收人
busin.net income after dividends付股息后净收入
tech.net income after dividends扣除股利后净收益
busin.net income after income tax税后净收益
fin.net income after income tax扣除所得税后净收益
busin.net income after income tax缴纳所得税后净收益
fin.net income after income taxes扣缴所得税后的净收益
tech.net income after income taxes扣除所得税后净收益
busin.net income after interest charge计息后净收益
fin.net income after interest charge扣除利息后净收益
securit.net income after interest charge扣除利息后净利
interntl.trade.net income after interest charges计息后净收益
textilenet income after tax纳税后净收入
fin.net income after tax税后净收益指所得税
busin.net income after tax税后净收益
interntl.trade.net income after tax纳税后净收益
tech.net income after tax净利
econ.net income after tax除税后净收入
tech.net income after tax扣税后净收益
econ.net income amortization利润分配
fin.net income and loss净损益
busin.net income apportionment净收益分配
fin.net income approach净利法
tech.net income approach净收益估值法
interntl.trade.net income before depreciation折旧前净收益
tech.net income before depreciation未扣除折旧的净收益
tech.net income before depreciation折旧前净收入
fin.net income before depreciation扣除折旧前净收益
securit.net income before depreciation扣除折旧前净利
fin.net income before extraordinary items计算特殊项目前之净收益
fin.net income before extraordinary items扣除非常项目前净收益
econ.net income before extraordinary items扣除特殊项目前净收入
fin.net income before income tax扣除所得税前净收益
tech.net income before income tax扣缴税前净收益
fin.net income before income taxes扣除所得税前的净收益
fin.net income before interest charge扣除利息前净收益
busin.net income before interest charge计息前净收益
securit.net income before interest charge扣除利息前净利
interntl.trade.net income before interest charges计息前净收益
busin.net income before interest charges计息前净收入
busin.net income before tax税前净收益
interntl.trade.net income before tax纳税前净收益
econ.net income before tax纳税前净收益 (指所得税)
fin.net income before tax纳税前净收益指所得税
tech.net income before tax纳税前净收益 (纳税指纳所得税)
econ.net income before tax除税前净收入
econ.net income before tax缴税前净收入
tech.net income before tax缴税前净收益
busin.net income before taxes所得税税前净收益
econ.net income correction净收益改正数
econ.net income correction净利核正
busin.net income correction净收益更正数
fin.net income corrections净收益的更正数
tech.net income corrections净利核正
fin.net income distortion净收益的歪曲
tech.net income distortion净利计算不实
textilenet income distribution净收益分配
busin.net income distribution to affiliated unit分配给外联单位净收益
tech.net income distribution to affiliated units分配给联营单位利润
fin.net income for current period本期净收益
securit.net income for redeeming specific loan用于归还专项借款的利润
busin.net income from affiliated unit从外联单位分得净收益
textilenet income from operation营业净收益
oilnet income from operation营业净收入
textilenet income from operation经营净利
econ.net income from operation经营净收益
fin.net income from operations经营净收益
fin.net income from operations营业净收益
tech.net income from operations经营净收入
busin.net income increase增加净收益
securit.net income multiplier净收益乘数
securit.net income per common share每股普通股净收益
securit.net income per share每股净收益
fin.net income per share of common stock普通股每股净收益
tech.net income ratio净收人率
fin.net income ratio净收益率
textilenet income ratio纯利润率
tech.net income ratio净收益比率
tech.net income ratio of society社会纯收入收益率
busin.net income remitted to senior administrative agency缴上级净收益
busin.net income remitted to treasury缴国库净收益
busin.net income retained after tax税后留用净收益
busin.net income retaining percentage on base year net income按年基数净收益计算的留成率
busin.net income retaining percentage on net income increment按增长净收益计算的留成率
busin.net income settlement净收益结算
econ.Net Income Stabilization Account净收入稳定帐户简写为NISA
textilenet income statement净收益表
textilenet income statement纯利表
fin.net income statement净收入报表
busin.net income to net sale净收益与销货净额比率
econ.net income to net sale净收益与销货净额的比率
busin.net income to net sale净收益与净销货额的比率
fin.net income to net sales净益与销货净额之比
tech.net income to net sales净收人与销货净额比率
securit.net income to net worth ratio净收益与净资本比率
busin.net income turned-in by subsidiaries下属单位上缴净收益
IMF.net interest income利息净收入
corp.gov.net interest income净利息收入
securit.net interest income净利息收益
securit.net investment income投资收人净额
tech.net investment income投资收入净额
proj.manag.net investment income净投资收人
fin.net investment income投资净收益
oilnet investment income投资收益净额
securit.net investment income证券投资净收益
securit.net investment income per share每股净投资收人
fin.net liquidation income清算净收益
textilenet national income国民收入净额
textilenet national income国民纯收入
econ.net national income国民净收入
securit.net-net income净利润中可支配的所得
securit.net-net income净净所得
econ.net of tax concept of income tax allocation所得税分配中税后净额概念
econ.net of tax income纳税后的净收入
textilenet of tax income税后净收入
tech.net of tax income纳税后净收入
busin.net operating income营业净收入即减去营业费用后的收入
busin.net operating income营业净收益
proj.manag.net operating income营运净收人
securit.net operating income净经营收益
commer.net operating income净营业收益
