
Terms containing near-shore | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
tech.name of beach ridge near shore barrier滨岸堤名称
oilnear shore靠海岸带
desert.near shore current近岸流
tech.near shore ice近岸冰
tech.near shore marine environment近岸海洋环境
navig.near shore wave近岸浪
bridg.constr.near-shore current近岸流
agric.near-shore deposit滨海沉积物
water.res.near-shore zone沿岸区
water.res.near-shore zone近岸带
bridg.constr.near-shore zone近岸区
org.name.Working Party on the Management of Living Resources in Near-Shore Tropical Waters近海热带水域生物资源管理工作组