
Terms for subject Sports containing neck | all forms | exact matches only
flic-flac to piked back lying position and neck spring to stand"摇篮"
fracture of neck of femur股骨颈骨折
fracture of surgical neck of humerus肱骨外科颈骨折
lose by a neck差点胜
neck and neck并驾齐驱
neck and neck不相上下
neck flexor muscle颈屈肌
neck movement颈部运动
neck of radius挠骨颈
neck pain颈痛
neck reflex颈反射
neck righting reflex颈翻正反射
radial neck桡骨颈
scruff of the neck颈背
semispinal muscle of neck颈半棘肌
stiff neck落枕
stress fracture of neck of talus距骨颈应力性骨折
surgical neck of humerus肱骨外科颈
tonic neck reflex颈强直反射
tonic neck reflex颈紧张反射
transverse nerve of neck颈横神经
win by a neck以一颈之差获胜
win by a neck差点输