
Terms containing moor | all forms | exact matches only
water.res., ecol.acid moor酸性沼泽地
tech.acid moor酸性沼泽 (地)
desert.alpine moor高寒沼泽
desert.alpine moor高山沼泽
oilanchor moored positioning锚泊定位
oilatoll moor环形泥炭沼泽
spaceautomatic moored weather buoy自动系泊气象浮标
anim.husb.blue moor grass天蓝密穗草 (Sesleria coerulea)
biol.blue moor grass天蓝密穗草 (Sesleria coerulea Ard.,禾本科)
tech.Bolsover Moor stone玻尔索瓦莫尔石
tech.buoyant fender moored to sea bed系连海底的浮式护舷
desert.carex moor苔草酸沼
tech.deep-moored instrument station深海系留仪器站
earth.sc.deep ocean moored buoy深海系泊浮标
tech.deep-sea moor buoy array深水系泊浮筒系统
tech.deep-sea moor buoy array深水系泊浮筒阵列
tech.deep-sea moored buoy深海系留浮标
tech.dropping moor退抛双锚
desert.eutrophic moor富养酸沼
tech.floating moor浮动泊位
tech.floating moor浮动沼泽
desert.foliage moor叶树沼泽
desert.grass moor禾草沼泽
agric.grass moor草本沼泽
tech.grass moor沼泽草原
ecol.grass moor草沼泽
tech.hammerlock moor止荡锚泊法
nautic.hammerlock moor双锚止荡锚泊法
agric.heather moor帚石南泥炭沼泽
tech.high moor贫养湿源 (bag)
tech.high moor高沼地 (bag)
tech.high moor贫氧酸沼地 (bag)
anim.husb.high moor泥沼
tech.high moor高地酸泽 (bag)
tech.high moor高位湿原 (bag)
tech.high moor高位沼泽 (bag)
mount.high moor高位沼泽
tech.high moor高地沼泽 (bag)
tech.high moor藓类沼泽 (bag)
agric.high moor land高位沼泽地
desert.high moor peat高位泥炭
eng.geol.highland moor高地湖沼
tech.highland moor高原湖沼
agric.hill moor高位沼泽
desert.infra-aquatic moor草地沼泽
desert.infra-aquatic moor草甸沼泽
desert.infra-aquatic moor水下沼泽
agric.intermediate moor过渡沼泽
agric.intermediate moor中间沼泽
earth.sc.International Society for Research on Moor国际沼泽研究学会
org.name.International Society for Research on Moors国际研究摩尔人学会
tech.Kirkby moor flags基尔克比荒野板岩层
tech.lake moor湖沼
agric.laminated moor层状泥炭
tech.large moored ship系泊大型船
eng.geol.low land moor低位沼泽
tech.low moor低位湿原
tech.low moor低洼沼泽
tech.low moor低位沼泽
desert.low moor低地酸沼
met.low moor低层湿源
agric.low moor低位泥炭沼泽
agric."low moor"低位沼泽
desert.low moor低地沼泽
oillow-moor bog低位沼泽
tech.low moor bog低位泥炭沼泽
tech.low moor peat低位湿原泥炭
tech.low moor peat低沼泥炭
tech.low moor peat低位泥炭
agric.low moor soil低位沼泽土
agric.low moor soil低地沼泽土
agric.low moor wood peat低位沼泽森林泥炭
tech.low moor wood peat低洼地沼泽森林泥炭
tech.lowland moor低位泥炭土
agric.lowland moor低位泥炭沼泽
tech.lowland moor低位沼泽
desert.lowland moor低地沼泽
tech.meadow moor草地沼泽
tech.meadow moor低位沼泽草地
tech.meadow moor水湿地
agric.meadow moor草甸泥炭沼泽
desert.meadow moor草甸沼泽
tech.Mediterranean moor船首向洋面抛锚
agric.microtopography of moor沼泽微地形
navig.Mobile-moored Undersea Laboratory美国可移式水下系泊实验室
earth.sc.mobile-moored undersea laboratory可系泊移动式水下实验室
tech.moor alongside靠岸系泊
tech.moor alongside靠泊
tech.moor anchors ahead船首双锚泊
gen.moor besom石楠
tech.moor coal易碎褐煤
construct.moor coal松散褐煤
oilmoor coal沼煤
tech.moor coal易碎沼煤
tech.moor coal松散泥煤
agric.moor cock雄松鸡
gen.moor cock雄红松鸡
shipb.moor-fast anchor快速系泊锚
tech.Moor filter莫尔滤机
