
Terms containing municipal engineering | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
bridg.constr.municipal civil engineering市政工程
tech.municipal engineering城市工程 (学)
eng.geol.municipal engineering市政工程
hydroel.st.municipal engineering市政工程
agric.municipal engineering市政工程[学]
environ.municipal engineering Branch of engineering dealing with the form and functions of urban areas市政工程 (处理城市构架和功能的工程分支。)
tech.municipal engineering市政工程 (学)
bridg.constr.municipal engineering company市政工程公司
tech.municipal engineering facility市政工程设施
tech.municipal engineering survey市政工程测量
tech.municipal port engineering城市港口工程
tech.municipal sanitary engineering城帀卫生工程
tech.municipal sanitary engineering城市卫生工程