
Terms containing mutual benefit | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
fin.achieve mutual benefit and win-win situation实现互利共赢
commer.adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit坚持平等互利原则
China, polit.bring about closer economic ties between the two sides of the Straits to their mutual benefit密切两岸经济关系互利互惠
fin.build a cooperative economic partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit建设相互尊重、互利共赢的经济合作伙伴关系
fin.build a cooperative economic partnership of mutual respect and mutual benefit建设相互尊重、互利共赢的经济合作伙伴关系
commer.carry out the principle of equality and mutual benefit奉行平等互利原则
fin.cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit相互尊重、互利共赢的合作伙伴关系
China, polit.develop relations with foreign countries based on equality, mutual benefit, peace and friendship发展与世界各国的平等互利、和平友好关系
interntl.trade.equality and mutual benefit平等互利
fin.follow a strategy of mutual benefit with other countries实施互利共赢的开放战略
fin.implement equality and mutual benefit, cooperation and win-win opening -up policy实行平等互利、合作共赢的对外开放政策
commer.in accordance with the principle of equality and mutual benefit根据平等互利原则
commer.It will be to our mutual benefit to come to an agreement达成协议对我们双方有益
textilemutual and equitable benefit平等互利
interntl.trade.mutual benefit互利
interntl.trade.mutual benefit互惠
econ.mutual benefit互利互惠
ecol.mutual benefit互惠互利
interntl.trade.mutual benefit and collaboration互惠合作
busin.mutual benefit and collaboration互利合作
econ.mutual benefit association互助会
econ.mutual benefit association互利会
tech.mutual benefit building society互利的房屋辅助协会
fin.mutual economic benefits经济上的互利性
commer.on the basis of equality and mutual benefit在平等互利基础上
econ.Our principle of mutual benefit is inflexible我方的互利原则是不变的
econ.policy of equality and mutual benefit平等互利原则
econ., int. law.principle of equality and mutual benefit平等互利的原则
tech.principle of equality and mutual benefit平等互利原则
interntl.trade.principle of equality, mutual benefit and help to meet each other needs平等互利和互通有无的原则
econ.principle of equality, mutual benefit and help to meet each other's needs平等互利和互通有无的原则
fin.principle of mutual benefit and common development互利共赢、共同发展的原则
econ., agric.principle of voluntary participation and mutual benefit自愿互利原则
busin.principles of equality and mutual benefit平等互利原则
commer.principles of equality, mutual benefit and help to meet each other's needs平等互利,互通有无原则
fin.principles of transparency, reciprocity, and mutual benefit透明、对等、互利的原则
China, lawprinciples of voluntariness and mutual benefit自愿、互利的原则
ecol.reciprocity and mutual benefit互惠互利
auto.registered mutual benefit association注册互利会
commer.The development of business consists in cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit贸易发展在于平等互利基础上的合作
consult.the principle of equality and mutual benefit平等互利原则
econ.voluntary participation and mutual benefit自愿互利
commer.We believe that this arrangement will be conducive to our mutual benefit我方相信这一安排将对双方有利
commer.We deem that transactions should be concluded on the basis of equality and mutual benefit我们认为应在平等互利的基础上达成交易
fin.work together to build a cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit共同努力建设相互尊重、互利共赢的合作伙伴关系