tech.moor fore and aft首尾系泊
tech.moor forming process泥炭沼泽形成过程
tech.moor grass酸沼草原
tech.moor head and stern首尾系泊
tech.moor head and stern艏尾系泊
agric.moor hen母松鸡
agric.moor hen水鸡
gen.moor hen雌红松鸡
desert.moor land泥沼地
agric.moor land泥炭沼地
desert.moor land沼泽地
eng.geol.moor land荒野
desert.moor land荒原
agric.moor-land soil沼地土壤
hydroel.st.moor light停泊灯
zool.moor macaque黑猕猴
gen.moor monkey黑猕猴
tech.moor peat泥煤
tech.moor peat高沼泥炭
tech.moor peat泥沼土
tech.moor peat高沼泥
tech.moor peat沼煤
agric.moor plow沼泽地犁
agric.moor plow泥沼地犁
eng.geol.moor rock粗砂岩
tech.Moor's filter莫尔过滤器
tech.moor soil沼泽土 (壤)
agric.moor soil沼地土壤
hydroel.st.moor soil沼泽土
eng.geol.moor soil沼地土
tech.moor soil泽地土壤
desert.moor soil泥炭土
agric.moor vegetation沼泽植被
tech.moor with an open hawse迎风抛八字锚
tech.moor with stern way后退抛双锚法
tech.moor with two anchors抛双锚
navig.moored acoustic buoy system系泊式声响浮标系统
earth.sc.moored acoustic buoy systems系泊声响浮标系统
tech.moored alongside靠拢停泊
tech.moored array锚系基阵
tech.moored boat系泊小船
tech.moored mine系留水雷
tech.moored monitoring system系留监测系统
spacemoored optical buoy锚定光学浮标
tech.moored ship系泊船泊
oilmoored sonobuoy锚系声呐浮标
tech.moored suction dredge直吸式挖泥船
tech.moored suction dredger直吸式挖泥船
tech.moored suction type锚碇吸扬式
navig.moored surveillance system系泊监视系统
earth.sc.moored surveillance system系留式监视系统
tech.moored surveillance system系留监视系统
fisherymoored surveillance system固定监测系统
tech.moored vessel系泊船泊
agric.moss moor喜类沼泽
tech.moss moor高地酸泽
desert.moss moor苔藓沼泽
tech.ordinary moor倒退锚一字锚
tech.ordinary moor一字锚泊
eng.geol.peat moor泥炭沼
tech.peat moor酸沼
tech.peat moor泥炭沼 (泽)
oilpeat moor泥炭沼泽
geol.peat moor泥炭地
expl.peat moor-peaty moor泥炭沼泽有大量植物繁殖、遗体聚积并形成泥炭层的沼泽
tech.peaty moor泥炭沼泽
tech.permanently moored固定停泊的
tech.riding moor后退抛双锚
oilriser-moored tanker立管系泊油轮
navig.riser moored tanker立管系泊油轮
oilriser moored tanker system立管系泊油船系统
tech.running moor倒退锚一字锚
tech.running moor前进抛双锚
desert.sapropel moor腐泥沼泽
desert.sedge moor苔草沼泽
spacesingle point moor单点系留
tech.sphagnum moor苔藓泥炭
desert.sphagnum moor泥炭藓沼泽
tech.stand moor低水位沼泽
tech.standing moor倒退锚一字锚
navig.stiff moored articulated column design刚性系泊铰接柱设计
tech.swing moor泥泞沼泽
tech.tandem moor长短纵列双锚泊
tech.top moor layer沼泽地表层
tech.transition moor过渡性泥炭沼泽
desert.transition moor过渡性沼泽
tech.transition wood moor过渡森林沼泽土 (soil)
agric.transitional moor过渡沼泽
tech.transitional moor过渡性泥炭沼泽
soil.transitional moor过渡高沼
tech.trembling moor振沼
eng.geol.turf moor沼泽
eng.geol.turf moor泥沼地
tech.turf moor泥炭沼 (泽)
navig.turret moored platform转塔系泊平台
oilturret moored tanker转塔系泊油轮
tech.upland moor高沼
life.sc.upland moor高地〔原〕沼泽
hydroel.st.upland moor高地沼泽
hydroel.st.upland moor高原沼泽
agric.upland moor高位沼泽
tech.upland moor高沼地
eng.geol.valley moor河谷沼泽
desert.valley moor谷地沼泽
gen.valley moor低沼
navig.vertically moored platform立式系泊平台