econ.net operating income净营业收入
fin.net operating income营运净收益
tech.net operating income净经营收入
tech.net operating income纯经营收益
tech.net operating income扣除经营费用后的收入
securit.net operating income净营业收人
tech.net operating income approach净营业收益估值法
econ.net operation income纯经营收入
securit.net operation income净经营收人
IMF.net operational income业务净收入
textilenet premium income净保费收益
textilenet premium income净保费收入
econ.net present value of income from investment投资收入净现值
busin.net present value of income from investment投资收益净现值
tech.net present value of income from investment投资净收入现值
tech.net profit after income tax扣除所得税后净利 (润)
tech.net property income净财产收入
econ.net rental income租金收益净额
busin.net statutory income法定收益净额
textilenet taxable income应税收入净额
textilenet taxable income应税净收入
proj.manag.net total income人息实额
proj.manag.net total income收人实额
securit.net total income全部净收人
fin.net-operating-income approach营业净利法
textileoriginal net premium income原净保费收入
textileoriginal net retained premium income原净扣保费收入
econ.Our company's net income has improved a lot in recent years我公司近年来的净收入大有增加
fin.per capita net income人均纯收人
China, polit.per capita net income of rural residents农村居民人均纯收入
tech.percent of net income to stockholders纯益与股东权益百分比
securit.percent of net income to stockholders股东净收益百分比
tech.proportional share-cropping of net income净收入按比例分成
busin.ratio of net income to common stock普通股净收益率
tech.ratio of net income to net sales纯益与销货总额比率
econ.ratio of net income to net sales净收入与销货净额之比
busin.ratio of net income to net sales净收益与销货实额的比率
interntl.trade.ratio of net income to net sales净收益对销货净额比率
interntl.trade.ratio of net income to net sales净收益与销货比率
busin.ratio of net income to net sales净收入与销货净额比率
tech.ratio of net income to net sales净收益对销售比率净收入与销货净额比率
busin.ratio of net income to net worth净收入与资本净值比率
fin.ratio of net income to net worth净收益对资本净值比率
oilratio of net income to net worth净收益对净值比率
interntl.trade.ratio of net income to net worth净收益对资本净值比例
tech.ratio of net income to net worth净收益对资本净值比率
busin.ratio of net income to outstanding common stock净收益与实发普通股比率
fin.ratio of net income to outstanding common stock净收益与实发普通股本比率
securit.ratio of net income to outstanding common stock净收益对流通普通股比率
econ.ratio of net income to outstanding common stocks净收益与实发普通股比率
fin.ratio of net income to outstanding stock净收益对实发股票比率
fin.ratio of net income to outstanding stock净收益对实发股本比率
tech.ratio of net income to outstanding stock净收入对在外股票比率
interntl.trade.ratio of net income to outstanding stock净收益对现发股本比率
securit.ratio of net income to outstanding stock净收益与流通股比率
busin.ratio of net income to total assets净收益与资产总额比率
interntl.trade.ratio of net income to total assets净收益对资产总额比率
tech.ratio of net income to total assets净收益对资本总额比率
securit.ratio of net income to worth净收益对资本比率
fin.realization of net income净收入变现
econ.realization of net income净收入实现
fin.residual net income or profit剩余净益或盈余
busin.residual net income剩余净益
interntl.trade.residual net income剩余净收入
textileresidual net income剩余纯收入
interntl.trade.residual net income剩余净收益
econ.residual net income剩余净值
tech.residual net income残余纯收入
busin.retained income incentive based on increased net income增收留成奖
textileretained net income利润留成
busin.retained net income for pollution control治理"三废"用利润留成
busin.retained net income for promotion of new products推广新产品利润留成
busin.retained net income from processing and assemblage for foreign concerns加工装配利润留成
busin.retained percentage from remaining balance of net income beyond fixed amount利润包干结余分成
busin.retained portion from net income or percentage from loss beyond fixed amount留用包干利润或亏损分成
textilereversing loss and increasing net income扭亏增盈
China, polit.rural per capita net income农村居民人均纯收入
fin.salaries and interest in excess of net income薪金及利息超过净利
busin.salary and interest in excess of net income薪金和利息超过净收益
fin.statement accounting for variation in net income净收益变动计算表
busin.statement analysing net income from product sales产品销售利润明细表
busin.statement of accounting for variance in net income净收益变动计算表
interntl.trade.statement of accumulated net income累计净收益计算书
fin.statement of accumulated net income累积净收益计算书
fin.statement of appropriation of net income纯利分配计算书
fin.statement of appropriation of net income净收益分配表
tech.statement of appropriation of net income净收入分配计算表
econ.statement of net income利润表
busin.statement of net income净收益表
econ.statement of retained net income利润留成计算表
busin.statement of retained net income留存净收益表
securit.subsidiary net income子公司净收人
tech.system of share-cropping of net income净收入分成制
textiletarget net income目标净收入
securit.target net income目标净收益
tech.tax on net investment income投资净收入税
securit.tax on net investment income投资净收人税
econ.the statement analysing net income from product sales产品净利润明细表
textileundistributed net income未分配净收入
textileundistributed net income未分配净收益