
Terms for subject Plastic surgery containing neck | all forms | exact matches only
anterior neck muscles颈前肌
defatting of neck and jowls颏颈部去脂术
finger swan-neck deformity手指鹅颈畸形 (PIP 关节过伸,伴DIP关节屈曲,常见于烧伤后瘢痕及类风湿关节炎)
head and neck cancer头颈癌
head and neck reconstruction头颈部修复重建
neck contracture颈部挛缩
neck lift颈部提升术
neck reconstruction颈部重建
neck rejuvenation颈部年轻化手术
posterior neck muscle颈后肌
radical neck dissection根治性颈淋巴清扫术
swan-neck deformity鹅颈样畸形
wry neck先天性斜颈