
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing mountain | all forms | exact matches only
Alps mountain glacier阿尔卑斯式山岳冰川
anticline mountain背斜山
arcuate mountain弧形山脉
betwixt mountain轴山
block mountain断块山
continental margin mountain systems陆缘山系
dome mountain穹形山
domed mountain穹隆山
exfoliation mountain页片剥离山
fault mountain断层山
fault-block mountain断块山
fold mountain褶皱山
horst mountain垒断山
horst mountain地垒山
Independent Petroleum Association of Mountain States美国山区各州独立石油协会
island mountain岛山
island mountain岛状山
island mountain残留山
mountain bog山地沼泽
mountain building山脉形成
mountain coast山地海岸
mountain coast陡海岸
mountain crest山脊
mountain folding山岳褶皱作用
mountain glacier山岳冰川
mountain glacier高山冰川
mountain pediment山麓原
mountain pitch山沥青
mountain root山根
mountain slip滑坡
mountain slip地滑
mountain tar胶结沥青
mountain-top detritus山顶碎屑
mountain topography山地地形
multiple-cycle mountain多旋回山
obsequent tilt block mountain逆掀断块山
old mountain古山系
plateau mountain山原
relic mountain残山
residual mountain残余山
residual mountain残山
resurrected mountain剥蚀山
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists落基山地质学家协会
Rocky Mountain oil and Gas Association落基山油气协会
Rocky Mountain Oil and Gas Association美国落基山石油天然气协会
Rocky Mountain Orogeny落基山造山运动 (K2-E1)
table mountain平顶山
tilted fault block mountain掀斜式断块山
torso mountain剥蚀残山
young mountain年轻山系