
Terms for subject Otorhinolaryngology containing neck | all forms | exact matches only
anterior region of neck颈前三角
anterior region of neck颈前区
anterior triangle of neck颈前三角
anterior triangle of neck颈前区
block neck dissection颈部大块廓清颈部大块清扫
congenital lesions of larynx neck喉及颈部的先天性疾病
deep neck infection颈深部感染
Derbyshire neck地方性甲状腺肿
drainage via incising lateral neck颈侧切开引流
functional neck dissection功能性颈清扫术
lateral region of neck颈后三角
lateral region of neck颈外侧区
median vein of neck颈正中静脉
metastatic cancer of the neck转移性恶性肿瘤
neck dissection颈淋巴结清除术
neck dissection颈部解剖
neck of malleus锤骨颈
neck of mandible下颌颈
neck phenomenon颈现象
neck rigidity颈强直
neck torsion nystagmus颈扭转性眼震
neck torsion test颈扭转试验
Nithsdale neck甲状腺肿
posterior region of neck项区
posterior region of neck颈后区
pressure measurement by compression of neck压颈测压试验
stiff neck颈强直
surgical neck外科颈
webbed neck蹼颈